Flash :: Check If Flv Has Video In It?
May 5, 2010
I'm a n00b @ AS but I have managed to put together a video player using NetStream that suits my needs perfectly. The thing I'd like to add is that it would display a certain image if the streamed .flv clip only has audio track in it (mp3 converted flv).
Q: is there a way to check if the .flv I'm streaming has video in it?
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I have found this page, informing me that it is possible, but do not know what to do with this information.
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Oct 12, 2009
i have to following code to have my FLV start if it has dowloaded at least 15%.
var pct:Number = .15; // 15% load
flv.autoPlay = false;
flv.source = "../../flv/V01.flv";
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Anyone knows how to judge this,either by client side or server side actionscript?
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Dec 19, 2008
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Aug 18, 2011
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Apr 7, 2010
i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided.
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See [URL] Now there is a button called Answera, which when clicked should have a symbol (movie clip) called Check appear at the cordinated specified. Check exists in the libary (but does not have an instance name) and no where else on the stage. when I run this code I get: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Check. -> var rightCheck = new Check(); How is it undefinded if it exists in the libary?
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Jan 27, 2011
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Feb 27, 2010
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Dec 10, 2010
I am currently working on a flash website that has several flv videos on it. Since the website layout has a slight tilt, I have had to transform the videos to slightly tilt as well. The problem that I am having is that when I do this the image becomes very pixelated and the edges of the video become jagged. I have somewhat fixed the edges issue by making a mask around it but i really dont know how to make the resolution better, or what causes it to loose resolution when slightly transformed. The size of the videos is the same as encoded. All I do is tilt them upwards on the right side a bit.
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Oct 28, 2010
I'm trying to get a video (flv) or an swf video player to work on Facebook walls, however no matter what I do - facebook posts the raw fbml and ignores the code.
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Apr 29, 2011
Looking into HTML5 video tag, and researching which browsers support which video file types, and my initial thought is things just got harder than just using flash. I am wondering if there is some skeleton code (combined with development approach for videos) that someone has figured out to do the following: If flash is available, use it If not, try html5 video ogg format If that doesn't work, try html5 video h.264 format If that doesn't work, try html5 video webM format Based on what I am seeing, am I correct in thinking that now, in order to accommodate all users on all browsers, a video needs to be published in 4 formats? If so, this HTML5 video thing is an epic fail!
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Nov 2, 2011
I have a FLV playing in Flash with a full screen button. The problem is I want only the video to be shown full screen, not the entire stage. This is the code I'm using to make the video fullscreen.
function fullScreenUP(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (screenCheck == false) {
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
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Sep 9, 2010
I'm porting in an .flv to Flash for the first time. I created the .flv from an .MP4 using Media Encoder CS5, and then opened a new Actionscript 3 .fla in Flash Professional CS5, clicked File > Import > Import Video. Then selected 'Load external video with playback component'. Everything seems to have imported fine, but when I publish the SWF and import it via Dreamweaver CS5 and preview the page, the video is there, but the controls are not. There's just a white box where the controls should be. Also, the video is out of sync with the audio, which I believe is a problem with Media Encoder, not Flash.
Here are some links:
The page that I'm working on (video at the bottom of the page)
The .FLA
The .FLV
The .SWF
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Oct 21, 2010
Create a html video list that uses a flash video player?
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Mar 28, 2011
I'm currently working on a website design. The idea is a big chromakeyed interactive video in Flash. The size of the video is 1080 (width) x 1500 (height) pixels.I've exported the video in After Effects with the standard settings for flash (File>Export>Adobe Flash Player(SWF)). Now when I import the video in Flash and preview the file, the video plays in a slower speed and it's not playing smooth at all...Is the video too big? Is there a maximum video-size to keep the video running correct in Flash? Is it something else that causes this problem..?
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm pretty much the rookiest rookie when it comes to Flash.
Here's the actionscript (3):
// Here's the dumb-dumb:
function captureImage(e:MouseEvent):void {
So I'd still like to find a solution that maximizes the quality.
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Jun 30, 2010
This will create an flv video file on flash media server:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
ns.publish("yourCamera", "record");
How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds?
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Jan 18, 2010
I was wondering how I can delay (2 seconds) a video to play in a Flash Video Player? I know one way is for me to add blank frames but I would like to know some other options.
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Oct 4, 2009
I am using Flash Professional 8 and Dreamweaver 8 to maintain a website. I have just started using flash to show video highlights from high school football games which I record. Using iMovie I export the video as quicktime file and then import to flash to convert to a flash video file to post on the web site. The video coming out of iMovie has very good contrast and the quicktime movie has the same good contrast. When looking at the file in Flash the contrast changes dramatically. I becomes washed out. I am using Max OX 10.6 operating system.
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Mar 6, 2010
With the Flash Player that comes with CS3 and on my PC XP Pro laptop.I want the player controls to appear at the _bottom_ of the video not on top of the video and not under (behind) the video.
- my video is 640 x 480
- so I modified the "properties" tab at the bottom of the screen to 640x480... (it was 550x400)
- but that just makes everything larger when I click File > Publish
- and then look at the video in Internet Explorer... the Player Controls are still _On Top_ of the video.
I guess I need to learn how to
- Make the stage bigger
- Position the Player controls below the actual video
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Apr 10, 2011
I am streaming flash video and the dimension of the video is 1280 by 720 (same size as the stage)
but just before the video streams, there is a quick flash of the video (about 320px by 240px) at the top corner of the stage, and then it plays the videos at the correct size (which is 1280 by 720) .... a quick flash is the best way I can explain it.
This is my code:
function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
var video:Video = new Video();
is there anyway I can stop that quick flash of the video .... so when I click on the button, it just plays the video, at the correct size?
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Dec 7, 2009
I have created my first flash video and wish to allow the visitors to play the movie themselves instead of having the movie play automatically also have a stop or pause button too.
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