I have a container with masked bitmap in it. The scale and rotation of this container changes at runtime, and I need to draw the masked bitmap but cannot figure out the appropriate matrix calculations to do so.My code works correctly to reflect position, scale, offset for centering without rotation. When rotated, the angle is correct but the positioning is incorrect - I believe because the dimensions change when the rectangle is rotated.how to compensate for this in the positioning - here is some code:
// Adjust the transformation matrix to account for the position of the container
var tMatrix:Matrix = _imgContainer.transform.matrix;
//Offset for container
I have a bitmap which has several frames (packed along the horizontal axis). In order to render them I copy it to the backbuffer (larger bitmap) as follows:
Actionscript Code: public override function copyToBackBuffer(db:BitmapData):void{ if (active) var drawRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle((currentFrame-1) * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth,
When rotating a bitmap with actionscript, the edges are jagged and not properly anti-aliased. How do you force anti-aliasing of the bitmap ? this.stage.quality = StageQuality.BEST; // Tried this, but seems useless var imgFromLib = new imgFromLib (); imgFromLib.rotation = 30;
I am using the draw() method of the BitmapData to encode a jpeg of part of the image. Now this should be easy enough given the object I want to draw to the bitmap is on the stage at design time so I know its location and dimetions exactly! Heres the code I have in place.
Code: var myBitmapSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( street.width, street.height, false, 0x333333); myBitmapSource.draw(street, null, null, null, new Rectangle( 96, 5, 571, 450 ), true );
I know for a FACT that no part of the street clip I am drawing out is in negative space, and it's registration is (0,0). However, it cuts off A lot of the top of my image. y=5 in the above rectangle is where I need the top to be, but it cuts the top off of the image... even if I change it to 0, it has no effect.
I'm using Sandy to animate some objects in 3D. What I currently do to images which are EXPORTED in the library, I want to do to some bitmaps that I create using the DRAW technique. But it wont work :-(
CODE FOR 'CREATED BITMAP' : ActionScript Code: var bData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(myObject.width,myObject.height); bData.draw(mask5);
Sandy doesn't seem to treat the 'created' bitmap the same as those that are exported from the library.
I looking into become a sound programmer. As I could find some sound analyzer would display a nice spectrum of color on bitmap. Which API do I draw a dot shape? Is it circle or line? Is it possible to resize the bitmap width and height after adding all the dots?
I am making a snow boarding game in AS3. The problem I am having is that I want to leave a trail in the snow behind the board.
I have had a think and feel that the best way of achieving this would be to use the lineTo() method to draw a line form the snowboards previous position to its current position. If I do this all of the way down the slope I would end up with a line almost 23000 pixels long which seems extremely large and will have a major impact on performance.
If I were to convert the trail movieclip to a bitmap would it improve performance? I am targeting a minimum of flash player 9 which I have found to have issues when handling bmp's over 2880 pixels so I think this method might not work.
A simple moveTo(x, y) call before beginBitmapFill does not work :/ Neither does changing the x and y value of drawRect... (That just seems to have the same effect as an translation with the matrix...) Additionally I don't want do draw that thing in a separate Graphics-Object and add that one into the other...
I'm working on a project wherein a user can take a snapshot of themselves using their webcam and then edit this image by transforming scale and rotation and save the result.
I've got most of it working, the user can take a snapshot of themselves, transform the object using Senocular's Transform Tool and i'm using .draw() to then save this transformed object. The problem is .draw() is only grabbing data from the top left corner of the stage. It is drawing the transformed object but only from the top left corner.
Why does it only draw from the top left corner and how can i get set the coordinates to only draw from the area where the captured image is set?
You can view the file as is at: [URL]
And i've zipped the FLA and relevant classes at [URL]
As I understand, getTimer() is very inaccurate - on my own machine it always returns a value which is a product of ~16. (16, 33, 50, etc.) Is there a simple and efficient way to more accurately measure the time difference (delta) between two separate calls in my program?
I can't seem to get bitmap.draw() to work. I've used it before in exactly the same way but this time Flash decides to put out this error:
"ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property draw not found on flash.display.Bitmap and there is no default value."
With the following code, tile1-5 are movieclips in the library consisting of a few instanced movieclips inside them.
Code: // Add the tiles from the library into arrays for each area. private var a1Tile1Bmp = new Bitmap(); private var a1Tile2Bmp = new Bitmap(); private var a1Tile3Bmp = new Bitmap();
I've created a prototype that will copy the pixel data from a movie clip then create a JPG image from it via PHP. It works perfectly. But when the MovieClip (called mcImage) contains a Video Object loaded with a streamed FLV, it won't copy the pixel data to the Bitmap object. The image generated is white. Here's a sample code:
var oBitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(nW, nH, true); var oMatrix = new Matrix(); var oColorTrans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
I have a movieclip with textfield placed on it. My stage size is 1003 X 560 pixels. When i open it in html page with exectfit and 1366 width and draw bitmap of that movieclip. Then text always gotowards right.
I want to apply transparency to a non-transparent logo then add it to an image. So I change the alpha of the logo, then I draw() the logo on the image. But it doesn't work, the transparency isn't applied as expected.
Note: I will later save the resulting bitmapData to a file, so an addChild() won't be enough to solve this.
var image:Bitmap; var logo:Bitmap; //... logo.alpha = 0.3; image.bitmapData.draw(logo);
I have a need to draw a TextField into a Bitmap. And I can do it with one minor problem. When the TextField is added to the display list it has no background. When I draw it to the bitmapData object it always has an opaque white background. Is there any way to get the TextField to draw to the bitmapData with a transparent background? Here is the code I currently have that does draw the TextField in the bitmapData, but with an opaque background.
i have video playing on the stage.. there is a sprite called _rect that is moving around the screen when it finds a face in the video.. that part works great.. but what i want to do is capture the face the _rect is currently over, from the video underneath and draw it into a bitmap,, but it keeps just drawing the upper left corner of the video..what i want is if the _rect has an x of 300 and a y of 300 and its dimensions are lets say 200x200hen the bitmap it draws from the video is 200x200 but starting from x:300 and y:300.. but like i said..o matter where the _rect is located it keeps drawing from 0,0.
Code: Select allvar myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(rect.width,rect.height,false); var clipArea:Rectangle = new Rectangle(rect.x,rect.y,rect.width,rect.height); var myBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapData);
I wrote the code below to convert timeline-animated movieclips into bitmaps to improve performance.The only problem is, I have created a loop to draw each frame of the movieclip over 300 times. The bug I am experiencing is that when the function BitmapMC is run 314 times, I get the error: "ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData."It seems as if Flash is running out of memory or something, but I can't figure out what might be causing this problem.
Is there an alternative to draw() that I could use? I'd like to use copypixels, but of course I have to draw the bitmap first before I can do that.Incidentally, the animation I have converting to bitmap has 30 frames, so in total it is drawing about 9,340 bitmap images before it crashes.Each bitmap image is 78 x 125.5 pixels.
I have a MV called container. It has no specified size. I add to this container a child, a loaded SWF. And then, later, I draw this container into a BitMapData.
Code: var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData (container.width, container.height); jpgSource.draw(container);
On most of my loaded SWF, bitmap is the correct size of the original loaded swf. But sometimes, the bitmap is smaller and I miss part of my draw..
How fast can I draw a bitmap? (60 htz = 60 fps right? That's what I need)Does player's visual stay in sync with the refresh rate of the monitor? I mean if I had multiple threads running in the backround but Flashplayer's priority to High would it not be interrupted (choppy)?
Do event listeners work when the user's focus is on another application? (say voice chat for example. Hit a key and BOOM. You speak. But if the user is tapped out would it pick up? Can I make an actual SAFE place I can store data? I mean, does the FileSystem have any tricks that allows only the application requesting the file to read it? I mean there's "locking" but can't all files can be unlocked? Even if they can't it doesn't take a pro to scan for all files on the system..An undetectable file
Do bitwise operations work at the same speed on all compilers? Does anyone know where that GreenThread build went? I had a good one a while ago but deleted a lot of things in confusion (in order to get that "start fresh" feeling...recovering all files as we speak) Speaking of recovering, how does File Recovery work? I hear it scans the hd sectors for file headers and pieces them together. I would like to make one (instead of using the one I have now) Is this the MAIN forum for as3? I've only been to this and flash develop (though I hear stackoverflow is good too?)
So I am working on this project for work and we have a bunch of sprites with transform matrix that contain the rotation, scale, x, and y coordinates of various parts of a character, i.e arms, legs etc. so we are then drawing the individual sprites onto the same bitmap data. Then we store it in a vector and display it later.
The problem is the models are too big. So I want to resize them, without having to rebuild the entire matrix, since I don't want to go through every matrix in the sprites and manual calculate the scale, rotation, x, and y after it has been made samller. Is there a easy way to do this? To resize the bitmap data and maintain the data that is already set up to construct the model? I can't share the code but the psuedo code is: we create a bitmapdata of a specific width and hight.
We the loop through all the children of a wrapper sprite and do a bitmapData.draw of each of the children and use their matrix for the second param, and then have it build to the bitmap.rect.
Im trying to draw a bitmap of an dynamically loaded image via xml, and ofcourse i'd like to apply smoothing to my images, as my page resizes with the browser and creates a mess.
The images are loaded with a timer event, which fires every 200ms, and each time this occurs, I'd like to quickly draw the bitmapdata of the image so i can apply the smoothing.
My problem that im having is that the images aren't completely loaded when I run the draw method and so im left with a white box instead.
Currently im using:
Code: function itemHandler(event:Event):void { loadThumbs(event); thumbLoader.unload();
I'm new to flash and don't know if it's even possible. I'm trying to cache animations using mc.gotoAndStop(frame) and bitmapData.draw(mc,matrix). This works perfectly for movieclips that doesn't contain any nested movielclip animations. When I have nested movieclips, only the 1'st frame of nested clip gets drawn. Is it possible draw moviclips with nested animations?
Long time since i've been on here. I'm working on a project wherein a user can take a snapshot of themselves using their webcam and then edit this image by transforming scale and rotation and save the result. I've got most of it working, the user can take a snapshot of themselves, transform the object using Senocular's Transform Tool and i'm using .draw() to then save this transformed object. The problem is .draw() is only grabbing data from the top left corner of the stage. It is drawing the transformed object but only from the top left corner. Why does it only draw from the top left corner and how can i get set the coordinates to only draw from the area where the captured image is set?
I'm drawing a textfield onto a bitmap which I use as texture for a 3D object. I'm listening for Event.change, and so whenever the user adds a character I redraw the texture. But to really give the 3D object a 'interactive textfield feeling', I want to draw text selections and draw the caret (the blinking text cursor), but by default these a not drawn when using bitmapData.draw(textField), nor can I find a Event to listen for 'textSelected'.
//is there any event that catches text selection / blinking of text-cursor? textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, redrawTexture); //... //is there any way to draw text selection / text-cursor in the bitmap? bmpData.draw(textField);
I'm trying to export my movie clip into an image, everything works fine but when the user draws in negative coordinates, the draw bitmap command doesn't get my movieclip as I need, here's a graphic explanation of what's going on:As you can see the user can draw in any part of my movie clip (black border), the 0,0 coordinates are in this example located in the black spot. when I get the bounds of my object I get correct values (in this case i get negative x and y and the correct width and height), but when I apply the draw bitmap command what its captured is the area represented with the red border, the height and width values are correct but it captures from the 0,0 coordinates and not from the coordinates I want! anyone? i have a dead line approaching.this is the code:
ActionScript Code: //funciones click function exp_cli(e:MouseEvent):void {
So i've got a piece of an app that's grabbing the JSON result from a Twitter search, then calling a Loader to grab profile images for each result to place next to the text of the result.[code]when it's trying to rescale and draw the bitmapdata.I have a LoaderContext checkPolicyFile = true set when it loads the actual user image source, I have allowDomain and loadPolicyFile set for crossdomain.xml at URL... and I basically have looked at and tried everything in all of google and I still keep getting these security errors and not having the images shown properly.
I have a .swf file at one domain that is trying to play a video on my influxis account. So far, so good.But I am trying to draw a bitmap based on the video that is playing on my influxis account and I am getting the following error:
Can someone explain how the cross-domain policy file works? Like, do I need to place the policy file on the same server as my .swf or on the server with the influxis account?Influxis has a admin panel where you can set a referring domain, do I just enter the domain of my .swf file?Also, do I have to add actionscript to my .swf file to access the policy file?