Flash :: Embed Access Child Movieclips?

Sep 11, 2011

So I am using this code to embed my .swf file. I am creating classes for each asset in my library.

[Embed('assets/assets.swf', symbol='game.menu.levels')]
public static const LEVELS_MENU:Class;

It works just fine but how can I access a child element multiple depths down?


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Flash :: Embed SWC Cannot Access Textfield

Sep 11, 2011

I added a SWC with movieclip assets to my flash builder project. I can access all movieclips with dot syntax but when I try to access my textfields it throws an error saying it is cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

Here is my code:

// gameMenuLevels is a main asset.
this.object = new gameMenuLevels();

This all works fine, I can go two levels deep:

var levelString:String = "level" + Utils.zeroPad(i + 1, 3);
var level:MovieClip = this.object[levelString] as MovieClip;
var bronze:MovieClip = level.bronze as MovieClip;

But when I try to get my textfield:

(bronze.getChildByName("levelNumber") as TextField)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comunicating Between Loaded Child Movieclips And Parent Holder Movieclips?

Aug 6, 2010

I m trying to make sense of how to load a swf into a parent MovieClip and allow them to communicate.I ve attached two zip files � one which works fine and the other doesn�t. Unfortunately (for me), the one which doesn�t work is closer to my current project.I need to load movieclips into the parent movieclip. The parent movieclip has controls which rely on values parsed from the child movieclip.In the parent movieclips I wait until the loading is complete and so the values should be passed. However, the values aren�t passed unless I use a button (or timer), to pass the values (see the working exampes).The code which doesn�t work is:

Parent movieclip:

ActionScript Code:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();[code].............

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Professional :: Embed All MovieClips / Sound And Video In One Flash File?

Feb 13, 2012

I can use flash ok to build stuff, but I usually just build a flash presentation with movieclips and buttons all contained in the one file. I have never had to put my creations onto cd-rom before. So now I am looking at a CD-rom and seeing how someone else has done it and I see that all the .swf files are separated, as will as sound and video. I thought the only reason to do this would be to be able to access and change for example and mp3. without having to open the flash file, but I am thinking there are other reasons?

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Flex :: SWFLoader - Child Apps Couldn't Access Certain Objects That Were Instantiated By Another Child App?

Aug 23, 2010

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<mx:VBox id="content" width="100%" height="100%" ></mx:VBox>
public function doIT():void

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Files > Example >
-> example.swf
-> example.xml

So then on a separate webpage stored in the root of my server.. I'm embedding the flash.
<param name="movie" value="[URL]">
Now the issue comes. Because the .swf is trying to access example.xml ... which is NOT stored in the root directory.

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Jan 18, 2012

Here's the scenario: We have a creative team that operates in Flash CS5.5 and produces SWF assets which have both graphics elements and actionscript code in them, and an engineering team which authors .as files and builds "code SWFs". The code SWF files must load or embed the creative assets and interact with the code therein for our apps to function.

For iOS mobile development, there is another consideration - it is not possible to load runtime code in an AIR app packages for iOS because of Apple TOS (see related question). Hence, it is not possible to use a Loader to load SWFs in an iOS environment and retain their code.

Embedding a SWF into an ActionScript file the standard way results in a Loader that loads the embedded SWF directly as bytes. This results in access to the top-level, main timeline as follows:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop And Play All Child MovieClips In Flash With It?

Apr 13, 2012

I am stuck with the ActionScript here. I have a very complex animated flash movie for eLearning. These contain around 10 to 15 frames. In each frame I am having multiple movie clip symbols. The animation has been created using a blend of scripting and also normal flash animation.Now I want to create pause and play functionality for the entire movie. I was able to create the pause function but when i try to play the movie it behaves very strange. [code]...

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Flash :: Embed A SWF And Access It Without Giving Any Movie Clips Instance Names?

Dec 12, 2011

I have a folder full of SWF files. Each SWF is its own animation. I have several people submitting their animations for this project. I would like to embed all these SWF's into my project and use .play() .stop() and other movieclip related commands on them as a whole. By this I mean, the artist sends me the SWF, my AS3 script embeds it, then I can access it with say animation_1.stop(); without the artist ever having to enter a instance name, or export for ActionScript name.

I plan to create a shell script which will take all the swf's in a folder and create a AS3 file with all the embed statements. The instance name that will be given to each one by the shell script will be the file name. Is this possible to embed a SWF and access it without giving any movie clips instance names or exporting for Actionscript? UPDATE: @annonymously answer below helped a lot. Here are some other resources that helped me: Great Resource - [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Child Of A Child's Stage?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a mainSwf in which I load an external swf, which loads an external swf.( a child of a child). I am trying to set the framerate via AS3 for the childs child by using stage.frameRate= 15;

It doesnt work when the children are loaded into the mainSwf. how to access the stage of a child's child? I have tried root, Movieclip, this but can not get it to work

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Flash :: Flex - Export SWC And Access Child

Mar 15, 2010

I'm creating an actionscript project in Flex Builder. I succeed to export from Flash a SWC file, and to use it succesfully in Flex. I have a good programming background and Flex looks very simple for me, but I have difficult times in flash. I'm trying to achieve something that might be very simple(not for me of course): I create a simple shape in Flash, convert it to symbol. Then I create a TextField. The I select both the elements and convert them to another symbol, and Export it as a movieclip in swc.

In flex I want to change the value from the textfield. How should I do? I'm trying to do:

var t:ExportedMC = new ExportedMC();
t....(what should I write here)

As I mentioned when I open flash I feel like an elephant in a porcelain store. I have 2 questions here: - how to assign a name to the textfield in flash? I'm using CS4. - how to access it as a child in flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Child Swf Function In Main Flash?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a very serious issue and need to be fix ASAP. Kindly check [url]... it is a flash based website, there on main flash file which have all the navigations (menu tab), when user click on any tab its load a external swf according to that tab, that swf has flv player which take videos dynamically, If user click on the trailers tab its load trailers.swf which have the player and the playlist when the user click on the video of the play list its player that video but the problem is that if the video is still in loading process and the user click on another tab so the main.swf load the swf according to that tab but the audio of the previous video is running...

thats i m trying to make a function in the child.swf(trailers.swf) which will pause the video so i will call that function the other tabs, so if the trailers.swf is loading and user click on comedy so that function will pause the video of trailers.swf and play the comedy.swf, So kindly tell me how i will access the function of [url]...

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May 6, 2010

I have imported a swf (not created with Flex, i.e. non-framework) into a Flex application. Once loaded, I would like to access movieclips within that imported swf. [URL].. it seems straightforward; however, their examples are between a Flex app and an imported swf (created with Flex).

Like their example, I'm trying to use the SystemManager to access the imported swf's content; however, I receive the following error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@58ca241 to mx.managers.SystemManager. Is this error occurring because I'm importing a non-framework swf into a framework swf?


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How can I access a movie clip's children (specifically child movie clips) in jsfl? [code]...

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Apr 14, 2011

I am new to AS 3 and I tried to solve this (probably really simple) problem, but I couldn't, so I gotta ask here. All I did was create a child through a function in my document class.It is in fact an altered version of the rotate circles tutorial from kirupa.

function makeCircle (e:Event):void {
var circle:BlueCircle=new BlueCircle ;


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Actionscript 3 :: Access Nested Movieclips In Flash File?

Dec 12, 2011

I have an application created in Flash Builder 4 that loads SWFs of flash files and I want to access movie clips within these flash files. I can access top level movie clips using:

var assetName:String = "example_mc";

However when I want to access nested movie clips I am unsuccessful, I have tried:

var assetName:String = "example_mc";
var assetName2:String = "example2_mc";

and I have tried:


In addition I tried variants of the square brackets and "getChildByName" but still no success.All moviclips are instantiated in frame 1 of the Flash files?

Edit :I forgot to tweak my error handling so an error would be shown, plus all my tests where not showing text, late afternoon on a Mon is not my brightest hour! ;) I worked it out in the end, the solution was either (as above):




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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load AND Embed Movieclips From Another Swf?

Oct 14, 2009

I have 60 characters that I have drawn, and I believe they are making the FLA file take ages to load, and lag.

I would like to seperate the game into 2 files, characters.fla and everything else in another .fla.

I know that I could do loadmovie, but if I move the exported swf file with the loadmovie code in to my desktop for instance, then it wont load.

I would like it so that the two files are seperate, but when i export, it exports from both files to make a single swf with everything in it.

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Flash :: Access A Variable In A Child File Through A Parent Flash File Using Javascript?

Feb 22, 2010

I have the need to change a variable in a child Flash file.

The setup is a parent Flash file, that has called a child Flash, and placed it in a movieClip.

I can send a variable using Javascript to the parent Flash file, but not directly to the child Flash file. Is there a way that I can access the child Flash file directly with Javascript?

Or do I need to send the variable to the parent Flash file, and then have the parent send the variable to the child Flash file? Is there a sort of dot notation that I can use with Javascript to get to the child Flash file without first accessing the parent, when the child is added to the parent using the loadClip function in flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Directly Access Sprite After Swf Embed?

Dec 18, 2010

I have the following class:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;


Is there a way to access the properties directly? I tried making this = new new swfShip() but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Loader As A Child To More The One MovieClips?

Apr 7, 2009

I would like to use the addChild method of more then one MovieClips with the same parameter, eg add the same loader to two or more MovieClips.

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.actionscript.org/forums/images/misc/navbits_start.gif"));


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Flex - Accessing Child MovieClips FlashDevelop?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a movieClip within another MovieClip. I gave the child movieClip the instance name "hSprite" and I added it to the parent movieClip stage. Now I get an error like the following.

[Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property hSprite on com.objects.Hero. If I remove the instance name from the child movieclip, then the error goes away. but when I add the instance name back, the error reappears again.

Keep in mind that both classes are set for export. The parent class is embeded by a custom class which work perfectly fine. But the minute I give the child movieClip a instance name, the error starts up again.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest In Child/nested Movieclips?

Jun 8, 2006

i searched everywhere, i was not able to find a solutionmy xml menu implementation use a "main" Menu class. This class parse the xml file and create an aeeay of MenuItem class.MenuItem costructor is (stripped down version) something like this:Code:function MenuItem(name: String, url: String, parent_mc: MovieClip)parent_mc is a reference to the "container" MovieClip for Items (generally an emptymovieclip made by Menu class)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Build Mask With 2 Child MovieClips

May 11, 2009

I'm trying to build a simple mask with 2 children mcs. The masking is almost working, but the two children only mask where they don't overlap. I've tried using a mask layer and using code, and it's the same effect either way.

Below is the code:
import caurina.transitions.*
sticker.mask = noteMask_mc;
Tweener.addTween(noteMask_mc.mask_1, {y:-540, scaleX:2.5, scaleY:2.5, time:10, transition:"easeIn"});
Tweener.addTween(noteMask_mc.mask_2, {x:255, scaleX:2.5, scaleY:2.5, time:10, transition:"easeIn"});

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add And Removes Child Movieclips From The Stage?

Sep 3, 2010

When you make a simple game that maybe has a few different 'screens' like start, help, and high score, and a few levels, and you don't wish to load from external swf's. What is the best practice for making these games as far as the timeline?To just have ONE frame that add's and removes child movieclips from the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Actions On Child MovieClips

Apr 29, 2011

I am having issues trying to get a simple button to make the playhead jump to a certain frame when pressed. I have the main timeline and then have a movieclip which has buttons inside of it and actionscript applied in the movieclips timeline. Is this a no? That is should all actions go on the main timeline? If this is so then does anyone know why I keep getting an error that it can't find the instance named button inside the movieclip?

portfolioButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {

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Actionscript 3 :: Access The Width Attribute Of The Embed Object From Within Application Swf?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a flex 3 project with a root mx:Application. The width and the height are set to pct values, because the application has several sizes that can be chosen by the user, so the correct size is set on the embed's width attribute.

how to access the value in that attribute. I read in several places that this.root.loaderInfo.width should give me that value, but it always returns 500, which I am guessing comes from the default application container width [URL].

I realize I could pass it as a flashvar, but that is not a good solution in this case due to the nature of the project. I've also tried pplication.application.width, stage.width, and stage.stageWidth, to name a few. I can't depend on any of those values, since they change based on the browser zoom level.

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