Flash - How To Handle Large MXML File

Mar 8, 2011

I am currently working on the largest Flex / Flash Builder 4 application I have ever built. I am acustomed to keeping all of my MXML programming in one file. What are some best practice procedures for keeping large MXML files readable?

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IDE :: Large Flash File Not Compiling Tweens

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- Some way to embed the .txt file within the .swf

- Some way to make the .as file load without issues.

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Oct 28, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="800" height="600">

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fails.another question is, what is the exact classname of this mxml file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MXML Project In Flex 2 - Make SWF File As Main Executable File?

Nov 26, 2006

I have to make a project for school. It will be like a tutorial, but into an application. I already made a part of it in MXML and a bit of action script but I encountered a few problems that are over my newbie limits. So the Flex Builder 2 makes a SFW file, in the main folder of the "project". I want to make that SWF file my main executable file. I have a folder with some pics, and another folder with Action Script Files. The code lvl that I know atm is ABSOLUTE BEGINER... I don know how to make my SWF file have a specific name when I run it.Here is a picture of a training exercices that should make thing more clear:Some people told me that I should use a HexEditor and stuff. Is it ture(what u think?).

Next problem. I dont know how to make the Stage to be fix. I mean.. I dont want the stage to be resizeble. I tryed to change the stagescalemode but that wasn't it. I toke a look at the help files of Flex from the net, about the Resize action and SystemManegment, but I didn't find out what I wantend.

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Flex :: Buttons And Styles - Creating A SWF File Using A MXML File

Aug 11, 2009

I am creating a SWF file using a MXML file. The MXML file define several MX:Button and uses an external stylesheet to style them. There is a problem I am facing at the moment, I am aiming to style the buttons in a way that is similar to the way I can style HTML button elements. However, I could not achieve such look and feel. For example, I could not find a way to define the color and thickness of the borders for each side of the button (top, bottom, left, right), the background color, the margins, the padding, the width, and the height of the button. Also, selector such as hover, active, focus are not available. I was only able to change the size and the font color of the button successfully.

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Xml - Sending Data From MXML File To JSP File (and Receiving) Using HTTPservice?

Jul 9, 2011

I want to retrieve data from a Database and display inside a datagrid in a Flex web application. The way I'm thinking of doing it is :

Send the Query data from .mxml file to the .jsp page using HTTPService. In the .jsp, connect to the database and retrieve the data using select statements. send the results back to the .mxml using HTTPService.

I know what to use but I have an ambiguity. In the (.mxml) I use xxx.send() to send the data. What do I use in the (.jsp) to send it back ? I know that I should store the results in an XML in the .jsp file, but how to do that ?

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Flex :: Convert A Mxml File To A Component That I.e .swc File

Aug 7, 2010

i hav tried to covert .mxlml to .swc file using flex builder it's not working when i integrate with other application.. how to get .swc using SDK..

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Generate Mxml File From Excel File?

Jul 29, 2011

How to generate mxml(flex code) from excel file.how to Create flex code from xls file.

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Handle Cue Points In An Audio File (from Microphone)?

Mar 30, 2011

I'd like to record audio from a microphone and I'd like the user to be able to add cue points during the recording so when he loads the file afterwards, he can jump easily to a specific position.

I don't really know what file format I should use and how to store the metadata (cue points)

I thought about

encoding a wav/mp3 and stores metadata in a .cue file (easy to do but 2 files to store)storing XMP data in a mp3 file (seems a bit harder but standard metadata embedded in 1 file)flv/f4v with audio only and standard cue points but I'm not sure I can create them directly from the client

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Feb 9, 2010

I am facing a problem with multiple sound file in one flash file. I have added a background music in my flash and on one of the page, I have published a video. However both sound files are clashing with each other. If I will do stopAllsounds(); on the video frame then while moving on next section the sounds still remains stop.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Why Size Of An .ipa File Is Large As I Export A Mobile Application As IOS Application

Aug 18, 2011

I have made one one mobile application in flash builder using flex mobile project I have a question that "why size of an .ipa file is large as I export a mobile application as iOS application.???? in compare to that same application for android takes small size!

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Split Large SWF File?

Nov 20, 2010

Hey flash gurus. I did a search and while I feel certain this has been covered (and am content to be flamed) I couldn't find the answer here on the boards so here goes...

I fumble/stumbled my way through making a web site for myself and I'm pretty happy with the results. I am sure I did some obscenely newbish things but it works and it looks good enough so I'm fine with it for now except...

It takes a good long time to load the web site which I believe is due to the fact that ALL the pages of the web site are mashed into a single SWF file. I would like - for a number of reasons - to break this into several different pages (not just for size but to make updates less painful).

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Large Pixel File Yet It Gets Cut Off When I Preview It

Feb 11, 2012

I have a large pixel file yet it gets cut off when I preview it. Why?

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