Filled Colour As A Variable / Setting Layer To Not Block Content Underneath?

Dec 10, 2009

I wonder if it's possible to take the filled colour (filled with myColor.setRGB(0x993366); like a colouring style) and set the colour filled to be a value of a variable in an if statement? if yes, anyone know how to do it?and is it possible to set a layer's content so that it does not block any button underneath it? I'm trying use that movie as a mask but I do not want it to block any activity underneath it. or is it better to use the myMovieClip .setMask (maskMovieClip)I only need the masking to appear when a specific button is pressed.

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for (var i=0;
i<(newsletters[target_mc.num].length-1); i++) {
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<s:HTTPService id="service" method="POST" url="" result="loaded(event)" fault="fault(event)" useProxy="false" resultFormat="text">

public function loadAllSamples():void {
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loader_var.y properties

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Flash :: Colour Format/Encoding Are These Colour Values In?

Oct 31, 2011

I am parsing colour codes that I get from a Flex(Flash ActionScript) application, then creating HTML div elements with that same colour. My Problem: The colours are all only 8 digits long. So they cant be RGB colour values can they? What color value format are they in? If I can figure the format they are in I can convert them to RGB. Maybe the last/first digit signifies its 0. alpha value?

PS: Should I convert the colours to RGB or something else?

This is an example of the colour code values I getting from the flash application:

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Actionscript 3 :: Setting The Stage To Scroll Horizontally Left Or Right To Show Content When Button Is Clicked?

Mar 10, 2012

I want to create a flash site where I have a long horizontal movie clip split into about five sections, each about 960px wide. The effect I want to achieve is when the user clicks on the button it will scroll horizontally to the specific section of the flash project. For example, if your on the home page and you click on the contact the movieclip will tween to the right until it reached the contact section of the long movieclip. And I also want it where if the user clicks on the home it'll scroll back to the home page. I can't seem to accomplish. I tried positioning with the x property and move right so many pixels. I'm thinking about setting like some coordinates or some kinds of reference points so when the button is clicked it will go to those specific points in the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Colour Of A MC With A Colour Picker?

Aug 17, 2009

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Setting A Variable With A Checkbox?

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I can't figure out how to set a boolean variable to 'true' if someone clicks a checkbox. Help, please. I'm working on AS2, btw.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting A Component Variable

Mar 23, 2009

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