Cs3 :: Get An Flv File Closer To 10 Megs?
Oct 24, 2009
I'm using CS3 and trying to get an flv file closer to 10 megs if I can--currently the file is 14 megs, 640x480, 800mbps, keyframe@30; audio comp @ 96, using the On2 codec. The quality is about as low as I want to go. Is the H264 codec significantly more efficient--can I expect to knock off a few megs with similar settings? I've avoided upgrading to CS4
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Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
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Aug 23, 2005
is there a simple way to just pull back a true or false value from an associated javascript file to a flash file? here is what i have:
var bincheck:Boolean = fscommand("eval", "parent.check_bins(\'"+img+"\')");
if (!bincheck){return false;}
return true;
check_bins(img) is a function in my javascript file that simply iterates through an array, returning false if "img" is found. im simply trying to get the true or false value back into flash, but its not proving that simple. i added a couple alerts so that i could see what the "bincheck" value was, and i keep getting an 'undefined' value for "bincheck" in flash.
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Nov 26, 2006
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Jul 7, 2010
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public class robotMC extends MovieClip
public function robotMC()
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Jan 20, 2010
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Jan 18, 2011
Having got into flash about a year ago, I have a fairly good understanding of as3, but I have never had any reason to learn as2. For an upcoming project, we were looking to use Scaleform GFx, with the UDK. (Unreal Development Kit) Trouble is, Scaleform only supports as2. From what I've been told, as3 is supposed to be better in just about every way, so I really don't want to learn a language that?s most likely on the way out, if I have any other options.
Is there any converters out there, that can convert script from as3 to as2? Or another workaround possibility, since flash communicates with the UDK by means of just calling a function, could I create an as2 file that could dynamically load an as3 file?
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a Flash movie which is embeded in 'base.aspx' file, when a button is clicked in the flash movie another 'something.aspx' file need to be called.When I run the flash movie from the Adobe Flash Professional CS3 IDE , it (the flash movie) calls the 'something.aspx' file just as expected.However when I embed the flash movie in to the 'base.aspx' file it doesn't work as expected .
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Oct 14, 2009
I asked this earlier but maybe I didn't give enough information. I am working on a website where video quality is very important and the client is delivering me the video already compressed. I then want to import it to flash CS3 and export it as .flv for progressive download with the media playback component. I have done all of this successfully in a sense that it all works but the video quality is not good enough, it's good but the client says it;s a bit grainy. I used the highest setting in Flash, on2 vp6 at 700kbs.
My question is what is the best file format (.mov etc) and what settings should the client use, so I can create the highest quality .flv export from their .mov file? Second question, I used an 8 second buffer but now the client is saying they don't want it to buffer at all. What are the other options besides progressive download, I have never delved into this before?
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Oct 26, 2009
Can the clickTAG code in a flash banner be changed if you only have the .swf file and not the .fla file?
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Nov 22, 2009
I have four buttons in flash and only one of them work. I have attached the fla file and an index page in a zip file. It seems only one button will work at a time.
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