Flex :: Adobe AIR Detect If Running In ADL?

Jul 15, 2009

I need to detect if running in ADL or not, I can't seem to fine an answer that is guaranteed...I found a couple posts online that say "this might work..." Is there a reliable way to check?

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Actionscript :: Detect The Domain At Which A Flex App Is Currently Running?

Dec 4, 2010

How do I programatically detect from Flex/Actionscript the STRING representing the current security domain, as used by LocalConnection.AllowDomain?


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Php :: Sql - Transform Flex Application Into Adobe Air - Running A PHP

Feb 27, 2010

I'm a newbby in Adobe AIR/Flex. I have developed a simple Flex web app. that through 2 Php's, can connect to a DB and return an XML result of the query. I uploaded the PHP and Flex files to my internet server, and the app. works fine. My question is: How can I make the same app. work in Adobe AIR? In other words, I have made a new AIR project, and I copy/paste the Flex code. When I run the project, it does not work and say things like:


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Flex :: Running A Java Program With A .dll From Adobe AIR's Native Process

Jun 18, 2010

I would like to be able to operate a scanner from my AIR application. Since there's no support for this natively, I'm trying to use the NativeProcess class to start a jar file that can run the scanner. The Java code is using the JTwain library to operate the scanner. The Java application runs fine by itself, and the AIR application can start and communicate with the Java application. The problem seems to be that any time I attempt to use a function from JTwain (which relies on the JTwain.dll), the application dies IF AIR STARTED IT.[code]

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Flex :: Adobe AIR For Mobile Connect To Running Debug Session?

May 26, 2011

I have a AIR for mobile pure AS3 project that saves a file on the device the first time it runs into the file.applicationStorage directory. The second and subsequent times the application launches I need it to look at that file I've saved.

My problem is that when I debug the application from Flex Builder 4.5 it wipes the application and application storage. So the application always behaves like it is running for the first time. I can't get into a debug session and step through my code as I read in that file.

Does anyone know how to connect to a debug session running on the device? My device in this case is an Android Samsung Galaxy S.

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Flex - Adobe AIR To Detect URL Of Active Browser/tab

Nov 13, 2010

Using Adobe AIR + related technologies, is it possible to detect the URL of the active tab/window of the active browser?

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Flex :: Detect Screen Resolution Changes Dynamically In Adobe AIR

Sep 27, 2010

Screen class in actionscript provides the latest total screen bounds and available screen bound, but doesn't allow to attach listener to listen for changes on runtime.

is there any way of detecting screen resolution changes on runtime, it is required to size the application whenever screen resolution is changed. e.g. in case when machine display is connected to projector/high resolution monitor and then switched back to normal.

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Flex :: Adobe Alchemy Tool Create Faster Running Flash Byte Code Than The Compiler?

Dec 8, 2009

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So why does the Adobe Alchemy Tool create so much faster running flash byte code than the flex compiler?

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Flex :: Bypass Or Detect SSL Certificate Before The Message Is Shown In Adobe AIR?

Nov 1, 2010

"The SSL Certificate is not trusted." dialog occurs in Adobe AIR application. How can I detect this situation before it happens? (Actually I want my app to bypass the warning...) check the following code:


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Media Server :: Detect If A Live Stream Is Running?

Jan 21, 2009

With the Flash Media Streaming Server (not the interactive version), is it possible to detect if a live stream is running? I want to show an overview of several live streams on one page. The ones that are not running should show as "offline". The others should show an online thumbnail. I don't want the visitors to have to go to all of the pages only to see that the stream is offline.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR: Prevent GC From Running?

Feb 25, 2012

For a game (using AIR for iOS) I want to prevent the GC from running during a specific 30 seconds sequence (because it causes very notable lags). What I already do is calling System.gc() right before the sequence starts. During the sequence, i don't create many new objects and only some animations play and objects move (in 3D). some of the objects move out of the stage.


When the GC fires, the System.privateMemory drops to 74 MB, but causes a lag of aproximately one second. The GC fires twice during this 30 second sequence.

So my question is about any techniques, hacks or workarrounds (other than optimizing the memory usage in general - obviously i'm already working on that) to prevent the GC from firing during this 30 seconds?

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Professional :: Running Adobe Flash CS5 Trial

Nov 8, 2010

Adobe Flash Pro to create my own Flash animation for an online class assignment.I downloaded the trial fine but I have no idea how to open it and get into the program.There's no icon for it and it's nothing in the Start Menu.I'm running Windows XP by the way.There's a folder that says adobe Flash Pro CS5, but I don't know how to open the program itself to get into the work area.I also extracted the zip files but nothing changed.Just s folder named "Flash Pro CS5" which contains "Adobe Flash Professonal" and "Goodies" folders with a Readme.pdf.

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Javascript :: Determine If Adobe AIR App Is Running From Browser?

May 11, 2010

Is it possible to determine if Adobe AIR app is running from browser?

So I want to check if app is on, how to do such thing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Running A Project Outside Of Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm working on a project in Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, but I have to present it to someone who doesnt have Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5.

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How do I run my two programs outside of flash professional? I tried using Flash Player 10 but all it did was play my .fla files, and not any of my code...

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Actionscript 3 :: Can Adobe AIR Retrieve The Hardware Specifications Of The Device It Is Running On

Mar 14, 2012

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Flex :: Dynamically Create Axis Via ActionScript In Adobe Flex Charting Library; Adobe Bug?

Mar 21, 2011

Multiple axis creation via MXML works fine:

But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Flash :: Detect Switch From Adobe Air App To Another Window

Jul 18, 2011

How can I determine if someone switch to another window (say notepad) while keeping air app open behind, I was looking for a way to detect if user switch form air app to another.

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Flash :: Adobe AIR 2 Not Detect Enter Inside TLF TextField?

Jul 28, 2011

This code work in flash, but when i try run using adobe air 2, the enter key is not detected, but instead ctrl+enter work. how to get this work? txtTLF is TLF TEXT EDITABLE

import flash.events.TextEvent;
txtTLF.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, teclado);
function teclado(e:TextEvent):void{


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ActionScript 3 :: Adobe Air - Detect If Connection Is WIFI / 3G Or EDGE

Mar 26, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Files In An Online Folder Without Adobe Air?

May 6, 2009

Is there a way for flash to detect what files are in a certain folder online with just a URL (ie "http://example.com/files") if the .swf file is stored on the same site?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatically Detecting Between Adobe Air And Adobe Flex?

Feb 12, 2010

I have some shared code between an Adobe AIR App and an Adobe Flex App.

On one line of this code, the program must behave differently depending on if it is running within the Air runtime, or the Flex runtime.

How can I programmatically detect the difference?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect What Version Of Flash Player Is Running From Within The Flash Player?

Dec 6, 2004

In some cases, such as what my client wants - Flash 6 and Flash 7 players behave slightly differently... a very annoying thing at times.Now, what I need to be able to do is to detect what version of Flash Player the user has. This will be done while my flash application is playing and then run the appropriate part of the function I am writing.Any way to detect what version of Flash Player is running from within the Flash Player?

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Flex :: Debugging - Running A Webapp Base Flex Client In IntelliJ?

May 10, 2011

Is it possible to run a Flex client in IntelliJ internally and have it talk to a separately deployed server instance? The server's a java webapp. This will make developing, especially debugging, much easier. What I'm trying to avoid is having to rebuild and redeploy the webapp to get the updated Flex code in it. I want to just build flex and run it against the server.

The flex client is embedded in an HTML page on the server, so in production the users access the client by going to a web page. We're using GraniteDS if that's important.


I'm managed to cobble something together, but it's ugly.I made a copy of our wrapper HTML page and fixed the links to refer to the SWF in target.I setup the IntelliJ run config to point to that HTML page.I set the 'Place SWF file in a local-trusted sandbox' to true

Hardcoded the {server.name}, {server.port}, and {context.root} values in the service-config.xml GraniteDS config file to localhost, etc.

I can mavenize #1, but #3's isn't really a permanent solution. That part is still a problem because I can't check this in.

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Flex :: Internet Explorer - Catching Ctrl + Z With Flex Running In IE8?

Jan 17, 2011

For some reason I cannot catch the Ctrl + Z keyDown event in my Flex application when it runs in IE. It works fine in FF/Chrome/Safari.

I have a simple Group control where I listen for keyDown and try implement my own Undo logic. I need to catch Ctrl + Z because any other key combination would feel unnatural to most users.

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Professional :: Exe Projector Running Slow While Swf Running Fine?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a strange problem. When I run an exe projector that I exported from flash cs5.5, and on few of my client's computers it running very slow in full screen.When I running an swf file (not exe projector), also in full screen, it running well!I checked my clients computer hardware, and it match the system requirements of flash player.

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IDE :: Site Is Running Inside The Dreamweaver But When I Publish, It Is Not Running?

May 11, 2009

I have a problem in Flash Site uploading.That is, i have created a flash site & in the dreamweaver i inserted the flash site as insert -> media -> Shockwave.The site is running inside the dreamweaver but when i publish it, flashsite is not running.

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Osx - Running Flex 4 On AIR 1.5.3?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to migrate a large project to Flex 4.The problem is that the AIR version must be compatible with old MACs (without intel processors) such as G5. As far as I know, only AIR runtime 1.5.3 works on these machines, but Flex 4 requires AIR 2.0.Is there any possible way to deploy an AIR application built with Flex 4 components on these MACs?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting A Flex Project Up And Running

May 22, 2011

i am supposed to fix some actionscript inside a flex-project. unfortunately i only checked out flex shortly after it came out and after that never had the need to use it.

i have flashbuilder 4.5 installed.

how do i proceed?

the project consists of:
- main.mxml
- applicationContext.xml
- a build shell script
- a bunch of as source code folders
- a folder containing the assets

i do not know with which IDE the project was developed. the main interest would be to get it compiling inside flash builder

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Flex :: Stop All Timers Running

Aug 11, 2009

I have a flex app that has several timers running for various amounts of time and for various reasons. I'd like to be able to stop all timers running if the user goes over a specified amount of time, but don't want to individually stop the timers using timer.stop(); Is there a way to stop all timers globally or find and iterate over all timers running and stop them?

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Flex :: SWF Not Running After Bring Out From The Builder?

Mar 12, 2010

I have developed a flex project

It brings out the result from an xml file through an url.

It works when i run from flex builder..

I had made a copy of swf file of that mxml file and run seperately by keeping in my desktop.. No values are fetched from the url... What is the solution for this...

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