Flash :: Can't Get WebDings Font To Work In Flex?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to add the WebDings font to my Flex application. The folder structure is:

> style.css
> WebDings.ttf
> MyApp.mxml


However all my Spark components show up as Times New Roman. Does anyone know how I can get this working please?

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Flex :: Embedded Font Won't Work In Flex Mobile ActionBar?

Jul 20, 2011

i've got a few fonts embedded and am using them in my mobile application, and they are all working, except for the ones i try to use for the "ActionBar". They work everywhere else, and substituting "Comic Sans MS" for "titleCGF" changes it to Comic Sans. So why won't it work with my custom fontFamily?


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Css :: Embedding Font In Flex Locally With A Installed Font Works, But With Url To Refer To A Ttf Font File Doesn't

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.

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Flash :: Specify Fallback Font In Adobe Flex When Some Character Range Is Not Available In Primary Font?

Mar 23, 2011

In my application I'm using a custom embedded font for English (Helvetica New) which does not contain characters (glyphs) for chinese unicode range. In the application, wherver chinese characters are avaiable they are not displayed (suppressed) since they are missing in the custom embedded font. How can I make the flash player to use a fallback system font for the missing characters? And the fallback should be for the missing characters alone. For the Engligh characters it should use the embedded font.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Custom Flash Component Work With Any Font?

Jun 21, 2011

So we have a component we have written ourselves that deals with text display and translation between languages, reading translations from a file. Ideally what we would like to do is have this component be compatible with any font we can embed in the main .swf's library. What's the best way to do that?

Currently we are going down the route of having our component have an attribute for the font name, lets say 'Font1'. We drag the component into the .FLA file we want and then add a new font to the library called 'Font1' and set it to the typeface we want. This is proving to be inconsistent and problematic which implies it's not really an ideal way of doing it.

Is there anyway to achieve the feature we want? The key is flexibility, we want to easily support languages (hence the component) but we don't want design to be limited in their font selection. Its not practical to embed a range of fonts in the component for example, as it adds to file size and is restrictive.

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Flex :: Embedded Font In Alert Font-family Property Doesn't Working In 4

Jan 21, 2011

I'm using Flex 4. I'm trying to apply a embedded font in all Alert components of the application, to get the same style that all the app, of course. I code in my CSS file:


The font-family worked to all componentes, but not to the Alert component. In alert the text message and title got unvisible. If I change to other font-family it works correctly, just the embedded font doesn't work on Alert component. Anyone got this problem? Obs: The embedded font worked in all the app, just the Alert no.

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Flex :: Font.registerFont(). Error #1508: The Value Specified For Argument Font Is Invalid?

Aug 28, 2011

This is my EnglishFonts.swf application that contains embedded fonts:

import flash.display.Sprite;[code]...........

Font.registerFont() throws this error:

ArgumentError: Error #1508: The value specified for argument font is invalid. at flash.text::Font$/registerFont()

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Flex :: Setting Font Size When Font Family Is Set To Courier?

Aug 23, 2011

I seem to have trouble setting the font size of the text of a legend item when the font family is set to Courier.

legendItem.setStyle("fontFamily", "Courier");
legendItem.setStyle("fontSize", 7);
doesn't work.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Particular Font Does Not Work At All

Apr 27, 2011

I have a font, Trade Gothic LH, which I was using with a project. I exported it and it worked fine throughout the development.Yesterday I packed up for a business trip (pretty sure that has nothing to do with the problem, just saying...), and when I got here to work on it some more... that particular font does not work at all. Any text which uses that font class either does not appear at all or appears as default Times font. Also, other text that was in another exported font, Orator, was 'smeared' badly.After much time spent troubleshooting, I discovered that ONLY the Trade Gothic LH font, when I did a trace on it (trace myFont.fontName), came up 'null'. Every other font, the font name shows up when traced.The Orator problem resolved with a restart of Flash (CS4). But I'm still stuck unable to use Trade Gothic LH. It's not a total showstopper, I found another font that is similar enough. But why? WHY? why can't I suddenly not use this font? I'm starting to wonder if I should just completely re-install Flash? Don't want to... but this is ridiculous.

Also I've noticed that when I quit and restart Flash all my exported fonts under "Linkage" in the Library, it just says "Export:". The class name is not there unless I go through each font's properties screen again. This does not seem to affect publishing at all. But why would the Library not show the linkage?

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Professional :: Can't Get Different Styles Of The Same Font To Work?

Nov 10, 2010

I am trying to get my Trebuchet font working for several different styles in a single fla. I am using Flash CS5 and AS3, but I mustpublish it in flash player 9, so TLF-text is out. I am really confused and irritated by this.The fields are placed on the stage manually and must be able to handle htmlText.I embed all 3 fonts in the library but it doesnt work. If I only use one of the fields, and therefore only one style, it works great.

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Actionscript 3 :: Font Embedding Does Not Work Or?

Sep 1, 2010

i have this weird problem. I have a major project, no details needed except that it is split to many SWFs, and so - I would like to use a Shared Library to embed the fonts. Done - sl_fonts.swf loaded, fonts - checked and working, the rest of the SWFs are loaded AFTER (checked by a preloader).

Now - again, I traced the result of the request to the font, it is all like

DEBUG: REQUEST ArialBlack RETURN [class EMArialBlack] (main.swf)
DEBUG: GOT [class EMArialBlack] (loaded.swf)

The loaded SWF file requested for ArialBlack and it seems that it got an answer - EMArialBlack, which is the embedded font's class.

The weird thing is that when I put this return to a TextFormat's .font, it does not really work. I even traced the TextFormat.font after setting it to the return. It actually traced [class EMArialBlack]. BUT when I set this TextFormat to a TextField it does not work? If embedFonts is off, it has no result (it keeps the old _sans placeholder font). If it is on, no text is shown at all.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The .embedFonts With A Chinese Font But This Does Not Appear To Work

Feb 8, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTMLText FONT Tag Doesn't Work?

Dec 27, 2011

1. I need to put different font style in one single dynamic textfield. For example,the text is :"Welcome, Fred" and I want Fred to be bold and use "Vernada" as its font while others are left as "Arial"2. I am using embeded fonts and htmltext here, the strings are loaded from external xml files3. I found in the doc that the font tag could do this. So I set the embeded fonts to "Arial" for the dynamic textfield and add <FONT ACE="Vernada">Fred</FONT>in the xml files, but it will not show "Fred" at all4. Of course I added both "Arial" and "Vernada" into the library.5. The problem is when I change the embeded fonts into "Vernada" for the dynamic textfield and modify the xml like <FONT FACE="Vernada" SIZE="25">Fred</FONT>, it works this time. I mean the character size changed to 256. My conclusion is that the font tag only works when its font-family setting for its textfild is as the same that you want to set.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS 2 Fixed Width Font Or Other Answer That Will Work?

Nov 25, 2010

I am seeking the answer form the brain trust at FK. I am making a quick flash movie.. which has an 'lcd screen' display.. that needs to have numbers/timer being displayed on it..

I have found a few of these LCD/CALCULATOR font types.. and thought I had one that would work.. but it does not. I need a fixed width font..(in hopes) so that when I animate it..


will keeps it positioning! and NOT change 'alingment' when (say) a 0 becomes a 1. this shifts the whole textField. my questions are:

1.) is there a fixed width type font or other trick? (using the spacing or A/V parameter) to keep the characters in their positions? or will I need to break everything up and use individual text fields..and parse/split the numbers from the string?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Font Into The Flash Library In An FLA File The New Font Symbol Dialog Box

Oct 1, 2009

I have imported a font into the Flash library in an FLA file this way in the New font symbol dialog box:


I'd like to assign this font to a TextFormat instance, but as you can see, something is wrong or missing. But what?

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AS3 :: Flash - Use External Font Swf To Change Font Of A Dynamic Text Field?

Oct 5, 2010

I am working on a as3 project in which the user select a font from Combo Box and that font SWF should be loaded Dynamically and then i need to change the font of the Dynamic text field.

I have swf font files downloaded from [URL]

My question is that how can i load the font swf dynamically from server and add them to the library and how can i use that swf to change the font of dynamic text field.

if there are embedded fonts in library the i can access them using this- --

var fontList:Array = Font.enumerateFonts();
for( var i:int=0; i<fontList.length; i++ )
trace( "font: " + fontList[ i ].fontName );

But How to use dynamically loaded Font swf as a font type.

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Flash :: Embed Font Will Replace Or Complete Another Embeding Font?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a swf A, which contains no font.If I download into it the swf F1, which contains few characters of Arial, then I'll have the arial font embed into A, no problem with that.But if, then, I download the swf F2, which contains other characters of Arial into swf A, will I be able to use all the embed characters font, only the F2, or only the F1 ?I'd like to have a link to somewhere where this is explained, even in very technical terms : I wasn't able to find one.

EDIT : After few tests, it seems that the player replace the loaded font... How can I merge them, then ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex/Flash Font Embedding?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a Flex 4 project that exists in a hybrid state of Flex/Flash AS3. I've declared a stylesheet in the base component of a Window:

<fx:Style source="styles/styles.css" />

And all of my Flex components can display this font. The stylesheet looks like this:

@font-face {
: url("../fonts/Whitney-Light-Pro.otf");
fontFamily: WhitneyLight;


And the output I get is:

Fontarray length: 1
FONT 0:: name: WhitneyLight is embedded as type: embeddedCFF.

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Flex :: What Device Font Flash Player Uses

Sep 17, 2011

I have a Flex 3 application in which embedded fonts were being used. However, due to licensing restrictions, I have to remove the embedded fonts. Not a big problem, but now legal wants to know which device font is being used? Seems like I can only provide them a list of "suggested" fonts from my css file, and not the actual font that will be used at runtime.


"If the client's system does not have the first font in the list, Flash Player attempts to find the second, and so on, until it finds a font that matches. If no fonts match, Flash Player makes a best guess to determine which font the client uses."How can I determine what is the font that the Flash Player ultimately ends up using?

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Embed A Font In Flash And Have It Displayed As Though It Was A Device Font?

Jul 19, 2009

Is it possible to embed a font in Flash and have it displayed as though it was a device font? In other words, can embedded fonts be aliased?Using the bitmap-text option doesn't work, Flash tends to screw up a lot of the character spacing. I haven't found any pixel fonts that mimic Arial, Verdana and Tahoma accurately. Setting the stage quality to low does alias the fonts but they become fragmented.Using device fonts is an option but, as far as I understand, some browsers/operating systems will take it upon themselves to anti-alias the text.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Font/Text Resize Function Works On Local Machine, Does Not Work On Others?

Apr 6, 2010

I have the fonts embedded (Yet it still prompts me saying missing fonts every time I open flash, but not the fonts that aren't resizing correctly)
I have a function that takes in a textfield, resizes the font to fit the text box, works fine on my local machine, does NOT work on other machines.
why this doesn't work? here is the function
function fontSizeChanger(dtb,myWidth)
dtb.embedFonts = true;    
var myFormat:TextFormat = dtb.getTextFormat();


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Flex :: Emulate Photoshop CS4 Smooth Font Rendering In Flash?

Apr 23, 2010

how to emulate Smooth font rendering option from Photoshop in Flash/Flex?'ve tried different settings for advanced rendering (antiAliasType, gridFitType and friends) but not much luck so far.

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Flex :: Large Serifs In A Font Cause Flash To Measure Size Incorrectly?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a textarea where I measure the textWidth and textHeight to make sure the user cannot enter more text than can fit in the text area. I also extended the textArea with a textHeightNow and textWidthNow that measure the textField's dimensions since they update w/out requiring validation. Now this works great for 90% of the embedded fonts I'm using but any fonts that have giant serifs are not measured properly, for instance look at the 'f's in this text area:You can see they get cut off on both sides because textWidth and textWidthNow both return an incorrect size not taking into account the massive serifs.

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Flex :: Font Relative Sizing & Screen Resolution- Flash Player

Apr 3, 2011

We are building a flash based product (coded in flash builder) and need to ensure that the font size is readable for all standard screen resolutions- we coded fontsize to be a fraction of screen dimensions... still we find that it looks smaller on low resolution and larger on higher resolution

we dont have this problem with other assets like containers/images etc

why this happens? Any thoughts on how we can make it uniform across screen resolutions?

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Flash :: Font Rendering In Flex Sometimes Results In Characters A Couple Pixels Lower

Oct 31, 2009

Sometimes while typing in a textarea in Flex many characters will be rendered at one height then at some point on that same text line the rest of the characters are rendered a couple pixels lower than the rest. Here is an example, look at the last 'I' character, its low:

Sometimes changing the font size will fix this but its not consistent and its not something I can detect (and fix even if I could). Anybody got an idea why this happens? It happens for embedded and non-embedded fonts.

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Flex :: Unable To Set Font Family Style To Spark Button In Flex 4.6?

Feb 28, 2012

I have created a style in which i am defining a font family.When i apply this style to label it reflects the font were as there is no change when it is applied to a spark button.I Tried various way to Apply font style but it doesn't work.Other properties work fine except font family. Even i tried creating skin class and set the font family style of label in it. While previewing the skin i can see the changes but when i apply it to buttonApproach 1

fontFamily: MyF;


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Flex :: Why Flash Firebug Doesn't Work

Nov 12, 2010

Why Flash Firebug doesn't work with flex 4.5?


I have Flex 4.5 and in the main application, in the script tag I write:

import ominds.Firebug;

I use flash player WIN 10,1,85,3 Debug enabled. I export swf as 10.1.85 version.

And when I open the flashFirebug I get this: "No SWF files with the O-Minds package found, you should import the O-Minds package into your flash files. For more information visit: o-minds.com/products/flashfirebug"

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Flex :: Swf Address Does Not Work When I Go Out Of The Flash Application?

Jan 11, 2012

I am using swfAddress 2.4 for browser navigation and everything (back and forth button in the browser) works fine as long as I stay in my flash website, but when I use back button eventually to go out of the website and then use the forth button to come back , it just takes me to the home page of my website, instead of the last page I was in my website before I hit the back button. it looks like I loose the history of my pages as soon as I go out of my flash application.

how can I make the browser navigation with swfAddress works when I go out of my flash application and want to comeback to that? and still have the history of my pages.

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Flash :: Flex Text Field Do Not Work Under MacOS X

Sep 28, 2009

Strange problem. Text fields in my flex simply do not work under Mac. Inputted characters do not appear within it. I do not have any specific font set (just _serif), so I don't thing it's font issue. In what direction should I dig? Have anyone similar experience?

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Flex :: Chrome: Flash Video Player Doesn't Work?

May 9, 2010

why my flash video player doesn't work in Chrome while it perfectly works in other browsers ? (Firefox and IE)

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