Professional :: Can't Get Different Styles Of The Same Font To Work?

Nov 10, 2010

I am trying to get my Trebuchet font working for several different styles in a single fla. I am using Flash CS5 and AS3, but I mustpublish it in flash player 9, so TLF-text is out. I am really confused and irritated by this.The fields are placed on the stage manually and must be able to handle htmlText.I embed all 3 fonts in the library but it doesnt work. If I only use one of the fields, and therefore only one style, it works great.

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IDE :: Arial Font Styles Not Applying

Apr 24, 2009

I'm having a strange issue with the Arial font in Flash CS4. I can create a text box and choose the Arial font. That appears to look like regular Arial text. However, if I want to choose a style (italic, bold, bold italic) the text does not change at all. These fonts are loaded on my system and always have been. They work in Flash CS3 and they work in all other programs including Illustrator and Photoshop CS4. In addition to that, all other fonts seem to work just fine including Arial Narrow and the other general system fonts. Arial Narrow allows me to select and apply all the available styles. It seems to be specific to Arial.

This also happens when I open a file that was originally created in CS3 or Flash 8. The font mapping notification does not appear, but if I had a text box that is supposed to be Arial Bold Italic, it automatically changes to look like regular Arial.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Font Symbol Procedure With Styles?

Jul 31, 2009

I've imported two styles of the Trebuchet MS font into the library. One without selecting the 'bold' checkbox in the Library Panel upon importing and the second with the 'bold' checkbox selected.If I look in the font list of the property panel I now see the two embedded fonts (with asterisks behind their names):

Trebuchet MS Regular*
Trebuchet MS Bold*

The first textfield uses Trebuchet MS Regular* and off course shows the text in plain style.The second uses Trebuchet MS Bold* and I would expect the text to turn immediately bold, but it is still in regular style when I select Trebuchet MS Bold*. In both cases (Trebuchet MS Regular* and Trebuchet MS Bold*) I would have to select 'B' in the properties panel to make the text bold. Which in the second case seems a bit too much to me. Why still have to click 'B' when I already have Trebuchet MS Bold* selected?

Too make it more weird: I could also import Trebuchet MS with Italic selected, choose Trebuchet MS Italic* (which would make the text 'regular' at first) and click 'B' to also make the text bold. why Flash works this way with imported fonts?(I know I should/could use TextFormat, but I'm curious about this other approach and why Flash works this unlogical way with embedded fonts)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Embedded Font Styles Procedure?

Aug 1, 2009

I've imported two styles of the Trebuchet MS font into the library. One without selecting the 'bold' checkbox in the Library Panel upon importing and the second with the 'bold' checkbox selected. If I look in the font list of the property panel I now see the two embedded fonts (with asterisks behind their names): Trebuchet MS Regular* Trebuchet MS Bold* The first textfield uses Trebuchet MS Regular* and off course shows the text in plain style The second uses Trebuchet MS Bold* and I would expect the text to turn immediately bold, but it is still in regular style when I select Trebuchet MS Bold*. In both cases (Trebuchet MS Regular* and Trebuchet MS Bold*) I would have to select 'B' in the properties panel to make the text bold. Which in the second case seems a bit too much to me.

Why still have to click 'B' when I already have Trebuchet MS Bold* selected? Too make it more weird: I could also import Trebuchet MS with Italic selected, choose Trebuchet MS Italic* (which would make the text 'regular' at first) and click 'B' to also make the text bold. Can someone explain why Flash works this way with imported fonts? (I know I should/could use TextFormat, but I'm curious about this other approach and why Flash works this unlogical way with embedded fonts)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed And Display Different Font Styles?

Aug 6, 2009

Let's say I have a text field with some HTML formatted text inside.

txt_field.htmlText = "This is <b>sample</b> text."

how do I embed my fonts so it'll show both the regular and the bold version of the font? It just works on my Mac but when I look at it on a PC it doesn't even display the right font. Instead of the bold version of the font, how could I use the black version of the font instead?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Both - Bold And Italic Styles Of A Particular Font?

Nov 15, 2010

How to embed font so it would have both styles - bold and italic.

When creating new font from drop down menu there are only either bold or italic or other style, but how to embed font with all styles?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Related 2 ComboBox After RemoveAll Removes Font Styles

Oct 22, 2010

I have two related comboBox on the stage

-First ones instance name is grp_cb
-Second ones instance name is altGrp_cb

They load data from XML.When they first load their text format are as I coded.But after I change the first one second ones text format disappears..Any idea, how can I have my comboBox text format back????

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Actionscript 3 :: Programmatically Set "Faux" Bold And Italic Font Styles In Flex?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a client that I build a business card "builder" application for in Flex. All the text elements that users add to the stage are Flex spark TextArea. I have a list of fonts that we allow the user to set on the text areas and some of the fonts included do have Bold and Italic versions of the font. The others that do not I simply disable these options in the control panel so the user doesn't have the option to click bold or italic buttons.

Photoshop does something similar if you load a font that doesn't have Bold or Italic options they disable the dropdown that would allow you to select these options in the text pallet

When bold and italic aren't an included font face then Photoshop as a couple of buttons for applying Faux Bold and Italic to the font. Basically they programmatically thicken up the font face or slat it to make it look italic.

I've tried just setting fontWeight and fontStyle on the fonts that don't have bold or italic included in the embedded fonts and the result usually is a "web safe" font shows instead of the selected font or nothing at all happens.

I am wondering if there is a programmatic way that anyone has found that will do this in Flash / Flex. Basically thicken the font face or tilt it slightly to look italic. My guess is this would be pretty difficult and not worth the time and effort to the client but would be a neat thing to figure out and have a solution for.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The "Calibri" Font Bold/normal Styles - It Doesn't Seem To Embed Properly?

Dec 30, 2010

I want to use the "Calibri" font bold/normal styles.It doesn't seem to embed properly though.I have tried every different way to embed it but it just doesn't embed properly.Its blurry compared to static textfields,and the bold text shows up as not bold...has anyone been able to embed this font properly?

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Professional :: Swap Color Picker Styles Somehow?

Jun 15, 2010

When Flash starts up, the default color picker looks like this: I have accidentally somehow made mine look like this:And I have no idea how I did this, how to do it again, or how to get it back to the default.
All my web searches come up with a lot of stuff about coding my own color pickers or importing new ones and stuff. I just want to switch between these two modes: I would like mine back to the default, and my coworker would like hers (stuck on the default!) to look like mine.

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Professional :: No Dynamic Bold Font If Regular Static Font Present On Stage (CS5)?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a strange issue where a dynamic text field will not show a bold version of a font (Gerstner BQ) if the regular version is on the stage in a static text field.Remove the static text field and the dynamic text field displays the bold font correctlyI have created a test FLA to reproduce this and by turning the layer with the static text field on and off (Publish settings -> Flash -> include hidden layers [unchecked]), the issue is quite clearhis issue is so big for me that I have had to abandon a project in CS5 and start again in CS4 just to work around this.

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Professional :: Font Embedding Or Change The Font When Need Subscripts And Superscripts

Oct 4, 2010

I need to present chemical formulas with subscripts and superscripts in a dynamic text box. To do this, I've downloaded and embedded the GG Subscript and GG Superscript fonts, created a dynamic text box with Arial as the font, and added ActionScript code to change the font when I need subscripts and superscripts. the following is a simplified version of my code.


I get a compiler error 1119 Access of possibly undefined property html through a reference with static flash.text:TextField. The text box is a dynamic text box, not static, so I'm puzzled.I don't get this error with the GG Subscript code above.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Styling Components: _global.styles.Label.setStyle("autoSize", "true"); Does Not Work

Feb 23, 2007

According to the Flash 8 Actionscript Bible, it is possible to set a style that will affect all instances of a certain component class by typing the following code:

ActionScript Code:
import mx.controls.*;
import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
_global.styles.componentClassName = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.componentClassName.setStyle("styleAttribute", "value");

A disclaimer says that "[this style technique] will work with almost all of the component classes. However, the following classes will not allow you to set a class style object: List, DataGrid, Tree, and Menu." (ch 29, pg 644)

So why does the following do nothing:
_global.styles.Label = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.Label.setStyle("autoSize", "true");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Particular Font Does Not Work At All

Apr 27, 2011

I have a font, Trade Gothic LH, which I was using with a project. I exported it and it worked fine throughout the development.Yesterday I packed up for a business trip (pretty sure that has nothing to do with the problem, just saying...), and when I got here to work on it some more... that particular font does not work at all. Any text which uses that font class either does not appear at all or appears as default Times font. Also, other text that was in another exported font, Orator, was 'smeared' badly.After much time spent troubleshooting, I discovered that ONLY the Trade Gothic LH font, when I did a trace on it (trace myFont.fontName), came up 'null'. Every other font, the font name shows up when traced.The Orator problem resolved with a restart of Flash (CS4). But I'm still stuck unable to use Trade Gothic LH. It's not a total showstopper, I found another font that is similar enough. But why? WHY? why can't I suddenly not use this font? I'm starting to wonder if I should just completely re-install Flash? Don't want to... but this is ridiculous.

Also I've noticed that when I quit and restart Flash all my exported fonts under "Linkage" in the Library, it just says "Export:". The class name is not there unless I go through each font's properties screen again. This does not seem to affect publishing at all. But why would the Library not show the linkage?

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Actionscript 3 :: Font Embedding Does Not Work Or?

Sep 1, 2010

i have this weird problem. I have a major project, no details needed except that it is split to many SWFs, and so - I would like to use a Shared Library to embed the fonts. Done - sl_fonts.swf loaded, fonts - checked and working, the rest of the SWFs are loaded AFTER (checked by a preloader).

Now - again, I traced the result of the request to the font, it is all like

DEBUG: REQUEST ArialBlack RETURN [class EMArialBlack] (main.swf)
DEBUG: GOT [class EMArialBlack] (loaded.swf)

The loaded SWF file requested for ArialBlack and it seems that it got an answer - EMArialBlack, which is the embedded font's class.

The weird thing is that when I put this return to a TextFormat's .font, it does not really work. I even traced the TextFormat.font after setting it to the return. It actually traced [class EMArialBlack]. BUT when I set this TextFormat to a TextField it does not work? If embedFonts is off, it has no result (it keeps the old _sans placeholder font). If it is on, no text is shown at all.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The .embedFonts With A Chinese Font But This Does Not Appear To Work

Feb 8, 2011

I have been trying to use the .embedFonts with a chinese font but this does not appear to work. When I use an english font, no problems there, its just when I try any non English font, nothing appears.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTMLText FONT Tag Doesn't Work?

Dec 27, 2011

1. I need to put different font style in one single dynamic textfield. For example,the text is :"Welcome, Fred" and I want Fred to be bold and use "Vernada" as its font while others are left as "Arial"2. I am using embeded fonts and htmltext here, the strings are loaded from external xml files3. I found in the doc that the font tag could do this. So I set the embeded fonts to "Arial" for the dynamic textfield and add <FONT ACE="Vernada">Fred</FONT>in the xml files, but it will not show "Fred" at all4. Of course I added both "Arial" and "Vernada" into the library.5. The problem is when I change the embeded fonts into "Vernada" for the dynamic textfield and modify the xml like <FONT FACE="Vernada" SIZE="25">Fred</FONT>, it works this time. I mean the character size changed to 256. My conclusion is that the font tag only works when its font-family setting for its textfild is as the same that you want to set.

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Flash :: Can't Get WebDings Font To Work In Flex?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to add the WebDings font to my Flex application. The folder structure is:

> style.css
> WebDings.ttf
> MyApp.mxml


However all my Spark components show up as Times New Roman. Does anyone know how I can get this working please?

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Css :: Embedding Font In Flex Locally With A Installed Font Works, But With Url To Refer To A Ttf Font File Doesn't

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.

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Professional :: Import Photoshop Vector And/or Vector Styles?

May 7, 2010

I need to import a bunch of vector work from Photoshop into Flash. Is there a trick to it. So far, on import, it's converting the layer styles into black.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS 2 Fixed Width Font Or Other Answer That Will Work?

Nov 25, 2010

I am seeking the answer form the brain trust at FK. I am making a quick flash movie.. which has an 'lcd screen' display.. that needs to have numbers/timer being displayed on it..

I have found a few of these LCD/CALCULATOR font types.. and thought I had one that would work.. but it does not. I need a fixed width font..(in hopes) so that when I animate it..


will keeps it positioning! and NOT change 'alingment' when (say) a 0 becomes a 1. this shifts the whole textField. my questions are:

1.) is there a fixed width type font or other trick? (using the spacing or A/V parameter) to keep the characters in their positions? or will I need to break everything up and use individual text fields..and parse/split the numbers from the string?

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Professional :: Some Text Appears To Be One Font In One Computer, But A Different Font In Another Computer?

Sep 18, 2010

The navigation buttons in my .fla file are set to the font, Arial MT in Bold. It displays no problem on my desktop computer.  However, when I view the website on my laptops, the font changes to what looks to be something like Times New Roman. The same thing happens with my "Read More" button text.  It's also originally in Arial MT Bold.  On my desktop it appears fine but on my 2 laptops it appears to be in Times New Roman.  This is more of an issue because I have these buttons underlined.  When viewing in my laptops, these underlines appear to be too long. If I shorten it, it'll probably appear to be too short when I view on my desktop. How can I get the font to be one consistent font for all computers?

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Custom Flash Component Work With Any Font?

Jun 21, 2011

So we have a component we have written ourselves that deals with text display and translation between languages, reading translations from a file. Ideally what we would like to do is have this component be compatible with any font we can embed in the main .swf's library. What's the best way to do that?

Currently we are going down the route of having our component have an attribute for the font name, lets say 'Font1'. We drag the component into the .FLA file we want and then add a new font to the library called 'Font1' and set it to the typeface we want. This is proving to be inconsistent and problematic which implies it's not really an ideal way of doing it.

Is there anyway to achieve the feature we want? The key is flexibility, we want to easily support languages (hence the component) but we don't want design to be limited in their font selection. Its not practical to embed a range of fonts in the component for example, as it adds to file size and is restrictive.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Font/Text Resize Function Works On Local Machine, Does Not Work On Others?

Apr 6, 2010

I have the fonts embedded (Yet it still prompts me saying missing fonts every time I open flash, but not the fonts that aren't resizing correctly)
I have a function that takes in a textfield, resizes the font to fit the text box, works fine on my local machine, does NOT work on other machines.
why this doesn't work? here is the function
function fontSizeChanger(dtb,myWidth)
dtb.embedFonts = true;    
var myFormat:TextFormat = dtb.getTextFormat();


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Professional :: How To Integrate A Font

Jan 8, 2010

I'm new to Flash and I just noticed that the custom font that I used for my menus is not being displayed on machines that do not have this font, only a default font is shown there.I tried to include the font in the library (Library -> New Font), but it still doesn't workDo I have to start from scratch with the imported font? Or was I supposed to checksomething/add some settings (like "Export for ActionScript" or "Export for runtime sharing"?).

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Professional :: Add New Font In Flash CS5?

Jul 6, 2010

I've installed new font into system(if it's important OS is Windows Vista), but it was not added in flash(i.e I can't select a new font as a font of a text field). What should I do to make flash see new font?

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Professional :: How To Italicize Font In Xml

Sep 2, 2010

Basically, i have buttons in my swf file that get updated once in a while. I need to be able to italicize one button, while keeping the other buttons regular font.(so i cant just italicize the font in flash library)So far i can only change font size and colour, but not italicize..

Heres the xml code -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<copystrings>  <copy name="1st id">button 1</copy>  <copy name="2nd id">button


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Flex :: Embedded Font Won't Work In Flex Mobile ActionBar?

Jul 20, 2011

i've got a few fonts embedded and am using them in my mobile application, and they are all working, except for the ones i try to use for the "ActionBar". They work everywhere else, and substituting "Comic Sans MS" for "titleCGF" changes it to Comic Sans. So why won't it work with my custom fontFamily?


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Professional :: Font Missing Online?

Jan 9, 2010

i'm having a little problem with my site because my font don't appear online... i have one font and when i see my page in another computer, i see times new roman...i know that if i use flash, i don't need to worry with that... so why this is happenning??i made another site and it was everything ok with the fonts that i used...

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Professional :: _sans Font Missing?

Feb 4, 2010

I am using Flash CS3 and the default font is _sans.This is missing from my fonts folder and I have tried to Google a download for this but have been unsuccessfull.

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