Flash :: Flex Video Conference App - Audio Vs Video

Jul 12, 2011

I am using Flex and FMS to develop a video conferencing application. I am using DynamicStream to automatically switch incoming streams to the appropriate bitrate depending on the available bandwidth. I was wondering if there is anyway in which I can instruct the DynamicStream to allow more bandwidth for audio (obviously at the cost of losing some frames from the video).

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I have performance issues with my test web chat app - video playback is very slow on, around 1 frame per few seconds at 640x480, 15fps, quality: 90. Network usage is low (gigabit LAN), cpu's still have some headroom so it should be the software.

Quick description of my setup:red5 0.9.1; simple flash broadcast and subscribe derived from here [URL] and mr. accattato's videos; using oflaDemo on serverside.

Local image on the broadcaster is good.So far I guess flash broadcaster would be the most likely culprit, but here is my worst since I am new to flex. Red5 should not modify the stream I guess, and it doesn't make much sense for the subscriber to play only 1 frame per second.

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//test with UiElement
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[Code] .....

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private var video:Video;
private function init():void {


which property should i change or bind a slider to in order to be able to change the sound volume ?

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Oct 18, 2010

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flash.media.Video flash.media.Sound Live docs link. But the limitations are as follow: Video class can be used to play only flv file format. To play mp3 files I must use audio file.

So can I play most of the famous audio/video files by using single method?

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Apr 12, 2011

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private var serverWebcamURL:String = "rtmp://myserverIP/live";
private var serverChatURL:String = "rtmp://myserverIP/multicast/chat";

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Media Server :: Fms 3.5.2 - Video / Audio Streaming Application - Audio Stops Or Lags Behind

Aug 25, 2009

I ran a simple live video streaming application for the first time with actual users and ran into a couple of serious performance issues that had not turned up during testing. In this instance there was one video stream from a live web cam and used FMLE at 150 kbps using VP6 and MP3 @22k. There were 16 clients and everything worked pretty good for about 30 minutes. (although some clients said their audio and video were out of sync by up to 3 seconds)

Then individual clients would have either the video freeze or the video would continue and the audio would stop. These clints had to "disconnect" and then "connect" again to the application. This happened to all of the clients at one time or another for several minutes. I stopped and restarted the FMLE with progessively lower bandwidth settings down to 75 kbps but still clients were having the same issue.

I eventually stopped the FMLE and used the applications built in publisher at 45 kbps and that seemed to eliminate the freeze/dropping issue. But of course the video quality was very poor and some clients still reported that the audio was out of sync with the video. The server hosting the FMS application is a quad processor dell with lots of memory and network connectivity. The Flash Media Admin Console performance graph showed the total Bandwidth as 3 Mbps at maximum.

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IDE :: How To Stop Flash Video Audio

Jul 6, 2009

I have a video on my site (progressive download, flv file, imported using flash cs3 video encoder) and I used the FLVPlayback component with a simple skin. The video works great, my only problem is that I want the sound to stop when I click on other buttons on the page. The way I designed the site (maybe not a great set up) everything is in one big swf file, so when you click on another button on the page to show another project, the sound from the video file (that is no longer showing) is still playing.URL...

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Dec 9, 2010

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Flash Video And Audio Player With Playlist?

Jun 28, 2009

I'm looking for a flash video player and a flash audio player with playlist that I can customize.

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Using Flash To Record Webcam Audio And Video - Is It Possible?

Jan 11, 2011

Just wondering if it is posssible to use Flash to record the AV from a web cam and save the video file locally?

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