Flash :: Jquery - Player Is Outside Of Div (only In IE)

Sep 22, 2011

I'm using the following code to display a fusionchart inside a div tag. The chart is rendered correctly in Chrome and FF, but with IE it's outside the boundaries of my div tag.


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Jquery :: Click Through A Png Overlayed On Top Of A Flash Player

Oct 15, 2010

create a Clickthrough with jQuery on a png file overlayed on top of a Flash (JW) movie player?

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Jquery :: Flash Player Not Hiding During Toggle Event

Jan 24, 2011

I am toggling show/hide using jQuery on a div block via [code]and it's working perfectly except for one minor detail.When there is a flash video player in that content area, the flash player will not hide along with the rest of the block via the "toggle" function.The strange thing is that it will hide the video using the hide() function but I'd rather use toggle() to keep track of my state and switch accordingly.Is this a bug in the toggle() function or am I forgetting something here?By the way, it appears to do this only in Google Chrome. Safari, Firefox, Opera all work fine, so I'm thinking this is a Chrome bug.

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I'm having some trouble with the code below. the flash player has a default volume slider, but I want to use the jQuery slider to change the volume. the volume value(nr) is changing while I move the slider, but the volume of the song doesn't.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='text/javascript'>


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Here is a snippet of my code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"


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jQuery SWFObject plugin


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Jquery :: Resize A Flash Object Via JQuery Onload Of Page?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

If you view that page in IE, you'll notice that on panel 5, the video is smaller than the space it's supposed to occupy. On Firefox, it works fine because it's using the OGG video in its HTML5 video player.Is there a way to resize the Flash video via JavaScript/jQuery to fit the same space as the HTML5 video?

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Javascript :: Jquery - Control Youtube Chromeless Player

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Jquery :: Ajax - White Screen Of Death Jquery Load() Html File With Swf?

Apr 19, 2011

I've looked high and low for an answer to this and I'm hoping someone has an answer, or at least a tip on how to avoid it.I'm loading a static HTML file into a container via the jQuery load() method. This static HTML file has a script which loads a swf. When I load that particular file, I get the white screen of death (WSOD) and the page explodes and everyone in the room dies a horrible death.I've had this happen also when using the jQuery wrap methods (wrap, wrapOuter, etc.) when a swf is present.It seems manipulating the DOM with a container that has a swf object causes this. Does anyone have a solution or a way that I can prevent it happening?

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Jquery :: Get Jquery Working From An Externally Loaded Html Inside A Div?

May 3, 2011

I'm setting up a page that uses a flash menu to load html pages into a div container by the following call:

on (release){

The loading works fine, but some of my pages had specific jquery scripts and that's where I've struck out so far. I assumed all I needed to do was transfer the script importations, css stylesheets and the jquery functions to my main document, but it won't work.

I also tried importing the html as a the complete html, which works on it's own, but not when imported into the main document. Most recently I heard I should try shifting the jquery function calls to the end of the loaded document, to after the content, My scripts work, just not when imported, so I suppose my question is how can I make the main- and imported documents play nice with each other? What say you we make this a jump-start tutorial for all us noobs to reference?

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Professional :: Loader Component Works When Publish To Flash Player 7 But Not In Flash Player 8

Jul 5, 2010

My loader component works when I publish to Flash Player 7 but not when I publish to Flash Player 8, why? The publish setting are for ActionScript 2.0 on both.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Flash Player To Display Images In Sequence Using Flash Player

Jul 25, 2011

I am trying to create a flash player to display images in sequence using Flash player & ActionScript.  The code below has lots of errors and I can't work them out. I have programmed in other languages and am perfectly aware that something like this.
*code*var imageLoader:Loader;imageLoader = new Loader();  // 1120: Access to undefined property imageLoader*/code* 
OR*code*var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); // 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time: Loder*/code*


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Media Server :: RTMFP Protrocol In Flash Player 10.x Is Not Compatible With Flash Player 11.x

Feb 11, 2012

I have a swc plugin embedded in my product to stream live video to a group of recipients.The plugin uses the NetStream, NetGroup and NetConnection objects, the server I use to handle the RTMFP session is Influxis.One client creates a group as a publisher, and stream a live video.His Camera is enabled and I can see the video on the screen as well. The others connect to his group and play the video.Peer assisted Networking is enabled for both the publisher and the recipients.The plugin worked well in all 10.x versions (10.1/10.2/10.3)However, when upgrading to flash player 11.x, it stopped working.

-11.x to 11.x isn't working.
-10.x with 11.x isn't working.
-only 10.x to 10.x is working.

The server I use to handle the RTMFP protocol is Influxis.com I sent them the same question as well.The weirdest fact is that I'm using flash builder 4.6 with 4.6 sdk, which is aimed for flash player 11.1, and it is only working with 10.x flash players.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player 11 Performance - The Flash Player Chokes And Skips About 10-20 Frames?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having a performance problem that seem to be related to Flash Player 11.I noticed this mainly because Chrome auto-updates the flash player. So, it's now up to 11 in Chrome. During a sliding section transition, the flash player chokes and skips about 10-20 frames. In essence the content jumps, not a smooth transitions. You can see this at the following url. Using a browser with 10, plays as intended, a separate browser with 11, chokes and jumps ahead.

firstworldproblems-[url].....I have security sensitive site, that is more elaborate that I can't share here. But, the same issue is happening above.I'm using LoaderMax to load assets. Adding it to the stage and then animating them in from the left or right of the stage, using Tweenmax. The one I can't show is a series of images, 1280x640 pixels, 10 in total.Removing items from the stage when they are not visible, so I can get the CPU usage back. On Flash Player 10, this is working as intended.On 11 it jumps. I don't think it's the removing assets from the stage that's choking the player, because the above link has the same issue.I feel like this is a Flash Player 11 performance issue.

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JQuery :: How To Put DIV Above Flash File

Apr 4, 2010

I used jquery tools tooltip and I positioned icons 30 px under flash banner. The problem is when I hover icons, tooltips hide under flash banner , I gave high z-index to the tooltip div or other parent div in order position that above flash banner, but no difference. At the bottom picture , The green section is flash file and as you can see part of tooltip is hidden.

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Add JQuery Gallery In Flash?

Jul 29, 2011

The question is simple. I dont know about the answer.Is it possible to use a jQuery gallery in a flash 8 document made with ActionScript2, and how?

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Jquery :: Div Over Flash In A Lightbox?

Oct 22, 2011

I have created a custom lightbox that displays a flash file. The app is required to open the jQuery Datepicker above the flash file.

Here is the problem; only the header, the month name and navigation appear over the flash app. Everything else is below it.

I tried the wmode=transparent trick, but it makes the Flash app transparent and you can see below it. Plus, I believe the datepicker is having the same issue, where the month navigator is above flash, and the numbers are below the app.

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PHP :: Possible To Use JQuery Instead Of Flash For Certain Project

Jan 5, 2012

In this link: [URL] there is a online planer, its made with flash. but I would like to know if that is is possible to be made with jquery only.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Works For Flash Player 6 Settings But Not For Flash Player 8?

Jul 1, 2007

I'm pretty new to Action script and I have a problem here that I can't seem to figure out.

I have this Action Script Code which is attached to a simple movieclip, and it all works IF the general settings are set for Flash Player 6.

It does not work for Flash Player 7 or above, which is probably because this is Actions Script 1 Code...

I attached the .fla file and also here's the code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect What Version Of Flash Player Is Running From Within The Flash Player?

Dec 6, 2004

In some cases, such as what my client wants - Flash 6 and Flash 7 players behave slightly differently... a very annoying thing at times.Now, what I need to be able to do is to detect what version of Flash Player the user has. This will be done while my flash application is playing and then run the appropriate part of the function I am writing.Any way to detect what version of Flash Player is running from within the Flash Player?

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Flash :: Invalid Argument IE 8 JQuery

Apr 17, 2010

I have this particular script that runs so that the flash elements don't show up on top of my slide out navigation. This redraws that flash element with wmode as opaque and so it shows up under the navigation. Works perfectly with Chrome and FireFox but not with IE. In IE I get an Invalid Argument in jquery.min.js code 0 Line 103 char 460. Can anyone help me as to why? If I comment out the second line of code inside the function then there is no error, but then doesn't work in FireFox.[code]

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Jquery :: Calendar Overlapped By Flash?

Apr 22, 2010

I use a jquery calendar and a flash in the same page.. What happens is my jquery calendar is overlapped by my flash... Any suggestion to make it display above flash...Look at the image and see my calendar Fr,sat are invisible because of flash...

EDIT:This is what i used,

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0" width="702" height="443">
<param name="movie" value="images/homebanner.swf" />


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Flash :: Add It To An Html Page To Use With Jquery?

Apr 30, 2010

Is there a method in Jquery to add a flash movie easily?

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Jquery :: Colorbox Shows Under Flash?

Aug 2, 2010

I am using jQuery's colorbox to open up an iframe on a page. On the page there are two flash SWFs. When I click the button that opens the colorbox, those flash SWFs appear over the top of my colorbox div. I've checked the CSS properties of the colorbox, and the overlay has position:absolute and z-index:999. I have given the SWFs a z-index:0 property, but they still show over the top of the colorbox. This happens in Firefox, IE, and Chrome.

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Jquery :: Script Appearing Under Flash?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a jquery script box that opens up and it appears behind my flash.The javascrip that runs the flash is

// cache buster
var cacheBuster = "?t=" + Date.parse(new Date());
// stage dimensions


So how can i get it so the JQUERY script box to open over this flash?

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Flash :: Setting JQuery Timeout On A Div Containing?

Mar 15, 2011

So, I need to remove a div once the flash has finished playing. I am using this so far (the first function is to show the flash div on hover, the 2nd to remove it.):


It works fine the first time around. Though when I activate the flash again by hovering over the .showFlash element again - it doesn't work.

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Jquery :: Webpage Display Over Flash?

May 4, 2011

I have a web page with certain tabs and adding flash with jqueryThe swf is shown on default, and when u click tab 2, 3 or 4, the content of that page is shown over the flash. (meaning the flash continue to run)This is what i attempted

<div id="game">
You must have flash installed to view this game


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