Saving File Takes Too Long?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a problem when saving flash files in a mac. The process is much slower than in my other computer with windows, using the same file. I save my flash files very often and having to wait that long is very annoying. The problem can't be the file itself, I have tried saving different files and there is always more delay in mac compared to windows. In my mac I have OS X 10.7.2 (Lion) with Flash 5.5 and in my other pc, Windows XP SP3 with Flash CS 5. Has somebody experienced this before? What could be the origin? It's weird because my mac is new and is supposed to have better features than my windows pc which I bought many years ago I am a relatively new mac user and I have heard some people complaining about Lion OS X. What is your opinion?

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class MyClass
[Embed(source='data/test_snd.mp3')] private var TestSound:Class;
private var testSound:Sound;//


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1) swf file containing the FLV component

2) the swf file related to skin

3) the actual video (84MB, mov file) - Web page includes/embeds reference to swf file

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Embed A Minute-long .mov File Into Flash?

Aug 19, 2009

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Here are the links:


- Click the "Watch" button on the Flash page when it loads. The .mov file should automatically load there.

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so all i want is to make a small round ring rotate as long as the file is loading. so i looked and followed a lot tutorials but all the preloaders tutorials are much more compliceted then i need. they all have persentige sowing, and a bar that is filling according to how much the file has loaded, and colors changing etc. so i tried to take from the tutorials wat i need for my simple preloader to work but i get stuck.i built the animation of the rotating ring, but i get stuck with the actions i need to make the animation work as long as the file is working. i called my ring animation "circularloader". here is a image of the page with the ring:

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Nov 30, 2009

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IDE :: Saving To Text File With AS3?

Apr 14, 2009

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IDE :: Saving To Text File?

May 1, 2009

save and load to and from a text file. However, doing any tutorials found online currently (I've tried at least 10), I cannot seem to get it to work!

Flash Code:

myData = new LoadVars();
submit.onRelease = function() {
myData.Name = Name.text;


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IDE :: CS4 File Saving - None Of The AS Is Executed

Sep 17, 2009

I have students whose flash file works until it is saved. For instance, they create a untitled.fla file, press ctrl + enter and the swf file plays perfectly. At the end of class they save it, the next day they open it, and none of the AS is executed. The swf file plays as if no AS was ever written.

To make things even more puzzling, the file will play from different drives. For instance, if the .fla file is saved to a thumb drive, everything works. If the file is placed on the desktop everything works. If the same file is placed in a different students directory, everything works. I've contacted Adobe support, they directed me to read their (worthless) forums. I have recontacted their support trying to find some real assistance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Output To Txt File?

Oct 1, 2009

I was wondering if it was possible to save the contents of the output window to a separate txt file like notepad. I'm doing a project that involves testing the execution speed of flash by putting more and more objects on the screen as it plays and I need it to save the result when it freezes up or crashes.

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Professional :: How Much Lose Saving CS5 File As CS4

Apr 4, 2011

I have a presentation to do using Flash on Wednesday and have been warned by my university that files MUST be in CS4 format. So, having used CS5 to create the whole site/presentation how much will I lose back-saving it to CS4? I'm worried I'm going to have to do a lot of the same work twice.

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Actionscript 3 :: Saving Data To XML File?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a serious of games swf's loading externally from a main menu swf.What I'm trying to do is take name of the player which they input into textfield and sent it to the XML file. After this at the end of each game I want to send the time it took to complete also to the XML file.The problem I have is I don't know to to create a new user inside the XML file and then replace the default time of 00:00:00 with the time that the player has set.NameTextField is the name of the textfield.Hourtext, Minutetext and Secondtext are the names of the timer. (They are ordered like Hourtext ':' Minutetext ':' Secondtext.

AS3 code inside Flash MainMenu.swf
var XMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var Bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();


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Aug 25, 2009

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Attach File Information After Saving It?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm currently working on a Flash application that needs to save files to Drupal. I already saved the file to the Drupal site with the File service, but I can't get to attach the file to the node with the service (Upload module, not CCK file field).[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Saving Local File Under IOS?

Nov 19, 2010

I am opening and testing data using the FileStream class which is supposed to avoid file security issues. It works fine until I try to save to a local file. When I test under adl I get a security error which I though was ok (at least it was attempting to save) until the app was packaged and tested on a device, but the file fails to save.

public class FilesApp extends MovieClip {
var file:File;
var xmldata:XML;


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Actionscript 3 :: Saving A File Using FileReference?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a game in actionscript 3.0 i have been browsing the internet, I have found something like this

var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, _onRefSelect);
file.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, _onRefCancel);


Call to a possibly undefined method save through a reference with static type

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