Flash - How To Hide Jpg Files

Feb 28, 2010

I develop a game that will have to load jpg images that now i just put in the same folder where swf file is, in order to load them when it is needed. Is there a way to somehow embed all this stuf in the swf so that i will have to deliver only the swf file?

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Hide My Flv Files?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2 Flash Files - Both Files To Be Independent To Each Other And Controlled Separately?

Jul 13, 2005

i have attached a flash file.the problems are

1) i have palced 2 flash file on my web page.if i stop the sound on this file then the sound on another flash movie placed on my web page also stops.i want both the files to be independent to each other and controlled separately

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soundUrl = "test.mp3";

// create sound object, assign properties and events
function createSoundObject(){[code].....

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<feedbackImage xloc="100" yloc="200">feedbackHolder.swf</feedbackImage>
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Jan 27, 2012

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Can anyone improve on this? Requires Sysinternals Strings

date /T >N:output.txt
net use z: /delete
net use z: \svr-002


Basically it mounts a share as a network drive then runs through the share looking for swf files inside office documents.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Hide Divs Via Flash?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a flash map. There are 6 clickable countries on the map. When one clicks on a country I want html content to appear under the flash movie. As far as I can see the best way to accomplish this is to have all the content already under the flash movie each in a separate div, with display set to hidden. Then action script inside the country buttons calls a javascript function on the html when that button is clicked, to set display:block for corresponding content filled div. I've tried a few scripts but couldn't get it working.

<code>button_kenya.onRelease = function ()

Is there anything else i should do when imbedding flash into my page so that the flash can talk to the html and call the javascript?

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Jun 17, 2009

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Dec 7, 2010

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How would I be able to not make those other buttons appear on my hover state without using ActionScript?

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Dec 1, 2009

I have written a modal using jquery UI and it appears at the front of a flash movie thus the html inside the modal becomes corrupt, I tried to hide the movie right before modal gets triggered and reappears after closing the modal, works well but each .hide() and .show() the flash movie gets resetted while all I want is to hide (without removing the movie) and displaying it once it is triggered to .show that modal div.

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Html :: Css - Hide Part Of A Flash Animation?

Feb 10, 2010

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Xml :: Flash - Hide Element From Appearing In Browser?

May 9, 2010

I have a website which I am setting up. However, I want the first page (Home) not to have any sub menu. When I change the value of true to false all the other pages where I want the drop down to appear also disappear.I want other pages to have sub menu but not the home page. I have tried to change the xml path etc, but nothing seems to wor am new to xml and finding this very challenging.I have uploaded the config.xml and the layout xml's. I have also placed the index.htm and js script therelso me understand from where it is reading the config.xml.UPDATE:I checked the SWF and yes the it is pointing to the config file. What I still dont understand is that how can i remove the sub-menu from home while keeping it for other pages.

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Java :: Hide The Salt Code In Flash?

Apr 8, 2011

I need to be able to transmit data from a Flash browser application to a PHP file on a web server, both securing and validating the data whilst and at the same time trying to prevent unauthorised creation of the message. (I want to try and ensure that the message comes from the application, not a user sending a message via another means).

In a C++ application I would Salt the data, and send the hash of the data along with it, and then validate the hash against the data to ensure integrity and source.However, in Flash (& Java), applications can be decompiled so that the source code is viewable. So if I used this method, someone could (relatively) easily find the salt, and then create a 'valid' message of their own to send outside of the application.

Is there any way I can 'hide' this salt code to help secure the transmission? Yes, I know there are code obfuscators, but they don't fully hide the code, just add another layer.Or is there another method entirely that could be used to transmit data and validate the source & content at the PHP end?

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Jquery :: Safari Show/Hide With Flash?

Jun 2, 2011

Im using show/hide to load a 'loading' flash file whilst a form loadsThe div im trying to show contains an swf fileThis works fine in all browsers except safari, which does not show the swf file upon clicking the submit buttonIm using...


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Html :: Flash Losing Variables On Hide?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a flash file in a div. This div is set to visible (display:block;). The div has two sister divs. All three divs are controlled by custom built jQuery tabs, so when another tab is clicked, the currently visible div turns display:none;. When the tab is reclicked to set the flashes div to display:block, the flash file loses all its values that are stored (for example in a textarea, all the text gets reset, and where a element stores a path to the image, that gets reset).

I have tried other methods like width:0; height:0;, which sort of works, but as the flash file is larger than the other two divs, it is still visible underneath. So then I tried overflow:hidden; but the same issue still occurs as above (losing values).

visibility:hidden isn't applicable as there is a large white space where the flash file should be.

position:absolute; top:-800px; left:-600px; loses variables.

border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; also loses variables.

Is there any other method I can use? I have wmode=transparent aswell.

Below is the code of my flash embed:

<object wmode="transparent" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="690" height="2047" id="gdh_v3_1" align="middle">


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Cs5 - Hide Overflow Of A Sprite?

Sep 8, 2011

I am trying to create a sprite in Actionscript 3 using Flash Professional with fixed width and height that contains a list of TextFields that scrolls up and down. I want the highlighted textfield to be fixed focus with the text that goes out of the sprites bounds to be invisible. I am new to AS3 and tried to set the width and height of the sprite but it did not work. I would do this with CSS by having a with a fixed width and height and setting the overflow property to hidden.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide Movie Through Flash Vars?

Mar 6, 2012

How make hide movie through flash vars

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