Change Swapdepths To Make Sure Layers Above Buttons STAY Above?
Aug 10, 2009
I'm using a really simple bit of code on some fading in/out buttons which overlap each other slightly to ensure that the one with the cursor resting over it sits in front of the others:[code]problem being that this brings the button in front of everything across all layers. How do I change my swapdepths to make sure the layers above the buttons STAY above? - or do I need to add something to the other layers to give them a fixed 'depth'?
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Sep 24, 2006
i'm trying to make a website in a number of buttons and layers. In one section i need to have an if statement on the buttons as where in the timeline they go is dependant on where the user is (this location is set in a variable called "destination".
The problem is that when i have = in the if statement it bypasses the first section and only does the else action (ie trace ("else")), and if i put == in the statement it only does the first action (ie trace ("gallery")) no matter what "destination" is.
here is my code:
on (release){
if (destination = "gallery"){
trace ("gallery");
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Apr 14, 2011
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Aug 21, 2009
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Feb 25, 2011
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Nov 14, 2007
I have a banner I'm working on and it has 28 icons that are button symbols. Each one when you mouse over, has a label animate out of it. All of these icons are in very close proximity and when you mouse over, the label usually goes behind the other icons.Now usually, with movieclips I attach this:
MC.onRollOver = function (){
_root.x += 2;
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Jan 28, 2010
I am a Flash newbie and I've probably bitten off more than I can chew with this sounded so easy!
Okay, so here's what I want to do: There are 5 people layered across the screen. When you rollover the person, they change color and come to the foreground (over the other pictures). On rollout, they go back to the background and change back in color. On click, they go to a new screen with just their picture and some information.
I first started setting this up and did each person as a button. Then I realized that in doing that, the button would not come to the foreground on rollover if it was below other buttons in the layers. So I put all of the buttons in movie clips and applied AS to the buttons (inside the movie clips, with the buttons on the main scene) and the AS2 looks like this:
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Feb 24, 2010
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Button 1 code:
on (release) {
//Movieclip GotoAndPlay Behavior
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Jul 25, 2007
I am creating a navigation bar in Flash (which will then be used in Dreamweaver). When you mouse over each topic in menu (ex. Products), i want it play a movie clip (so it shoots out a sub-menu underneath). so far so good, but the only thing is, the sub-menu won't stay open in order for me to click on buttons in it. For each button, I assigned it the Behavior to go to a url. Also, I tested the buttons within the mc and they don't seem to direct me to url. do you think maybe it's because it's nested within the movie clip?? Is there an easier way to go about this?
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Jan 6, 2009
can i change the depths of two movieclips on the same layer with swapdepths? like...
mc1.swapDepths(mc2 + 1);
it's not working for me. So i figure you can't do it with two mc's on the same layer...
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Jul 27, 2007
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Sep 7, 2003
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on (release) {
"oataup" is a frame label, obviously and "manard" is the name of the movie clip instance I'm trying to swap with. I've never used the swapDepths method before so I'm hoping I screwed something simple up.
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Apr 23, 2008
I have a nav menu i am building with flash MX 2004 and im using action script to make the background change when nav buttons are rolled over. I currently have a movie clip where the background changes with a motion tween and i used some action script so that depending on the button the specific frame will play and then stop in the background change mc.However after you have done things once they get screwed up and instead of the animation it just changes pictures instantly and the picture is usually is a sample of the actionscript i am using:
on (rollOver){
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Aug 22, 2010
I decided to post this question as a new thread since my enquiry is altered.
I got this sliding menu attached ("") that works according to plan. My problem is that I want the buttons to stay active(red) while the corresponding image is in place. Is this doable with a button?
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Oct 8, 2010
What I am trying to do is to link my Flash buttons using as3 to make an iframe change the html page its showing every time I click on a different button. The web page is as follow: An html page containing a Flash menu and one iframe
I was using this code with no result:
Code inside Flash SWF File
var bt1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("[URL]");
function Fbt1(e:MouseEvent) : void{navigateToURL(bt1,"body");}
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Fbt1);
Code Inside HTML Page
<iframe src="[URL]" name="body" align="center" width="1010" height="500" margenwidth="1010" margenheigth="260" frameborder="0">Browser dont suport iframes</iframe></TD>
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a document which is basically a catalogue page, and I'm trying to make it so that when you click on an image, a movieclip of the image fading in larger appears, so it will look essentially like it's been zoomed in. To do this I put the movieclip inside a button. I have the button working fine, when you click it, it does exactly what it's supposed to, but I have no idea how to set it so that when the button is clicked it stays in the 'down' position, so you don't have to hold the mouse down. And also how to get back to the main screen afterwards, since the movie does take up the entire stage when played. Is it possible to do this?
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May 20, 2011
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Aug 21, 2010
If you have a look at the attached sliding menu there are four buttons. Each button brings an image in place. I want the button that�s been clicked to remain red until I hit a different button, even when the cursor is not right in front.
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Jan 31, 2006
when I load a movie in a container in the main swf, the buttons below the loaded movie stay interactive and conflict with the loaded movie. is there a way to get around this,deactivating or pausing the main movie so when you load a movie in the container, the main movie doesnt interfere with the loaded one?
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Jan 12, 2010
I've attached the example files I'm working with. I have a zooming component that zooms in my flash file by loading it with an .xml file, but the buttons don't stay over the buttons once it gets loaded into the component. The buttons move off into space.
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Nov 24, 2009
I have a website with a very simple code that gives all the buttons in the menu an animated rollover and rollout state. When the buttons are clicked, I have a movie clip with all the content which goes to a specific frame label depending on which button is clicked. Very simple, no problems there. But what I can't figure out how to do, is to add a variable so that when each button is clicked, it stays in the over state until another button is clicked (at which point I'd like it to go to the out state, while the new button would go to the over state.)I found several examples of codes that do this, but I can't figure out how to modify them so that when a button is clicked, it also goes to a specific frame label in the content movie clip, so that the content for each section can be displayed the same way is in the original version.[code]
View 12 Replies
Aug 21, 2010
If you have a look at the attached sliding menu there are four buttons. Each button brings an image in place. I want the button that�s been clicked to remain red until I hit a different button, even when the cursor is not right in front.
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Feb 1, 2010
i have common trouble with buttons. I have the map of county, divided to a regions. And if i rool over on the button (region) with AS2 calling animation some region. Problem begin if i need one animation on stage with information strip on top level and i need hide this strip if roll over on all stage. But not played animation in the regions.
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Aug 11, 2009
I have a cascading/collapse flash menu.There are about 7 layers, each one of them a different page that slides and covers the other layers.for some reason, all the buttons on the bottom layer (layer 1 for instance) can be clicked on even when the 6 other layers are ontop of it with their own links and buttons. How can I make it so all my buttons don't shine through all the other layers. I can't slide the layer away to get ride of the buttons because it is still partially viewed when the other layers are ontop of it. I can't figure out why the buttons in layer one can be clicked in layer 2 when its on top of layer 1, or layer 3,4,5,6,7 when they are on top of layer 1-i assumed these layers would block out the buttons and links in the first layer(which is on the way bottom)
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Jun 22, 2009
Can we change the layer's opacity in flash CS4? Such as change the photoshop's layer's opactiy.
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Jul 31, 2011
I have some buttons that I have set up to drag and drop out of a pop up window in to the students timetable but when pop-up gets closed the buttons in the student timetable close with the pop-up but I would like the buttons that the child has chosen to put on the timetable to stay when the pop-up is closed! how i could actionscript them to stay when the pop-up is closed.
View 6 Replies
Aug 27, 2009
I'm using some classes that apply to a series of movieclip buttons I found. I'm using the classes to get the buttons to rollover and when clicked stay in the down state, when another is clicked the previous button goes back to up state. The rollover works fine however it doesn't stay in down state when clicked.
Here is the code I have so far, I'm also open for substitute classes that will do the same thing.
ActionScript Code:
class ButtonClass extends MovieClip {
public var onPressDown:Function;
public function ButtonClass() {
[Code] .....
View 0 Replies
Jun 1, 2006
I have a rollout effect on the button. But its not doing what i want it to do [code] URL...Its starts off like i want it to. But if you play around with it for a while i stops working. When you rollover the button, its supposed to change color right away. And when you rollout its supposed to fade back to its orignal color.Whats the code for a button to change color after its been pressed and stay that way? f.eks. Blue at first then press it it turns purple.
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Jan 8, 2010
I have been tasked to create banner that has four mouseover areas. The main body of the banner--which includes hyperlinks--and the background of the entire banner must change as the user mouses over the four areas. See the diagrams at the following link (it is not working properly):I attempted to complete this task as follows, but it really isn't behaving properly. I created a layer of buttons and text, and set the alpha levels to 0 for the "over" state of each button. I then created four separate layers containing the appropriate content. When the user mouses over a button on the left, the proper layer would be displayed. I planned to use Actionscript to accomplish this; pseudocode here:
IF button1.mouseover == true THEN { display layer1, hide layers 2, 3, and 4 }
IF button2.mouseover == true THEN { display layer2, hide layers 1, 3, and 4 }
IF button3.mouseover == true THEN { display layer3, hide layers 1, 2, and 4 }
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Dec 7, 2009
My main scene in only on 2 frames. On the second layers I have some buttons that activate my movie clips (on the third layer)... These buttons can be pressed 'randomly' and after the muvie clips are played my buttons (one by one) disappear to reveal what on the first layer. Here there's another button, but I want it to be active only after all my movie clips have been played. What kind of ActionScript should I use to tell flash to go to the second frame of my time line (where my button on the first layer is active) only after all the mcs have been played.
My file at the moment is in AS2... This should be a second part of a game. People who arrive at this stage should now which are the right buttons to press. If they press the right one a pop up opens and some buttons disappear to reveal the massage that's behind. When all the right buttons have been pressed I need to play the frame 'end' on my timeline... The attached fla is an example of mine animation the right buttons are the red ones.
example.swf (14.1 K) (269.8 K)
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