Flash :: Calling A Function In An Mxml File From Outside?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a basic mxml app which looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="800" height="600">

this swf is loaded into another swf using Loader and added with addChild(loader).i then need to call the init function from the parent swf. how can i do this? just calling


fails.another question is, what is the exact classname of this mxml file?

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Actionscript :: Calling Function From File For Button In Mxml?

Mar 14, 2011

Can anyone help me in this regard? I have Actinscript file in which I have defined a function like below:

actionScript.as (file name)
import mx.controls.Alert;
public function abc():void{
Alert.show("Inside abc(): My Button Clicked");

Now I have a button in mxml and I am calling the above function in my buttion "click" attribute like below.

Importing script in mxml:


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Javascript :: Calling A Function From A Flash From Xml Config File

Mar 31, 2011

I've got a flash file that reads some links from an xml config file. These links look like:

<url target="_blank" method="GET"><![CDATA[http://www.google.com]]></url>

Instead of a link, I'd like to call a javascript method that opens up a modal dialog with a list of items. I've tried the following based on some things I found, but I can't get it to work.

<url target="_self" method="GET"><![CDATA[javascript:loadAsModal(#modaldiv, ajaxmenu.jsp?gid=3)]]></url>


<url target="_self" method="GET"><script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[loadAsModal(#modaldiv, ajaxmenu.jsp?gid=3)]]></script></url>

loadAsModal() takes in an empty div that i put on the page, and then the menu.jsp which builds the menu given the group id. I made sure to import all of my js libraries on the page.

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Flex :: Load An External Mxml File Into A Parent Mxml File?

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This is a project I'm working on for a simple demo tutorial application in Flex. I am using mxml pages. You can see to the left that I will have my main application and then other mxml files (In the Examples Package) as the examples that will be loaded into the main application mxml. How can I dynamically pull the value from the object in the list to load the child mxml file into the container that I have further down in the application?

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now I've a problem that the function in button click is not being recognized. It says "call to a possibly undefined function" even though it was defined. What is wrong with this? How do i make a button in a grid call a function in the same mxml file??

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<local:CustomDivideBox id="div1">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function From .as File?

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I'm calling a function:

public function playCover(){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function From Another File?

Apr 4, 2011

Im trying to call the resetLI function from LevelItems.as.

ActionScript Code:
public function resetLI():void {
itemList = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function In A Separate .as File?

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I have 1 .fla and 2 .as files. The first .as file is called documentClass and is the document class for the .fla. The second .as file is called tracePrac contains a function that traces a varible in tracePrac.as. I want to know how i call for this function in my documentClass.as code?

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Jul 5, 2010

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import myapp.utils.WebcamFaceDetector;
import myapp.utils.FaceDetector;

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public class FaceDetector
private var detector :ObjectDetector;
private var options :ObjectDetectorOptions;


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Flex :: Adobe Calling MXML Functions?

Jul 16, 2010

i allready searched abit around here and found the solution to call a fx:script function defined in a mxml from a AS class.


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Flash :: Calling OnLoadProgress Function From Inside Another Function?

Sep 23, 2011

I have an AS3 function that loads and audio file and then plays it. I have the pre-loader for the first audio file working - now I need to run the pre-load function before the 2nd audio file starts.

myMusic.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress2, false,0, true);
myMusic.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, playMusicNow, false, 0,true);
myMusic.load(soundFile, myContext); //This code works


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ActionScript :: Flex - Calling MXML Inside The Class?

Jul 27, 2009

How can i call MXML components inside my ActionScript Class.

// filename.mxml
<mx:Canvas x="181" y="180" width="333">
<mx:Button styleName="LoginButton" id="loginButton" click="checkLogin();" x="160" y="261"/>
<mx:TextInput styleName="loginTextInput" id="username" x="160" y="161"/>


I need to access the username and password fields of MXML in my ActionScript Class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A .swf File As Result Of Compilation Of Mxml File In Flash Builder 4 IDE - Not Flash CS5

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I mean, I would get a .swf file as result of compilation of mxml file in Flash Builder 4 IDE, not Flash CS5 (I don't know CS5, I'm a newbie) . Main target is getting a .swf file by compilation of mxml file, not fla file. Could you explain in detail how this code works? For example what's TXT ? Is it a inputText? Where is this variable defined?
Now I 'm linking .fla file ....


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Actionscript 3 :: Calling A Method From Mxml Component That Is Created From Class?

Jun 16, 2011

I've always just developed my projects in as3 instead of mxml and I usually just setup my application to run a main actionscript file as my main doc root, sort of like how you do it in flash but in flash builder I do something like this:[code] how can I call place a call to that function hitme() within the call_from_outside() function between the <fx:Script> tags?The reason why I'm doing this is because I have some flash swfs that I load into another swf file and I can access the top level public functions of those flash swfs, however the top level of the flash builder/flex swfs is the main mxml file not my fake as3 class root. Of course I should think there is a way for me to access the as3 class methods of the mxml component but for keeping things with the same structure, I can bypass having to modify my loader scripts.

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Get Id Value From One Mxml File To Another Mxml File In Flex?

Jul 21, 2011

My Application is in Flex 3.5. My Code is Here,How to take the id value of textare?[code]...

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Feb 3, 2011

I am taking over a Flex / MXML project for work. The last programmer lost the original source code so I ran it through a decompiler. In the main MXML file there are 3 lines that return errors. IMPORT COM.TURBO.*I've never heard of this and I can't seem to find anything on it. I assume its some kind of plug-in. Does anyone know what it is?

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Does MXML get compiled down to as3 and then converted to flash bytecode? Also, is there a significant performance penalty to compiling mxml vs compiling as3?

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Data Integration :: Calling ASP.NET From A Flash File Embeded In Aspx File

Jul 20, 2009

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Flash :: Converting Sprite Based SWF File To Mxml

Jan 10, 2012

I wrote a big Actionscript project using AS3 as an "Actionscript Project" in Flash Builder 4.5. I have a bunch of solid, reusable, code, but one of the big components is a main.as file that extends Sprite and serves as the display code for my application. I now, for various reasons, need that to be a Flex application. I'm trying to get the most minimal wrapper possible, so here's what


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Flash - Calling The Function Within That Function And Later Stopping The Loop - Starting And Stopping Functions?

Jan 7, 2012

I am making a character walk. This code will make him wobble to the right and when thats done it will trigger him to wobble to the left and then call the function again to continue the loop.I can get the loop to work fine by calling the function but how do I STOP the function? Also I want to call it later on. Is there a way to start and stop a function?

function wobble()
var ws = .1;
var dis = 1;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function From Flash?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm trying to set a variable in AS3 and then use an event to call that variable.  The links are set in an xml file.  I have it working with hyperlinks using navigateToURL, but it's not doing exactly what I want.   What I want is to use flash to call the link in the xml file.  That link will target a javascript function. There is no need to open a new window.  I'm trying to target a particular div on the page.   Here's what I have so far:
import flash.net.navigateToURL;import com.flashloaded.as3.PhotoFlowEvent;function eventHandler (eo:PhotoFlowEvent):void {var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(eo.data.link);navigateToURL (request,"_self");}

I'm thinking there must be a way to set the variable and then use ExternalInterface in flash to do the rest of the work?

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Flash :: Calling A Function In Another Class

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to call a function to another class after an event.

Here's my code:

From the doucment class:

public static function redrawMap():void {
var world:WorldHandler = new WorldHandler(40,30);


I can't get it to work correctly, I get weird messages like "Call to undefined method removeChild" and it pointing to the redrawMap function. Which means it found the function, but I can't seem to do anything with it.

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Flash :: Calling A Function In Another Layer

Feb 10, 2012

I have a layer named "splash" and a layer named "home". On the splash layer I want to call a function which is stored on a layer named "navigation" inside a MovieClip called "page" on the home layer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Not Calling JS Function In IE

Dec 16, 2011

I am trying to create a simple audio flash player, that calls a js function on click, it works perfectly in all browsers, except IE.

Here is html:
<html xmlns="" >
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>player</title></head><body><![if !IE]>
[Code] .....

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