Display Live Video In A Webpage Using Flash?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a Network camera Sony SNC-RZ50P , I want to display the live video streaming in a web page? How to display this using Flash 8

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Embed A Live Video Stream On A Webpage Accessible Via Internet?

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Audio - Live Video Mic Echo When Using Apple Cinema Display

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[Code] .....

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<div id="game">
You must have flash installed to view this game


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Nov 24, 2010

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Sep 9, 2009

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HTML Code:


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Sep 23, 2009

I'm new on FMS, but I've managed to create a web page with an embedded player that shows a live stream that I capture with a webcam and FMS. What I need is to be able to pause the live stream from the web page player and to play it again from the point I've paused it. I thought to stream a live video and save it to a file on the server as well, but I don't know how to tell the player to start from the end of the file rather than the begining of it. The client should connect to the page and see the live stream, but he can pause it and continue watching it later from that point, but if a different client connects, he should see the live stream.

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Flash Interactive With Live Video?

Feb 28, 2011

Any way to make a video as a transition for a flash movie? What I mean is, say you have an image of a city, and you have a bunch of clickable areas in that image. When you click on one of those areas, a video plays that would transition you from the original image to the new location, almost like a fly through. [URL]

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Flash :: Video Skin Controls Not Appearing On Webpage?

Apr 4, 2007

I have a puzzle. I have some test movie clips that areoperated (played) by pressing a thumbnail. All works ok in theresultinmg html and flash file that is produced, but when I importthe flash movi into DW, the controls disappear, but the movieplays...if you look at the link below you can see the flash moviecontrols in operation OK[URL](press thumbnail 2 to play the test movie)

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Professional :: Using Flash Video And Skins In Exsisting Webpage

Jul 9, 2011

I am trying to use Flash CS5.5 to make a flash video.I have successfully used the Media Encoder to take a WVM file and convert it to use in flash..I have choosen a skin to use for playback.My question is that I now want to take the flash video (swf) and the skin (swf) and add it to an exsisting web page I have...(using Dreamweaver)Can anyone tell me how to do this -- since the video and skin are separate swf's?I did try to embed a FLV directly into my webpage and that worked...(the content is all video).

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Jan 14, 2010

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Flash - Live Video Streaming Website?

Mar 4, 2010

we are looking forward towards developing a very interesting community portal that would help the user to broadcast their live videos across the community.I've been checking over sites like ustream.tv, justin.tv and wondering what/how Technology they been using to do so.

I am doing a lot of research over the last few days checking over the medium to do this effectively and figure out some of the leading companies in the domain like Ooyala.com, brightcove.com providing servers/technology to broadcast videos seamlessly across the globe.
I will be signing up with any of these providers soon.So my question is , how exactly would my website be catching with the live feed from the users cam, send the stream to ooyala/brightcove and further broadcast it to rest of the community users.

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Play Live Video In Flash Player?

Jun 12, 2010

I want a Flash player which can play a live video in a web browser. My video is increasing per second.

EDITED: I am making video using images by FFmpeg. I want to play that video in a web browser, but when the video is playing the size of that video keeps on increasing.

To view the increased video the user has to reload the page.

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Flash :: Crop Live Video Stream?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a streaming video that is displayed on a web page through a flash player from an external source. This video has a huge border that I would like to crop out before displaying. How can I alter the feed in real time before showing it to the user, such that the resulting video has its border removed?

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Actionscript 3 :: Live Video Keying With Flash - How To Do That?

Jun 27, 2011

For a new project, I want to take a video feed, filmed in a greenscreen room, and as you see it, do a color keying, to kill the green and show an alternative picture on the background.Is there a way to do this with Flash, AS3?

optional question: If a button is clicked, the now new constructed Picture should be saved as a Jpg.

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Professional :: Can Play Video In Flash Player And Embed It Into Webpage

Jul 22, 2010

Is there a way I can play a video in a flash player and embed it into a webpage, so the user and start and stop the movie.

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Professional :: Internet Explorer  Will Not Display Flash Video In Stand Alone Video Players

Feb 27, 2010

Internet Explorer  will not display flash video in stand alone video players, similar to the one at: [URL] The other embedded flash content is viewable.In the IE8 tools, manage add on's, Adobe Flash Player is not listed.I've also noticed that when I access the Adobe Flash Settings manager, I can not uncheck "hardware acceleration".Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 is the operating system.

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Flash - Using NetConnection Class To Live Video Feed?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to use the NetConnection class to connect to a live video feed on an external server. I have it set up to start playing my video when the user clicks a Play button, however, this appears in my output every time I click the Play button:

ArgumentError: Error #2126: NetConnection object must be connected.
at flash.net::NetStream/ctor()
at flash.net::NetStream()
at Over/connectLiveStream()[Over::frame2:31]

Here is the (I think relevant) code:
if (playVid.label == "Play") {
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.objectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
nsPlay = new NetStream(nc);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Live Flash Video Streams Broadcasted?

Oct 23, 2009

How are live flash video streams broadcasted? I am guessing that as the broadcast is recording, the people that are watching are watching what has been recorded to an flv file a few seconds ago, making it 98-99% live, since it is a few seconds off of the actual recording time.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash Video Player (live Stream)

Mar 9, 2009

im looking for a Flash Video player that can play Live Stream Video .... i follow the video basic 6 but wasnt sure which part of the link i have to put on ns.play("link here"); this the link i got from the stream

s1.addParam('flashvars','&file=livestream&bufferlength=3&type=rtmp&streamer=rtmp://w.fl.misolutions.net/wn-live01/'); i dont which part i should used to replace "link here"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Skin Work And Play Video Locally And NOT Live?

Jul 31, 2009

Why does my swf's skin referenced by a simple component FLA work locally but NOT live? There's no AS3 in the component FLA. It's just a one-layer component referenced to the the FLV. When I test locally, IN FLASH CS4 ONLY, and click on "Animalia - Verse From the Zoo" the FLV and skin load and the video (source FLV - "Sequence01.flv") plays. But the same thing live only loads the swf for the FLV file area but NO SKIN. Try it yourself, please:Has anyone had this problem and knows the solution? All files are in the SAME FOLDER on the web server. I've tried every URL and path combination I can think of on the website. I've tried referencing the whole URL.

Yet whatever path combination I try, either nothing happens, or I just get the FLV box but no skin. Which is what's happening now. Publish settings are set to Flash Player 10 for all files. And I've tried the component SWF WITH and WITHOUT the fl.video package (import fl.video.*. No difference. Why does the skin load and play locally but not live? It's all AS3. No AS2. And it does not seem to be a "publish settings" issue as far as I can see. The relevant code in my API is:

var AnimalFLVLoader:Loader = new Loader();
AnimalFLVLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,fAnimaliaVOn);
Animalia2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fAnimaliaVOn);


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Flash :: Media Server - Encode And Stream Live Video

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to encode and stream live video. I have downloaded both the Flash Media Encoder and Flash Media Server. The problem i have now is, i can't able to connect to Flash Media Server. The FMS url is as default: rtmp://localhost/live. Do i have to purchase a FMS url? How do i make sure that my FMS is running/ activated?

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Professional :: Add Live Action Video To Timeline In Adobe Flash CS5?

Dec 14, 2011

I want to make an animation over live action footage, I've looked on the guides and the ones which explain what I need to do are for previous versions of Flash and don't work on CS5.I'm wondering how I can import a video in to Adobe Flash CS5, so that it plays in the timeline frame by frame? I dont mean putting it on one frame so it will play, but so i can edit objects over the top of the flash in each single frame.

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