Flex :: Adobe - Connect 2 Known Users In App Together Using Rtmfp?

Feb 8, 2012

How would you be able to connect 2 users ( that are known and have a user account on my site) in a flex app together using rtmfp?I have a simple flex game app where I want 2 users to be connected to each other. There is a simple SQL database in the background for storing the users, but after this I'm unable to figure out how I would connect the 2 users.tmfp generates a unique ID that you can use to connect 2 users together?Im looking for a good tutorial info resource or an example app that demonstates connecting 2 users, or just an explanation

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May 26, 2011

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Jan 19, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Only RTMFP For Random Matching (Adobe Cirrus)

Mar 8, 2012

I'm trying to come up with the best way to do some random match making in a simple game.While experimenting with netStreams using Adobe Cirrus, I can easily set up direct connections, send data, text, video, sound all using Cirrus which is great. I find it pretty easy to get a simple P2P connection going, and it works just like i need it to.But I really want to implement a random matchmaking feature using ONLY cirrus so everything is though p2p...How would I go about grabbing a random peer in the same group...that's not in a direct connection with someone else already?

-I was thinking maybe I could use object replication...and when someone connects to the GroupSpecifier, I could then push another object into this shared array that has the local peerID and their status. then i could just alter the array when theyre in a game. But then im worried there is no guarantee that their entry will get removed if the person just closes the web window.

-I also thought about just doing a "post" to the group containing the nearID, and other peers can get the post...and those that aren't in a game will try and direct connect back. Then that side will then connect to them. so then theyll both be in direct connections with each other. But then i feel like if potentially 100s of people that are "available"...get the post...then they all try and connect to one person, then it could cause problems.

-Also, I thought about just doing sendToNearest...but wouldnt that not be the best way to match people...because you can only have so many neighbors i think... if there were 1000 people in the group. youll only be able to connect to a few peers actually considered your neighbor right? Then basically you could end up just matching up with the same 5-10 people or however are technically considered a neighbor.

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Media Server :: Users On Specific Network Can't Connect To Video?

Dec 1, 2010

We've just installed Flash Media Server 4 to host video for a new client. We've gotten it to serve up video to the public and ourselves (inside our own network), but the problem is our client cannot view the videos. They keep getting a "can't connect to the network" message.Does anyone know of how we should troubleshoot this? The videos are each about 90 minutes long, and for right now, there are six of them, which is why we wanted to stream instead of embedding them.

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Media Server :: Out Of Memory Error - JS Runtime: How Many Users Can One Connect

Dec 23, 2010

Not talking video here. Talking interactive apps, like chat. Ours crashes at about 500 connected users. When I report this I'm told "make sure you're not creating too many objects serverside" or "increase the JSRuntimeSize setting in your application.xml file to the max". Have now done both of those things but still get this out of memory error. Let's say I optomized my app and got 100% more connection capacity. That would be 1,000 connected users - still nowhere near enough. Are my dreams of 6,000 or 10,000 connected users enjoying all of the fruits of the FMS interactivity pipe dreams?Is it not meant for sessions of that size?

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Flash :: RTMFP Successful Connection Ratio Or Percentage, AKA Adobe Cirrus, Stratus, LCCS

Oct 29, 2010

I've heard a couple of people say only 50% succeed, but that sounds suspiciously low and the people saying that are probably all repeating the same rumor. My own very limited tests with various friends & colleagues work 100% of the time, as long as they have Flash Player 10, but that's obviously not right either.

Do you have some data from a largish test or deployment of home/corporate users?

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Flash :: Rtmfp Open Source Implementation Or FMS With Rtmfp Hosting?

Oct 28, 2010

Is there an open source implementation of rtmfp?Is there FMS hosting that support rtmfp?

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Media Server :: Determine How Many Users Can Connect Or "join"

Aug 13, 2009

I know there is a way to determine how many users can connect or "join"( in a manner of speach) per second, and how to set a maximum number of users in the queue to join, this does not mean though, that the server will reject all or any petitions after a certain number of players are connected or viewing a stream, which is what we need to do. anyone know if its possible to do this and how?
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Media Server :: Determine How Many Users Can Connect Or "join"( In A Manner Of Speech) Per Second

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I know there is a way to determine how many users can connect or "join"( in a manner of speach) per second, and how to set a maximum number of users in the queue to join, this does not mean though, that the server will reject all or any petitions after a certain number of players are connected or viewing a stream, which is what we need to do. anyone know if its possible to do this and how?in other words,we need to set a limit on how many users can be watching a stream at any given time, be it by stream or by server, it matters little, we just need to get it set...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe Facebook Connect API

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Sep 9, 2010

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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine:

But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Flex :: Access The Remote IP Of A RTMFP P2p Stream?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm writing a communication system, using Actionscript 3 and C#. Flash is used to communicate with RTMP server and stream video and audio using RTMFP p2p, but the actual client logic is handled in C#.

What I want to be able to do, is allow users to share files between each other also using a direct p2p connection. I have got the RTMFP connection working but I need to access the IP address of the remote user so I can initiate a connection to send or receive files.

I looked at the Adobe docs but I can't see anything except how to access the farID.

Is there a way to get the IP of a RTMFP stream?

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Flex :: Connecting To A Ghost User In RTMFP

Dec 25, 2010

I have a simple Flex RTMFP P2P video app in the same mold as the Adobe Cirrus VideoPhone Sample application. A problem I've been encountering in developing this app (the same problem occurs in the sample) is when you try to connect to a ghost Stratus instance i.e you try to call someone whose Stratus id is in the database but who is no longer on the page. So here's an example of what I mean:Let's say you go to the Adobe Stratus sample and connect as Dan. Then open up a new tab, go to the sample again and connect as Fred. If from this point, you (as Fred) call Dan everything will work fine. But, if you close the tab in which you connected as Dan, and then from the Fred tab try to connect to Dan the program will just hang.

I would have thought there would be a NetStream event that would be triggered if you tried to connect to a Stratus instance that is not longer online but I can't seem to find anything besides NetStream.Connect.Rejected which doesn't seem to be called.

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Flex :: Record RTMFP In Flash Media Server 4?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm developing an online meeting system with audio/video sharing, using Adobe Flex 4 and Flash Media Server 4. I'm using the RTMFP protocol to make the transmission of audio/video which increases considerably the performance. The trouble now is that i must record the audio/video transmitted, but i figured out that when using the RTMFP protocol the FMS doesn't operate in the channels. So, how could i make FMS record this channels?

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Flex Code Video Chat Room Can Use Rtmfp?

Jun 7, 2011

I have created a video chat room by FMS/Flex. what I need to do is:

If everybody in one chat room can use rtmfp, we go with rtmfp if anybody in the chat room disabled his rtmfp, we go with rtmp.

Now I need to create a logic to decide if everybody can use rtmfp between each other, Is there a good way to do so?

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Flex :: FMS Server Died Daily While Enable Rtmfp?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a fms 3 server runing a video chat room application. It goes well except everyday it will die once or twice. After restarting the fms server, everything goes working again.I checked its log, i saw many "Server rejected an invalid flow."

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Database :: Connect Adobe Flash CS To Database Of Any Kind?

Jul 17, 2011

Can I build flash application that connects to database? (MySQL) For example: Photo Gallery that brings me the photos from database...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatically Detecting Between Adobe Air And Adobe Flex?

Feb 12, 2010

I have some shared code between an Adobe AIR App and an Adobe Flex App.

On one line of this code, the program must behave differently depending on if it is running within the Air runtime, or the Flex runtime.

How can I programmatically detect the difference?

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Actionscript 3 :: Connect To AMFPHP - NetConnection.connect() Returns TypeError: Error #1009

Dec 8, 2011

UPDATE: Now I've moved the AMFConnection var declaration to outside the functions in Main, and commented out some trace() commands, and now it gives new errors:

Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.BadVersion
at AMFConnection/init()[/Users/Jan/Downloads/amfphp1/AMFConnection.as:32]
at AMFConnection()[/Users/Jan/Downloads/amfphp1/AMFConnection.as:23]


I'm trying to connect to AMFPHP on a server (with Flash AS3), and the swf borks when it reaches the .connect() stage. To make things easier (?) and more reusable (?), I've put all the NetConnection mechanics into a separate class, AMFConnection, which I call from the Main document class like this (details changed):

public function testConnection(e:*=null):void {
var conn:AMFConnection = new AMFConnection();
conn.table = "some_table";


AMFConnection actually starts the connection and calls the AMFPHP service with the function gogogo(), and here's where the connect() NetConnection function just won't work. Here's the main section of the AMFConncection class

private var _netConnection:NetConnection;
private var _responder:Responder;
function AMFConnection()


It also fails to display the stage, instead showing the loading dots. Now, eventually I'm going to move this application to the same server as the AMFPHP service, but even when I try it there with a relative url, instead of an absolute one, it still breaks down at connect(). I've tried changing the publish settings from local only to network only, to no avail.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - I Resize The Entire Flex App Just Like Acrobat Connect?

Jun 26, 2010

ive been pondering how to create the same type of resizing that acrobat connect does. i did read the documentation of percentage sizing. and i have implemented it. but its not how i want it to look. to see an example: [URL] sorry Jeffrey to use you as an example. :) just try to resize your window and see it... thats what im looking for.

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