Flash :: Launch An Adobe Air Application From Browser?
Feb 10, 2012
Is there a way to launch an Adobe Air Application from the browser? I am developing an application that uses webcam, and when the user enter on my site, I need to start this adobe air application installed on the user computer.
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Dec 17, 2011
I've created an AIR application in Flash CS4 with AS3, and the application needs to start up as fullscreen. I put a slight delay on the fullscreen call to get around the fact that flash won't let you start an application in fullscreen. This works fine on windows. However, on Mac, my application has an issue...
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I recently installed Adobe Flash Builder 4 in standalone mode on a new installation of Windows 7 x64.I can load and build an existing Flex 4.1 project I have been working on, but when I go to run the project in the browser (Firefox 3.6.15), I get:'Launching BensApp' has encountered a problem. An internal error occurred during: 'Launching BensApp'
Clicking the Details >> button reveals:
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Sep 1, 2010
I've been trying to launch a separate Air Application through my current Air Application.Both apps are compiled using the Adobe Air 2.0 SDK. The methods I have found so far involve passing the Publisher ID in addition to the Application ID, but I believe the Publisher ID became redundant past Air 1.5.3? Below is my current implementation whic seems to correctly ascertain the Air Application's version number, but when I try to launch it, nothing seems to happen.
private static var _air:Object;
private static var _loader:Loader;
private static var appID:String = "someOtherAirApplication";[code].....
I have changed the app-config.xml (app descriptor) on the application I am trying to load to allow browser invocation.The version number of the app descriptor of my application I am trying to load is "V1" which the versionDetectCallback seems to pickup. If this is the case I would expect to be able to launch it but this doesn't seem the case.
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Jun 10, 2010
how to open a PDF in Flash CS5 that will launch into a popup browser window. In CS3/CS4 I used the "geturl" command and it worked perfect. In CS5, the geturl command always wants to open a url (ex. [URL]) instead of a local file on my drive. Is there any way around this to make it work like the older versions of Flash? Basically stop it from trying to launch the [URL]?
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to point out some good tutorials on creating applications in flex that are don't have UI's?Actually, it looks like all I really need to know is how to call afunction upon initialization of the flash object. I tried the creationComplete attribute, but it doesn't work in browser.
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var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("assets/serproxy.exe");
This proceeds to open the program, but then immediately closes it. No errors are thrown.Second method:
var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("assets/serproxy.exe");
var nativeProcessStartupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
nativeProcessStartupInfo.executable = file;
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So I read through Kirupa's XML/Flash thumbnail gallery tutorial and have since modified some of its actionscripting to display my online design portfolio. How do I make it so that 'LAUNCH PROJECT' is a link? Here is the modified Actionscripting (I have one of each for the 3 sections):
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;[code]....
As you can see at the bottom of the actionscript, I added a gotoURL action, hoping that simply by making <launch> read <launch action="gotoURL" variables="http:url...> that it would become a link. I, however, have had no such luck. Perhaps I have to add something more. How do I make it so that <launch></launch> has the ability to link to an URL?
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Nov 20, 2011
I've followed the Adobe instrunctions on how to create an app without windows (link).
The gist is that you can do this by hiding or closing the original nativeWindow and creating a new one with theUTILITY or LIGHTWEIGHT property.
Unfortunately, when an application is launched more than once, the new nativeWindow is created again with each launch. This is highly undesirable.
I've tried setting variables with the launch of the application, but it seems like these are not accessible by the new instances of the application. The weird thing is: AIR apps are not supposed to have multiple intances (should be impossible)! And there actually is only one instance according to the windows task manager and the fact that there is only one systemtray icon.
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Feb 15, 2006
have no experience in Adobe Air/Flex and wanna know, Are there some principles(design patterns) for develop Adobe Air/Flex applicati
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Nov 11, 2009
We're designing an application and the client has requested that a portion of their app stay in Java Web Start and another portion be in a browser. I'm thinking about AIR as an alternative to the browser because that may give us more features b/c we don't have to stay in the browser security sandbox.How would I go about having an Air app talk to a Java Web Start app? Do they have to talk through a server? I guess potentially you can just create a socket connection between the two.
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Nov 8, 2011
I'm developing a Application in Flash Builder 4.5 to control an server application, also not a classical Website. All is Spark and I set the minHeight and minWidth-Properties for the , because i have an Image and Navigators, and there becomes a strange effect, when the browserwindow is sliding smaller that the min-Properties.The content and there scrollbars are already controlled over the parent containers, thats not the probelm.
Summary: What i expect from a upToDate-Application is:When the Browserwindow is larger than the min-Properties, but too small for the content, the Application respectively the container should control the scroll bars.If is the Browser-Window smaller than the min-Properties, i expecting scollbars from the browser. I think, in this case, the html-wrapper needs knowledge about the min-properties.
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Dec 17, 2010
with that one? When I am trying to run Flash after install I get this error message: You can't open the application Adobe Flash CS4.app because it may be damaged or incomplete. Mac OS 10.6.5 Model Name: Mac Pro Model Identifier: MacPro3,1 Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz Number Of Processors: 2 Total Number Of Cores: 8 L2 Cache (per processor): 12 MB Memory: 4 GB Bus Speed: 1.6 GHz I tried to uninstall and reinstall, same error. I couldn't launch under Leopard (10.5.x) either.
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Feb 2, 2011
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Dec 1, 2010
some good resource for getting started with Graphics API in adobe flash builder
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Feb 28, 2011
I'd really prefer my actionscript 3 project to launch in a debugger window outside of a browser, but it always opens into a browser. I browsed through the preferences
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Feb 16, 2012
I need some little 3D rendering in my browser application. Unfortunatly the Internet Explorer 8 is not going to support WebGL, Canvas 2D or SVG. And the Windows XP users can't install the IE9 (which supports at least Canvas 2D). What do you think about Plugin-based alternatives?
I mean Silverlight with XNA 3D seems not to be supported any longer.Flash has a bad reputation if I ask Apple. What do you think about Unity3D?Are there others?
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