Flash :: Change A Movieclips Textfields From Within The Movieclip Class?

Dec 23, 2011

I have a movieclip in my library named mcLeaderboarditem. I've generated a class for it to manage the textfields.

The easiest way is to make a child of the class and manage the contents properties with the dot-syntax like this (documentclass):

var leaderItem:mcLeaderboardItem = new mcLeaderboardItem();
leaderItem.lblRank.text = "2nd";


Probably it will be something stupid because of tiredness. Or is there an other way to do what i'm trying to do?

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AS3:: Change Textfields On Stage From An External Class

Apr 29, 2011

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Flash :: Can't Interact With Textfields And Movieclips?

Aug 22, 2011

I have a movieclip on stage: I load inside it a form (via addChild). The form is made of textfields and movieclips and it is contained in a library object of MyForm class, extending MovieClip. So I have:

var myForm:MyForm = new MyForm();

What happens: the MyForm class lets me interact with textfields (if I change a value of a textfield I can see it very clearly). But I can't manually reach the input textfields and the buttons (they don't respont to pressure, and I can't modify their content in the case of textfields). There seems to be something related to the fact that MyForm is contained inside myClip because if I load the form without the myClip container anything works again. I tried to use mouseChildren and mouseEnabled on myClip but it doesn't work.

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Flash - MovieClips Do Not Keep Their Class If Childed To A Movieclip That's Added Dynamically

Dec 19, 2010

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Foo extends MovieClip {
public function Foo() {


Suddenly, all the little bar movieclips within foo revert to regular old movieclips and don't fire.[URL]It still has its children, they're added and displayed, but their type changes to MovieClip, ignoring the base class.

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Flash - Accessing Nested Movieclips From Main Movieclip Class?

Feb 16, 2011

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circle 0


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Flash :: MovieClips Don't Keep Their Base Class If Childed To A Movieclip That's Added Dynamically

Dec 19, 2010

I have a holder movieclip, its base class is foo.[code]I put a trace in the constructor of bar so I can tell if it's being loaded properly, and when I drag out foo onto the scene and run the clip, all the little bars within it fire off correctly. However, when I add it to the scene dynamically, such as like this in the Main class:[code]Suddenly, all the little bar movieclips within foo revert to regular old movieclips and don't fire. What's interesting is if you typecast one them as Bar at some point, and their normal class is set to Bar (within the movieclip itself, rather than base class), it works and the constructors all fire, like this:[code]However, if you want multiple different types of Bar clips, and give each a base class of Bar, this won't work. They all spawn as generic movieclips. It DOES work if you go through and typecast them as either Bar1 or Bar2, but that means in practice you would have to try to typecast every child as every top-level object type every time you added the clip to the stage. You also can't have a bunch of movieclips of the same type since Flash doesn't allow it, so each one needs to be a new class, and have that class typecasted when the parent is placed on stage. Kind of defeats the purpose of OOP.

This seems to be a bug in Flash itself, but is there any way to fix it?You can download an example file here with a couple extra traces to show off what's going on: url... It still has its children, they're added and displayed, but their type changes to MovieClip, ignoring the base class.

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IDE :: CS4 With Some Textfields When Change The Flash Quality?

May 4, 2011

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normal01.png and normal02.png (quality change)

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Flash :: Change Texts In The Dynamic TextFields In SimpleButton Instance (button Symbol)?

May 6, 2010

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although i remember it wasn't very "inline" it was a huge pain to line it up properly in the text

any one have any experiene with this?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loading Textfields Into Movieclips?

May 23, 2009

I have created a content navigation system using xml. On the left there are a list of items and when you click on them their descriptions load on the right. I've gotten most everything working, however the list of items (which you click on) is messing up my formatting scheme creating a run-on page. Since the items are loaded using a for var i++ method, they each been created in separate textfields. I was thinking there must be a way to load them all into a movieclip and then create a scrollbar for the movieclip itself so that the user doesn't have to scroll the entire page to view the items.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Various MovieClips With TextFields?

Oct 18, 2004

I create various movieClips with TextFields in them using the following function.

function AddLabel(Label,L) // create a MovieClip with a Text Field.
obj = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + L,L);[code].....

Lets say that I use the above function with the following statement:

JimMC = AddLabel("JimVision",1);

Then I try to assign a string to the above movieClip with some embedded html like so:

JimMC.txt.htmlText = "This is my test < a href='http://bogus.com'>link</ a>.";

When I try to run the above the results come out blank. When I list my variables I do see that my TextField is being assign the text and html code. What I also notice is that the textWidth and textHeight value become zero.why my results are blank? Why do the textWidth and textHeight values become zero?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Textfields Dynamically In Movieclips?

Dec 8, 2004

I'm trying to create 10 empty mc using a for loop, with each mc containing a textfield. Below's how i've done it...

yPos = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Textfields Dynamically In Movieclips

Dec 8, 2004

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Nov 4, 2010

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Here is the code:
private function arrangeClips():void {
for (var i:uint=0; i<7; i++) {
var tile_mc:whiteTail=new whiteTail();


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Aug 22, 2010

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Assume I know practically nothing about AS3! I'm using Flash Pro CS5. I'm trying to reassociate a flash file I've been given with its external assets and classes. In the library I have a movieclip with linkage to a class called 'StaticMap' using the base class 'flash.display.MovieClip'. am I missing a custom class file called 'StaticMap.as' that was originally located in the same folder as the fla, or is this a generic class accessible to all movieClips from within Flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change MovieClip From A Defined Class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A New Movieclip For Each Top-level XML Node And Include In The Movieclip Two Separate Textfields?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Input TextFields - How To Change Undefined Value

May 5, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Font Size Of All Textfields?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm in the midst of the very honorable job of adding localization support for all kinds of languages. This would not be a problem if the main font we use would support asian and russian symbols.

After some nosing around I found a substitution font that has support for asian and russian symbols. However this substitution font isn't spaced in the same way as our original font. If I just replace the old font for the new font then all the text will be misaligned, too big and also lowered quite a bit.

What I'd like to do is when a textfield is loaded I check for what language is chosen and scale/resize/reposition the textfields accordingly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Text Size In ALL Textfields In Stage And MCs?

Aug 2, 2006

is it possible to set the text size for ALL the textfields in the movie with one script? Even if they have no instance names, even if they are created dynamically,...

Maybe some prototype which activates after the textfield is "created"?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Custom Class To Create Textfields?

May 13, 2009

I want to create a custom class that will create textfields and return them to other classes, but it seems i cant get it working.First i created this custom class named "FormatText" extending Sprite class.Through constructor parameters i pass all the things i need to create a textfield and at the end i put it on the display list using addChild.If i do by this way and i create an istance of FormatText adding it to the display list, my textfield appears, but the problem is that i don't have full control of it, because this new textfield created is still considerated as FormatText's child, so if i try to change some textfield parameters, nothing happens.

Just an example:
var txt:FormatText = new FormatText(param1, param2, param3, etc.).


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Flash :: Cleanup MovieClips On Scene Change In ActionScript 2

Nov 21, 2010


The main scene is overlayed with all the MovieClips I had in the previous scene. How can I automagically clean them up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding TextFields To A MovieClip?

Apr 27, 2009

I had a problem with ScrollPane. My application consists of two Buttons(with instances: myBtn1,myBtn2).I added textfields to a movieclip(myClip) and again added this movieclip to a scrollpane(sp) using the code as follows:

var sp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();
var myClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myBtn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick);function onClick(evnt:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove TextFields From MovieClip?

Sep 24, 2009

I have a search, and it returns an xml file (built by php), then I parse the xml to get the data.

That I get to work fine, the part I am having problems with is removing the old search data and adding the new.

Here is what I do:

1. get the xml file

2. remove any TextField currently in my "Library" MovieClip

3. add the new returned searched results

I am having issues with step number 2, removing TextFields from my MovieClip.

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Dec 21, 2011

I'm working on my first real Flex app and i have learned a lot by it. Now I'm trying to understand the basics of working with classes. I have a function that asks information from the LastFm API. This is the base function:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Data From An Xml-file And Dynamically Create Movieclips With Textfields Inside Of Them Return "undefined"?

Oct 22, 2004

i'm loading some data from an xml-file and dynamically create movieclips with textfields inside of them, but I'm kinda stuck. I'm not up to the point where I completely understand how you can refer to a nested object using this syntax: _root[movieClipName]. If you want to nest something inside of that movieclip, you have to work like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 5000: The Class 'fla.class' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'?

Jun 24, 2009

And i cant figure it out.the "my.fla.class"content looks like this

package my_fla


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