Database :: Pass The Model Of An Application To The Web Service For Storing In Db?
Apr 22, 2011
I am creating a flex collection in which as model I have an array collection of slides.Each of the slide has a set of objects like array of images , array of captions etc . I want to pass these slides to the web service coded using and C# , from where it will be saved to a sql server db. Is there a way to send the image Array directly to the web service or I have to send each of the image separately by making as many calls to the web service as the number of images in the array .
In general what would be the most efficient way to send these array of slides and the associated objects to the web service so that they could be stored in the database ?
I'm developing a Adobe AIR application using Flash Builder 4. This app needs to access a remote PHP service which is being hosted on a remote web server. I am having troubles figuring out how to add a PHP data service which uses a remote service. I can add the PHP data service in Flash Builder as a service hosted on localhost, but given that this will not be feasible when the application is deployed, will not work. How to connect a Flash Builder (Flex) project to a remote PHP data service?
I want to store images from the flex application to a asp net web service and at a later point will be sending these images back to flex application . Can you please give a example web method in c# or suggest a website to read about how to do this.
i have a question about Zend Framework and mainly the model part. I know there is no abstract model class and understand why. I red a lot of blog posts about it, but couldn't find any example that would clearly explain it to me. I'm building a very basic application. Lets imagine we have just three, name, street, streetNo, Town), meta(ID, name, description), company2meta(ID, companyID, metaID, value, note). All types of realtionship are there (1n n1, nm). The a need also services (amf) with Value Objects. So, here is what I think:
I've got a tree component on the stage that the user can add folders and questions to. I need to write the data from the tree into a database as the user adds items and then re-build the tree from the database when the user re-opens the program. This works fine except the client wants the user to be able to delete and move items within the tree.
I'm not sure how I can track the position of items within the tree so that it re-builds the tree (from the database values) in the same order as it was when the user closed the program?
At first, I thought I would just add the getDisplayIndex of the selectedNode, but that changes when you expand or collapse a folder, and it would also mean that I would have to update a number in each database entry any time the user moves a folder or item...
I'm thinking the only way I can get around this and ensure the db tracks the latest treeview is to provide a "Save" button and make the user hit that (instead of hitting the "Accept Changes" button which currently exists for each item & folder and just updates the database on each new entry). With the "Save" button, I could just copy a new database on top of the old one (removing all the unique id indexes) and then write to the new db. Not the end of the world, but it seems more ponderous and less intuitive. Plus, if the user enters hundreds of items, it could take time to write the entire db each time...
I am planning to develop a standalone application, which infact will be used for personal purposes. So only single user access may be there. I want to develop it in Flex. Just want some opinions from the gurus over here : Whether i should use Flex or AIR (I know only Flex, AIR i need to start learning)Which database i should use? SQLLite or HSQLDB or some other.
I am working on an StoryBoarding application,it is a slide based application in which the authors can put several components like image , sound , captions etc in each of the slide.A collection of slides will make a storyboard.This application will be deployed on a web server (sharepoint + IIS , and php+apache), and several users can collaborate with each other for authoring or reviewing the storyboard.In my application I also want to support auto save ,which will keep on storing the state of the storyboard.User can also save at any point of time by clicking the save button.I am confused about how to store the state of the storyboard.
1)Presently I am doing this by passing all the storyboard data to a dot net web-service and then that service is storing images,caption etc in their respective tables into a database .2)Another approach possible is to store the model of the application as a serialized object into the db , which will be more convenient since separating the components of the model (like images,captions etc..) will not be required and also restoring the state of the objects in the application will be easy . I have two doubts about using approach 2 :-i) I want the the saved storyboard to load quickly, for which I would like to support the partial so that lighter objects like caption can be loaded quickly but other heavier objects like image,video etc can be loaded on demand. Using approach 2 , do I have to send the whole data in one go or is there way to support partial loading ?
var myWebService = new WebService(); myWebService.addEventListener("load", loadDone); myWebService.loadWSDL("wsdl_address"); var myOperation:Operation; function loadDone(evt:LoadEvent)
I found at this Adobe tutorial a nice "RemoteService" class that creates a RemoteObject and contains the functions for handling the result and fault events. If I wanted to use this approach, how could I pass the data from the result handler to interfaces that modules from the main application could use?
I could put the RemoteService/RemoteObject in the modules, but (in my opinion- and I could be wrong) the best design seems to be using the remote calls in the main app and passing the data along to the modules.
I want to store a filesystem tree into MongoDB within a Ruby application, so we are talking about json/bson representation of something like:
/ /foo /foo/one /foo/bar/two /foo/bar/three /four
my aim is to store it efficiently and to serve it via json to an Adobe Flex application which will display it in a Tree component. which is the best solution in your opinion? this document suggests some options. i'd like to go for something like the first pattern (keeping in mind the limit of 16Mb document size) with this format:
I've a flash facebook application, i can take the session info from flash client and send the session information to server.
I need to check if the user connected to the server via facebook application or not. That's why i need to get the user's session from facebook page directly by my server.
How can i do it? I use C# for all database and communication system. Flash interface does only application responsibilities.
I am able to port much of my application from Flex 35 to Flex 4.0
Next is to show my current system Operating system name (XP Pro, Vista, Linux..etc) along with the service pack level of my system on which my application is running.
I am able to show uo OS name "Windows XP" using "Capabalities.os" in Flex4.0. but not "Professional" or "Pro" exactly. But I could not find an API for showing up the service pack level.
I have to display the content in a label. I tried with Capabilities.cpuArchitecture and System.vmversion, but it shows up some other system data.
I want to pass variables to php, then the php runs a query from the mysql database, and then sends back the new variable... I looked for tutorial, but nothin' seemed to work.
I am trying to access a .Net service which requires an authentication header. If WebService is used it works fine. But when it is accessed using HTTPService it throws error. The project is already done by somebody else using HTTPService. Now changing to webService requires some time since there needs to be modification in a lot of files.
Below is the SOAP envelop required by the service.
I am trying to develop a flash database manager for my company, and I already have the insert and "search" functions working okay. The problem comes up when trying to get the UPDATE working. [code]...
I am beginner to Flex3 .. I am developing simple application with login screen having fields user name and password. I wanted to know how i store this information in MySql database?
I'm a beginner with Flex Builder. I need to get application to communicate with an Access Database. I'm in the planning phase of implementing a Call Log for myself. I'd like my app to run on my desktop (AIR) and as a web app. Basically, I need to document my incoming service calls. My customers will give me an ID number, with this number I can post new service call info, or pull up past service calls and/or display their system info all different tables. How Flex communicates with databases? I know it uses XML, PHP, AMF, etc. Do I have to use PHP to return the XML coding for Flex to read? I'm familiar with PHP and MySQL within Flash; however, it seems that I have to use MS Access for this app.
I am trying to develop an application which can be used locally by my team mates. its a sort of issue tracking application with report generation. am planning to do it on flex. in my company environment, i do have a lots of restrictions like, can't install AIR, no database, etc.
so am planning to develop on flex app, and put it in a shared drive. now the main problem is how can i store data. i have an idea like using excel files as database. I want opinion about this option, as well as, if anyone has tried reading and writing excel files from Flex application I want the suggestions also.
I want to emded SQLite database (*.db file) to the AIR app, like images, mp3 etc.This is to ensure that it was impossible to copy my database for other users.
The big thing is it has to be returned as this array of objects describing the items, because it is being passed to an external application and that is how it excepts it.
I want to know if I can make a flash desktop application Depends on mySQL database or any database , but without need to php code or server , I want the application to work as a desktop application.
I use Flash CS4 (AS2) to develop an application where the swf pulls XML data from my database. I basically used the same script (AS & PHP) in a file which was done in Flash 8(AS2) which is NOT WORKING!.
I have a mobile application that uses an sqlite database. I cannot seem to figure out how to access the next record when the user presses the 'next' button. My database is using 'id' as primary key with autoincrement as integer.
private function nextMoveRPart(event:EffectEvent):void { var cardNumber:int = parseInt(cardNumberLabel.text);
I would like to have a Flash Application (not air) to connect to a local database. Air is not only getting unsupported by Adobe in LINUX but besides, it has serious problems and miss implementation with SQLite. So we want to connect to a local MySQL database. This application should be simple, so we do not want to also have an unnecessary web server (also local) to make a middle communication between the flash app and the MySQL server. There is this driver that allow to communicate Flash with MySQL [URL] Question is: Would it be any problem using this approach when installing the whole application to each client? (because we also in the installation should install a MySQL server).
So, here is the question. I have a small flash application that sends some variables to a php script (via POST), and that php script sends them to a mySQL database.
This works fine when I'm testing my flash offline, I go to phpmyadmin, and the registry is done. When I upload the swf to a online html, this stops working. It no longer creates another registry in the database. I have no ideia why this happens.
I read a bit about it and found out about cross domain policy, and thought it might be the problem. Thus I made a small .xml file and uploaded it to both servers (the one the swf is on, and the one that has the database), and its still not working.