Flash :: MovieClips Don't Keep Their Base Class If Childed To A Movieclip That's Added Dynamically
Dec 19, 2010
I have a holder movieclip, its base class is foo.[code]I put a trace in the constructor of bar so I can tell if it's being loaded properly, and when I drag out foo onto the scene and run the clip, all the little bars within it fire off correctly. However, when I add it to the scene dynamically, such as like this in the Main class:[code]Suddenly, all the little bar movieclips within foo revert to regular old movieclips and don't fire. What's interesting is if you typecast one them as Bar at some point, and their normal class is set to Bar (within the movieclip itself, rather than base class), it works and the constructors all fire, like this:[code]However, if you want multiple different types of Bar clips, and give each a base class of Bar, this won't work. They all spawn as generic movieclips. It DOES work if you go through and typecast them as either Bar1 or Bar2, but that means in practice you would have to try to typecast every child as every top-level object type every time you added the clip to the stage. You also can't have a bunch of movieclips of the same type since Flash doesn't allow it, so each one needs to be a new class, and have that class typecasted when the parent is placed on stage. Kind of defeats the purpose of OOP.
This seems to be a bug in Flash itself, but is there any way to fix it?You can download an example file here with a couple extra traces to show off what's going on: url... It still has its children, they're added and displayed, but their type changes to MovieClip, ignoring the base class.
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Dec 19, 2010
I have a holder movieclip, its base class is foo.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Foo extends MovieClip {
public function Foo() {
Suddenly, all the little bar movieclips within foo revert to regular old movieclips and don't fire.[URL]It still has its children, they're added and displayed, but their type changes to MovieClip, ignoring the base class.
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Aug 12, 2010
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package sevengames.miranda.front.res {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
I then, in the Flash document, create a movie clip which has this class set as the "Base class" in the properties. However, if I then do this.updateText(); in the movie clip's frame script, it complains
TypeError: Error #1006: updateText is not a function.
at miranda_fla::MenuButton_3/frame1()
Why doesn't it work? I know the class is read and compiled, because I had an error there which was reported.
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Jul 20, 2011
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addChild (new Arrow());
in Arrow.as I want the new arrow to tween as soon as it is added by Main.as file.
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import fl.transitions.Tween;
mport fl.transitions.easing.*;
private function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void {
tween= new Tween (this, "x", Regular.easeInOut, x, 400, 60, false);
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Oct 13, 2011
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Feb 23, 2009
I need to work in as2 and I would like to add a blank movieclip to the stage, then the user can draw in it, but but only within certain confines. So I tried to set a mask but its just not working. :-(
this.createEmptyMovieClip("draw_mc", 1);
_root.attachMovie("mask_mc", "instance1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
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Jan 14, 2010
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menuInGame = new inGameMenu();
menuInGame.x = 700 ;
menuInGame.y = 0 ;
Im trying to switch the height of an mc that is inside an object ive dynamically loaded from the library
the mc has the name barHP.
How do i access it, or must i add this dynamically as well?
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function saveAction(evt:MouseEvent):void{
var choice=evt.target.name;
var inputText:String = saveName.text;
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Warning: 1072: Migration issue: int is not a dynamic class. Instances cannot have members added to them dynamically.
and the source:
public function getStartUpData(param1:MovieClip, param2:MovieClip):void {
(null | null <= this)._111d = param1;
this._111f = param2;
_111e = new MainInterval(param1);
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this["recipe"+i] = new recipelistname();
this["recipe"+i].buttonMode = true;
this["recipe"+i].recipeid = i;
The problem is that the movieclip rotates around the center. The textfield inside the movieclip is starting at 0,0. But it still rotates around the center, how can I make it rotate at 0,0?
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Sep 17, 2010
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bgURLRequest = new URLRequest(slaveUrl);
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, new ApplicationDomain( null ), SecurityDomain.currentDomain);
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Apr 20, 2009
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var testClip:SampleClass = new SampleClass();
But with this instance, I also want it to begin playing. However the following is not working:
MovieClip(testClip).play();// doesn't work?
testClip.play();// also doesn't work?
But, if I delay things a bit it DOES work - like this:
Tweener.addTween(testClip, {y:0, time:.5, onComplete:function() {testClip.play()}});
// works fine, clip begins playing
Why delaying the play command works, but telling it to play on instantiating doesn't?
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Dec 23, 2011
I have a movieclip in my library named mcLeaderboarditem. I've generated a class for it to manage the textfields.
The easiest way is to make a child of the class and manage the contents properties with the dot-syntax like this (documentclass):
var leaderItem:mcLeaderboardItem = new mcLeaderboardItem();
leaderItem.lblRank.text = "2nd";
Probably it will be something stupid because of tiredness. Or is there an other way to do what i'm trying to do?
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Feb 16, 2011
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circle 0
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Aug 15, 2009
ok. so here's the thing..i have a class from where i created an array with the time, name, and position of each movieclip data.. and wanted it to go through each one and execute at a certain time.. So i tried something like this:
the first part works well.. but its when i try and add it to the stage that i get confused.. i tried something but i think its wrong.. can anyone help me? Basicly i want flash to get the array.. use index 1 for the name.. index 2 for the x position and index 3 for the y position.. but all this name referencing in as3 really confuses me.
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Aug 15, 2009
i have a class from where i created an array with the time, name, and position of each movieclip data.. and wanted it to go through each one and execute at a certain time.. So i tried something like this:[code]the first part works well.. but its when i try and add it to the stage. Basicly i want flash to get the array.. use index 1 for the name.. index 2 for the x position and index 3 for the y position.i have already linked the movieclips on the stage
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May 7, 2010
I am working on a tile based game in which you will be able to slide the tiles back and forth, up and down along a grid.
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var t = _root["gameboard"].attachMovie("Tile", "tile_" + i + "_" + j,
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Mar 10, 2011
If I've already specified in the symbol's package which class the symbol's class extends, do I still need to specify the base class in the symbol properties dialog?
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Mar 24, 2009
when I create a new flash project, I would like to put the source files in /src/ folder.When I try to add the base class to my project, flash can't find it.I've added the folder "src/" to source paths, in flash preferences.
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Nov 2, 2010
I have a class "BaseMenu", which, needless to say, is a base class to menus that have eventlisteners. When I trigger the function to remove the menu itself, I don't know how to remove these eventlisteners, since their respective functions are in the extended classes, not in "BaseMenu".
public function BaseMenu() {
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
alpha = 0;
y = 400;
[Code] .....
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Aug 26, 2011
So I know you can assign a base class to a library definition within the Movieclips library information field but If I have 30 items in the library and I change the Base class this becomes a pain in the ass, can this be done programmatically when I instantiate the library definition?
var new_shiz:MyItem1 = new MyItem1(); // Needs to have a generic base class of MyItem
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Dec 28, 2010
For some reason Adobe doesn't allow us to change the size of the handle in the default slider component. This handle is small and hard to click on quickly. If you try to increase the size of it graphically it just gets resized back down to 13x13 pixels. I've looked into the Slider.as code found in:
Program Files(x86)/Adobe/Adobe Flash CS4/Common/Configuration/Component Source/ActionScript3.0/User Interface/fl/controls/Slider.as
And found that on line 803 there is the code thumb.setSize(13,13). I tried changing that to 60,60 but it doesn't change the size of the handle. I don't know much about classes and I didn't think you had to compile these. I thought that in Flash when you clicked on the Components button that it loaded these classes in at that point but I must be wrong.
ActionScript Code:
override protected function configUI():void {
thumb = new BaseButton();
thumb.setSize(60, 60);
[Code] .....
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Jan 21, 2010
im getting an error message that flash cant find the base class. i put the as file and the fla file in the same folder, isnt that the first place in the classpath?
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Mar 24, 2009
I have a symbol in the Library with a Base Class that extends the MovieClip Class and adds some additional functionality. I want to be able to export this from the Library by right clicking on the symbol and selecting Export SWF. I was hopping this would essentially give me the same results as if the symbol contents was on the main timeline and I had declared the Base Class as the Document Class. When I import this SWF using the Loader Class it seems to loose all of Base Class functionality and think of itself as a MovieClip.
Looking at the below sample code, the alpha property is correctly set but the param1 getter is unaccessible. What the hell is going on?
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Dec 10, 2011
here is a very simple code
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10000 ; i++)
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip()
What is the memory accumulated by this code ? Any flash util's keyword i may use ?
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