Embed A Minute-long .mov File Into Flash?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm using Flash to create a simple profile on a recording artist for work. I'm trying to embed a minute-long .mov file into Flash, so when someone clicks the "watch" button I created, it changes frames and plays this .mov file.

I have everything uploaded, but the .mov file only shows up on certain computers when someone actually clicks the "watch" button. It works on my Mac, a friend's Mac, but on the three PCs I've tested, it won't show up. The Flash file itself works, but the .mov file won't show up on the frame when it is accessed.

The flash file containing the .mov is embedding onto a .php page made in Dreamweaver. On all computers, when the .swf is accessed directly, the .mov file will work properly. On the PCs, when the .php page is accessed and the Flash loads, the .mov will not load.

Here are the links:


- Click the "Watch" button on the Flash page when it loads. The .mov file should automatically load there.

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You send it to your friend the swf file.

When your friend opens the swf file, if he clicks on the part where there is a embedded video, There should be an error if you did not send him the embedded video.

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The simulation needs to be an .exe to take advantage of the full screen size.

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I know that FlashAnts projector can do it. [URL]

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Aug 27, 2010

Is it possible to embed the flv file in to the flash like other files(images, swf), so that i can handle this in as3 as programmaticaly in the same way as FLVPlayback component? I know the way to add flv file by creating FLVPlayback component. But in this case we always need to depend on the source path of corresponding file. I am not able to find any kind of solution for this. As second way I have imported flv file to the library and created the instance of this but there is some problem with the synchronization of audio with video.Also in this case I am not able to handle this flv in as3 as programmatically.

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And i've stumbled on a problem i cannot solve. I have this swf file, i don't have the .fla file for it. I need it to be able to play in my current .fla file when called upon. I also really need it to be embedded. Don't ask me why, but the client wants only one swf file, and if i load the swf in as an external file the program they use, will not be able to display this loaded swf file. My flash file works perfectly when i load it in as external and put it into a movieclip, but that's just not what my client wants.

So i was thinking of embedding it, i don't know if i'm thinking of this in the wrong way, and maybe you all have some suggestions for me. I don't know how to embed it. i'm using flash cs3 and ActionScript 3. I tried importing it straight to my library and to my stage, but i end up with just a couple of graphic images that don't work at all. I've tried everything i know of, read all threats i could find about it, but it seems embedding is impossible or just not done. what could i do to fix this?

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package {
//import flash.util.describeType;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Is it possible to embed the flv file in to the flash like other files(images, swf), so that i can handle this in as3 as programmaticaly in the same way as FLVPlayback component? I know the way to add flv file by creating FLVPlayback component. But in this case we always need to depend on the source path of corresponding file. I am not able to find any kind of solution for this. As second way I have imported flv file to the library and created the instance of this but there is some problem with the synchronization of audio with video. Also in this case I am not able to handle this flv in as3 as programmatically.

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With actionscript 3.0 it is possible to embed a font in a single swf file.

but is it also possible to load this swf after the main movie has started or do they need to be loaded at the beginning?

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Nov 24, 2006

Is it possible to embedd a youtube movie inside a swf? using loadmovie() maybe?i thought it would be easy but here is the code you receieve when embedding into an HTML file...Quote:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-jW1vWgogLQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-jW1vWgogLQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


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