Buttons Roll Over And Disappear And Takes A Second For Them To Reappear?

Jul 3, 2009

Whats wrong with my buttons? here see how they rollover and dissappear and takes a second for them to reappear they should look like this Not counting the last button what did I do wrong here? I am modifying code of a programmer who is not with my company anymore and I need to edit this for a client

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Only Disappear And Reappear Once

Aug 26, 2009

Here's a snippet of code I am working on. I have two buttons symbols, instantiated as 'up' and 'down.' There is a movie clip object instantiated as 'circle.' Up and down are supposed to respectively raise and lower circle's alpha gradually using a timer.

Here's my code:
var upTimer: Timer= new Timer(100,10);
var downTimer: Timer= new Timer(100, 10);
up.mouseEnabled= false;
upTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, appear);
function appear(e:TimerEvent):void{
[Code] .....

The problem is that I can only make alpha disappear and reappear once, and then the the program stops functioning the way I want. I press down and then up, and it works but then after wards the alpha on circle only goes up and down a little bit. Why?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get EnterFrame Disappear Then Reappear

Jan 27, 2012

I have some stars in my flash file. I want them to dissappear when I get to the final frame. Can I delete the enterFrame? Then how do I make it re appear again?

var numStars:Number = 15;
for (i=1; i<=numStars; i++) {
_root.attachMovie("star", "star"+i, i, {_x:Math.random()*Stage.width, _y:Math.random()*Stage.height, _alpha:Math.random()*100});
_root["star"+i].rotSpeed = Math.round(Math.random()*8+2);
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Make A Button Disappear, Then Reappear?

Jul 28, 2010

I am making a few language flash cards in adobe flash cs5 with as3. the flashcard is a movie clip and when you push a button (located on the bottom left hand corner of the flashcard) the movie clip flips the card to give the translation. it looks a little unprofessional to have the button stay in place while the card flips. is there a way to make the button disappear for the duration of the movie clip, and then reappear at the end?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movie Clip Disappear On The Left And Reappear On The Right?

Jun 2, 2011

Is there a way to show parts of a movie clip in different areas of the stage? Like if a sprite was to leave stage left and reappear stage right?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Disappear On Font Size Change And Reappear On Clicking Start Button?

Dec 4, 2009

I'll try to be brief. I've built a teleprompter projector file app in Flash CS4 and it works great on PCs & MACs. Only one bug. the program works in three phases: Welcome & instruction screen / Text input screen / Prompter screen.Problem occurs when you first enter prompt screen

basic navigation and functionality includes:

BUTTONS: button to return to INPUT screen, a BEGIN button, a MIRROR text button, and a SAVE prompting position KEYBOARD: SPACE begin prompting, LEFT & RIGHT ARROW increase & decrease font size, UP & DOWN ARROW increase & decrease scrolling speed, HOME returns script to top, PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN moves script by 600 pixels.

MOUSE: MOUSE_WHEEL increases and decreases scrolling speed *(would like to add a ctrlKey modifier to change font size on mouse wheel - another day perhaps)

THE PROBLEM: When you enter the prompt screen and hit PAGE DOWN the script correctly moves down 600 pixels, but does not redraw on the stage. If you then hit PAGE UP it correctly moves up and the text is back on the stage. Hit PAGE DOWN again and it moves but does not render. You can repeat this continuously. I have a Y position reference that shows the Y coordinates of the text field, so I'm confident that the MC is correctly moving, it's just not rendering. If you hit PAGE DOWN and hit BEGIN the text renders in the correct place. Once you start the prompter, you can stop it and use PAGE DOWN and it renders correctly, but if you change the font size larger > 100 and hit PAGE DOWN the font again does not render. Again if you hit BEGIN the font renders correctly in the correct position.

WHAT I THINK: I've been trying to find a way to update or refresh the text field that is being manipulated on PAGE DOWN and font increase; no luck with updateAfterEvent or redraw. I've tried to start and stop the prompter programmatically in one frame at the end of the PAGE DOWN function & font increase.

POSSIBILITIES OR NEW STRATEGY? I'm a media production specialist with a school district in Florida, and I'm hoping to release this app to all our schools and to sourceforge.net. It's a small bug, but I'd rather not have to explain it if I can find a way to fix it. The following code block only contains the functions related to the navigation and prompter text box manipulation.

//Begin button toggle code.Toggle between begin and stop.startBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, startOver);function startOver(e:MouseEvent)[code].....

A Visual Basic & ASP.NET programmer I work with looked at the bug with me, and he believes the error is somehow related to the actual CLICK of the BEGIN button. As I noted earlier, we tried a workaround by using code to start and stop the prompter in one frame after the font size change, but that did not correct the issue. Yet when you physically click begin with the mouse it renders the text.What is it about clicking the mouse that causes the text box to render? Is it a focus issue? Like the keyboard has focus, but when you click BEGIN it returns focus to the text box and it redraws then?

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Popup Buttons Disappear When A "roll Out" Occurs

Apr 26, 2009

I had to change my concept from each button having a single link, to one that works ostensibly as a "drop down/pop up menu" with each containing several links.I have a scaled down version to illustrate (see attached). I've started with the "Contact Us" button on the far right (figuring I could adapt it to the others once i got it working correctly). I can't figure out how to correctly work it so the pop up buttons disappear when a "roll out" occurs. I tried building in an invisible button/or hot spot with that specific action, but because of it needing to be placed above the actual menu, the menu buttons no longer work with that approach in place. Does any of this make any sense? Have i lost my mind?

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IDE :: Make The Sliding Bar Disappear After Roll Off The Button?

Jul 7, 2009

I'm trying to develop a menu with slider, similar to the one on the kirupa tutorial section except I have set the slider bar to start off the page so you don't actually see it until you roll over the buttons, then it slides into place.. works perfectly. My question is: how do I make the sliding bar disappear after you roll off the button? Am I permitted to post the flash swf file for you to see what I am doing?

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Flex :: Roll Over And Roll Out On Buttons?

Aug 27, 2009

I have two buttons in my flex app next to each other, ButtonA and ButtonB. When the user does a mouse roll-over on any of the two buttons, I want the roll-over skin (overSkin) to show on both buttons, i.e. Button A and Button B. I tried to do it using this when user rolled over Button B:

ButtonA.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER));

and then when the user rolled out of Button B I do:

ButtonA.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT));

Button I cannot do the same on Button A when the user rolls in/out. It causes an infinite loop resulting in stack overflow.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Roll Over Movies As Buttons?

Mar 14, 2004

I've created movie clip, in which when you Roll Over it, it will load another movieclip within that frame which will display the menu (and in there are the buttons that link the scenes together).how do I get the movieclip that is within a movieclip, that is again in another movie clip to link to the next scene? Can it even be done with one of the movie clips asking as a roll over?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Roll Over Movies As Buttons?

Mar 14, 2004

I've created movie clip, in which when you Roll Over it, it will load another movieclip within that frame which will display the menu (and in there are the buttons that link the scenes together).

My question is, how do I get the movieclip that is within a movieclip, that is again in another movie clip to link to the next scene? Can it even be done with one of the movie clips asking as a roll over?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Roll Over To All Buttons In Flash File?

Feb 17, 2009

Was wondering if it possible to add roll over to all buttons in flash file at once instead of doing each on individually?

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AS3 :: IDE - Menu - Add A Roll Over And Link Each Buttons To Different Websites??

Sep 18, 2010

okay so i am trying to create a menu system that contains 6 buttons and positioned in the center of the stage . the button originates from the Library as a single MovieClip and positioned dynamically but how do i add a roll over and link each 6 buttons to 6 different websites?


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons / MC On Timeline Don't Appear Until Mouse Roll Over In Browser

Jun 12, 2010

I am experiencing some weird behavior with some moveclips and buttons on my video player; (as2)URL...I have created a video player that has the scrubber/playpause button actually move with the position in the video. There are other links that appear when the main video is at a certain point. There seems to be 2 problems with it which I cant figure out what is going on...

-1st is that the scrubber is actually linked to the timeline (where the buttons are on) with the follwing code;MovieClip.prototype.scrubbb2 = function (x){var f2:Number = Math.round (this._totalframes * x);this.gotoAndStop (f2);}For some reason the timeline starts from when the video is buffering, so its all out of sync with certain points in the video. But when you move the scrubber, the timeline seems to 'snap' into place and then all the videos line up.

-2nd is that the link buttons will not appear unless the mouse is over the flash video player on the webpage. If your mouse is out of the video player nothing appears when its meant to. as soon as you put the mouse cursor into the flash player the links (that are meant to be visible) appear instantly. Is there a way to make them always appear on time?!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Roll Over Alpha Fade (in & Out) For Multiple Buttons

Feb 13, 2009

I figured out how I can create a roll over effect on one button so it fades in & out depending on if you are on it or not. I'm trying to create the same effect for my other 13 or so buttons & I can't seem to get it. I keep getting errors any way I try to code it. This is the code I have **trying to add the code for my first 2 thumbs"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Papervision ROLL_OUT - Roll Over The Buttons Randomly

Jan 7, 2010

I've just started to look at PV3D working through the tutorials here. I'm trying to make up a menu system, just using primitive planes for the buttons and using a movieclip in the library for the texture, so far so good but I'm now getting a weird effect with the roll over/out. clicky here

If you just roll over the buttons randomly the roll over and out works fine but if you roll over one then roll out - but not over another button - then the roll over state remains. Checking the traces though the button does receive the roll out call but then immediately receives a roll over call putting it back in to a highlighted state.

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Flash8 :: Make All Buttons Disappear Except The Selected One?

Jul 6, 2009

I have a project which is very straight forward however I'm having trouble figuring out the logic to get it started as well as the actionscript to get it working.THE PROJECT1. The user must choose one (only) out of about 100 buttons available on the page/frame.2. When the chosen button is released, the other buttons diasappear/turn invisible and become inactive3. A message appears within a speech bubble pointing to the selected button.PROBLEMS1. How do I make all the button disappear except the chosen one?2. How do I make the speech bubble point to the chosen button no matter which one they choose?MY LIMITED LOGIC SAYS1. I need to collect x and y values somehow to position the speech bubble2. Pass a variable to tell flash 'this is the chosen button'3. Tell flash to hide every button that isn't the chosen one using the variable

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Objects Appear And Then Disappear With Buttons?

Nov 20, 2009

Im currently try to construct a flash presentation that will have several different buttons on the same stage, and each button when clicked will make particular objects appear on the stage. Then once each button is clicked again it will make the particular objects connected to it disappear from the stage. Each button and the objects it makes appear / disappear is seperate from all the other buttons actions.
construct the actionscript for this presentation as im finding it quite complicated to have several things going off on the same stage at the same time. Im currently working in Flash CS4 actionscript3.
The closest example i have seen to the program i would like to create can be found using the following link...[URL] However my program would be simpler, e.g. clicking the bun in the program just simply adds the bun to the screen, it doesnt scroll through different types of bun.

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Radio Buttons And Textboxes In Flash SWF Disappear On IE?

Mar 5, 2010

I have developed a Flash application for a client (wedding RSVP) and implemented it on the web. She complains that the textboxes and radio buttons disappear on IE6.


don't submit the RSVP, as I don't want to spam my client, but just tell me if you see the radio buttons and if you can fill out the textboxes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Change Sound Volume On Roll Over Buttons

Dec 17, 2010

I have a file with 12 roll over buttons that make a sound on roll over, but I'm unable to change the volume to lets say .5.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Conflict Between Two Mc Buttons - Make Disappear The Previous Submenu

May 12, 2008

I'm just a beginer with actionscript, in this case actionscript 2. I have two mc buttons mc_one and mc_two. When I click on mc_one apear a submenu, and when I click on mc_two apears another submenu in the same place than the mc_one submenu.

I know how to make disapear the previous submenu by tell _visible = false, but I also want to finish and bring back the submenu in their initial position in order to not to wait that the function finishes for open the new one. Maybe something like null or reset the function that make the other submenu turn up with no problems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A MovieClip To Change Its Tint On Roll Over And Back To Normal On Roll Out

Mar 3, 2011

Im trying to get a movieClip to change its tint on roll over and back to normal on roll out. But this has to happen gradually like a tween. Im trying to use the code for alpha tween but its not exectly i also tried the tweenlite but im to confused :S here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Button That Toggles But Has A Roll Over Roll Out And Click Animation

May 30, 2011

I want to create a button that toggles but has a roll over, roll out and click animation. Anyone willing to point me in the direction I need to be so that I can achieve this. I can create the roll over and roll out animation for the buttons but then how could I toggle between the two buttons. Ultimately this is for a start and stop situation. I want when I roll over the button for it to have a transition then click and it toggles to the alternate button with animation. I have been tackling this now for a week and with no success. So far I have found ways to toggle but loose the animation or vice verse.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code A Small Variation Into The Normal Roll Over Roll Out Animations?

Jan 4, 2006

i've been trying to code a small variation into the normal roll over roll out animations... i want the animation to stay on the last frame once i click the button. but when i put the code in it dosent even bother playing the rollover/out animations it just goes to the end frame...

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Div Holding Flashplayer With Blank And Swf Movie / Buttons Disappear

Mar 19, 2011

I replace div holding flashplayer with blank and my swf movie/buttons disappear. All good. However, when I right click the mouse over the area, the flashplayer is indicated as still being there. How is this possible if the contents of the div is replaced with " "? The flashplayer, not recognizing Z-index interferew with drop down menues.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Disappear After Loading From Xml Online But Work Fine On Machine?

Aug 9, 2007

i am using flash 8 professional and making my portfolio site using xml with flash. when you click the red buttons on the right, thumbnails appear on the left (and when you click those, more thumbnails appear, and then you click those and the image appears.) on my machine it works properly, BUT when i upload it, the thumbnails appear and then erase themselves (all except the first two). it's inconsistent and totally weird. i changed some of the code, tried messing with the publishing settings, and re-uploaded and nothing changed. a friend who works at an actionscript company said it doenst make sense that it works differently on my machine than online. she also confirmed that the way i embedded the swf in the html is correct

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Moving Too Quickly For Roll Over / Roll Out Hit Area Mc?

Sep 27, 2011

So I have a menu that fades in on a movie clip rollover. It fades out when the mouse rolls out over a 'hit area' mc. All is working fine except when you move fast off the hit area. Sometimes the fade in menu remains up when the mouse should have traveled over the hit area and told it to fade out... any reccomendations to remedy this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Error - Roll Over And Roll Out State Isn't Working

Jun 7, 2009

Button class:


The Roll Over and Roll Out State isn't working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Roll Over (disable) And Roll Out (appear Image)?

Jan 28, 2011

make a roll over and roll out? with roll out appear image and with roll over disable


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cancel Roll Out Event Upon Roll Over Of Different Clip?

Aug 17, 2009

I have MovieClip A on stage, that when the user rolls over it another MovieClip (B) is added above it to the stage (it's not added as a child of Movieclip A). Now, when the user rolls over this newly added clip, it triggers the roll out event of the clip 'below' it. So, how can I prevent this from happening ?Basically, it's a movieclip that displays a button when rolled over and hides it when rolled out. I need the roll out NOT to be triggered when the user rolls over movieclip B.

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