Flash - YouTube Player Not Working Without Continuous Mouse Movement Over It?

Oct 15, 2010

What can be the cause of the YouTube player not working (playing, buffering, firing api events) if I don't continuously move the cursor over the player?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Continuous Movement When The Mouse Is Pressed?

Oct 1, 2004

I'm working for a client that wants me to create an interactive map, which I can zoom in/out, move the map around, have a minimap guide, and other goodies. I've got the bulk of it created, but I got stuck trying to create a gamepad type controller which the user can click on, and it will move the map.

What I'm trying to do is this: The gamepad graphic I created is like a typical Playstation/X-box style thumbpad controller. There are an up, down, left, and right arrows graphic which the user can click to make the map go up, down, etc. (I have created code to let the users use the keyboards, in case they don't want to use the graphics)

Is it possible to create a continous movement when the mouse is pressed, or will my poor user be stuck clicking the mouse ad-nauseum?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Movement Causing Flash Player Slowdown

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I am struggling with an issue at the moment related to mouse events or more specifically mouse movement. I have found that moving the mouse in my game causes it to slow down. Rapidly moving the mouse can actually freeze the game, I believe EnterFrame events are actually dropped when the mouse is moving rapidly.

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So if I'm getting this problem with a Blank SWF how come I don't see this problem talked about all over the internet, how is every other Flash Developer not running into this problem?

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Flex :: Youtube Api Player Not Working On IOS?

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Flex :: Allowing Mouse Events To Bubble Reliably Through The Youtube Chromeless Player?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm working on a prototype that would require me being able to read and track the mouse movement over a playing youtube video. The basic code to replicate my problem boils down to this simple test case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


Expected behavior is:

Youtube player loads The label on the top right tracks the X coordinate of the mouse The number should update even when moving the mouse over the Youtube player

So far the program behaves as expected when running from the IDE (tested on both FlashDevelop and FlashBuilder) and even when running the file manually from the output folder. But, alas, when I try to run it from anywhere else than the debug folder (be it another location on my computer or up on a webserver), the Youtube player seems to eat the events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Path Movement - Mc To Follow The Path Drawn Out By The Player's Mouse And When The Player Clicks Again, It Erases All Of The Path?

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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Movement Tutorial?

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User Interface - Continuous Flash Music Player While Navigating Site

Jun 16, 2010

I have a site that includes a Flash music player integrated into the layout. I want users to be able to navigate around the site without interrupting the music. I've done plenty of research and thinking and the following are the options I came up with (keeping in mind I want to be as SEO friendly as possible).

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Flash :: Create A Continuous Fire Effect On Mouse Click?

Apr 27, 2011

When someone "click and holds" I want to fire off function over and over, say, once every 100ms while the mouse is clicked. Instead of MouseEvent.CLICK I would look for MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN and then start a timer on that event function that calls another function every 100ms. Then, on MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP I would stop the timer. Am I on the right track? Will I be able to get updated X and Y coordinates while the mousedown event is firing?

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Aug 8, 2011

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Flash :: Why Does IE8 Not Load The YouTube Player

May 17, 2011

I have the following mark-up to load a YouTube video player in a jQuery Tools overlay:

<a rel="#YouTubeVideo_MZKORPYI0HM" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZkoRpyi0HM" title="Watch the YouTube video">
<img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/mZkoRpyi0HM/2.jpg" class="youtubeThumbnail


The page behaves exactly how I would expect in Firefox (all versions) and Chrome. However, in IE8 (and I have the latest flash plug-in), I see a "1 item remaining" message in the status bar and the overlay contains no flash player. Right-clicking on the grey space shows a "movie not loaded" message.

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Here is my main.as. I am using FlashDevelop to program this. why the Enemy object (which is displayed as a certain sprite) does not move towards the mouse?

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function onPlayerReady(event:Event):void {
trace("player ready:", Object(event).data);
player = loader.content;
player.cueVideoById( t***Path , "0" , "medium");
player.setSize(640 , 360 );


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Play Youtube Videos Within Own Flash Player

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Youtube Player Embedded In Flash?

Feb 5, 2009

I have embed the youtube flash player via this code.

// create a MovieClip to load the player into
var ytplayer:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ytplayer", 1);
// create a listener object for the MovieClipLoader to use
var ytPlayerLoaderListener:Object = {


I would Like to know, How can I run the destory command because the video keeps playing even though the command has been passed. I've used stopVideo and destory. they dont work until you press the pause button. I would like to end the video even if its playing.

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Flash :: Hide The Video Content Of The YouTube Player?

Mar 14, 2010

hide the video content of the YouTube player (only statusbar (where is play button etc.) is visible) ? Or maybe do you know other (flash) players that have the ability to stream the YouTube movies ?

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Flash :: Play A Local Video With YouTube Player

Jan 31, 2011

Is this posible? Can I play a local video with YouTube player? Where can I download the code?

what i really want is a player similar to YouTube's, i need to look the same, so i can play the videos of my web that are going to be locally stored

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flowing Mc Movement Opposite Of Mouse Movement

Feb 12, 2003

I have a mc (fStrip) which looks like a piece of filmstrip with thumbnail images in it. I want this mc to move when the users mouse is positioned over it, but I only want it to move only along it's x-axis and in a direction opposite that of the mouse. And I want it to move or flow smoothly.

I've been trying to figure this out (see my lame attempt below) but without much luck.

onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
buffer=20 //movement buffer
mousePos=_root.fStrip._xmouse //store mouse position
if (mymouse!=_root.fStrip._xmouse){ //if the mouse has moved


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Flash :: Php Request Youtube Video Is Not Working?

Feb 25, 2011

what is wrong to this code?

header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
$video_id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$content = readfile("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$video_id");
echo $content;

Why this code is not working? How should look the code? i've edited like this:

header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
$video_id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$content = readfile("http://www.youtube.com/v/$video_id");
echo $content;

and if i get http:[url]...in browser it works but if i add it in jwplayer it doesn't work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player With Continuous Playback

Jan 10, 2005

[URL]. One thing though is that when a track is played it doesn't advance to the next one in the playlist. I read everything there is (probably not) on the onSoundComplete 'stuff' but couldn't figure it out to make it work!

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Actionscript 3 :: Embed A YouTube Player (with Controls) In Flash Website?

Sep 3, 2010

I am looking to embed a YouTube video with the YouTube controls into my Flash website. Is this possible? UPDATED w/ SOLUTION:


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JavaScript :: Advanced JQuery / Flash Player For YouTube Videos

Dec 4, 2011

How to implement advanced video player (javascript/jquery/flash) for youtube videos that supports playlists? Is there some good open source script for this, that I could modify.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load YouTube Videos Into Flash Player Without Crashing It?

Sep 14, 2009

There are 10 buttons on the stage and a display area. Clicking any button runs this function[code]...

This works well for the first few videos but after 5 or 6 unload/load cycles, the player gets slower and slower and eventually stops responding. I thought the basic idea of unloadMovieNum was to remove a movie from the stage and reclaim the memory but this doesn't seem to be the case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cookie For Mp3 Player Continuous Play?

Nov 17, 2009

I have an mp3 player embedded in an include file on my site with swfObject. How do I set it up that it will continue to play the current song when clicking through to another page? I know there is some js involved but I havent been able to find the best info on how to accomplish this. My as3 here:


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Flash :: Changing Menubar Link Go Straight To Youtube Channel Rather Than To The Player

Jul 20, 2009

I am new to Flash. I bought a template online a couple weeks ago, and for the most part have made all the changes to personalize the page. The page is for wedding videography, and came with a Videos section. However, I do not like the template video player, and would like to have the Videos link on the menu bar go straight to my youtube channel rather than to the flash player. Primarily all changes to the template have been made in a text.txt file, rather than the flash file itself. My question is, how could I change the link on the main page to route to my youtube channel? Here's what it looks like in the text file:


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Flash :: YouTube Chromeless/JavaScript API Player Full-Screen Button?

Dec 11, 2009

I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript.

The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; infact; the chromeless player is not supposed to contain ANY button. I therefore need to set full screen mode via JavaScript but could not find any documented method for this.


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Flash :: Custom Music Player Using Youtube, Sound Cloud, And Mp3 Streaming?

Oct 14, 2011

how to create a custom player that would stream a list of youtube videos along with soundcloud, and MP3 similar to the one on [url]....I know that this might seem like quite a general question but any direction on how to accomplish this and whether it should be done using flash and Youtube API, and sound cloud API or whether it should be done with some sort of flash audio ripping way.

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Javascript :: Possible To Create A Flash Video Player That Plays Videos Hosted On Youtube?

Apr 5, 2011

I want to create a custom video player to modify the skin of the play controls etc but still host the videos on youtube.The youtube api allows for minor colour adjustments but not full customisation. I know it would be possible if I download the FLVs but i want the video to remain hosted on youtube.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Listener MOUSE_OVER Continuous Response?

Mar 25, 2010

I have the following code which causes a movieclip to scroll  horizontally either left or right based on where the mouse location is, and stops it at the extents of the movie clip:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Continuous Object Motion When Mouse Moves Over

Sep 18, 2010

I'm working on a school project. Below is an image of what I am working on. My cursor in this movie is the heart. When I move my mouse over Hello Kitty she jumps -- but only once. How can I get her to keep jumping when my mouse is over her, and make her stop jumping when I pull away?

Also, because I am new to ActionScript I might have messed up with the motion of the animation. Hello Kitty used to jump continuously without me doing anything. Then I copied the motion code into my ACTIONS layer and put stop(); in the Hello Kitty object code. So, she doesn't jump all the time anymore, just when my mouse moves over her... but she only jumps once and that is the problem. I want her to keep jumping as long as my mouse is over her.


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