Flash :: Network Failures When Loading Crossdomain.xml Policy File?

Sep 13, 2011

I monitor (and log to server) most user errors in our flash game. Quite frequently I see security errors related to trying to make requests to a cross-domain URL (usually the Facebook Graph API). 99% of our players can make these graph API calls with no issues.What I think is going on is that the client makes a request, but fails to load the crossdomain.xml file. I don't quite know how AS3 handles this in the case of a failure to load the crossdomain policy file...will it retry for every URLRequest made until it succeeds in loading it, or does it just give up forever?

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Crossdomain.xml Flash Banner / Crossdomain And XML Loading

Jan 25, 2010

I want to create flash banner with XML content, and host it on my site with crossdomain.xml, and then share banner code with other sites for banner exchange.So, everything is on my server.Will loading banner, on other sites, load XML from my server, if both banner and XML resides on the same server, but banner is loaded on the other site?

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Flash :: Policy File Error While Loading Images Form Facebook?

Jan 21, 2010

I making a game leaderboard on facebook. I'm not using connect but working inside the canvas. When I try to load the images from facebook it gives me the following error.

SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation: Loader.content: http://test cannot access http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v22941/254/15/q652310588_2173.jpg A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Crossdomain Policy File On Root Level Cannot Be Deployed On Root Level? 

Jan 14, 2009


- We have a Flash application located on a SAP EP (let's say ep.x.com)

- We have a SAP ABAP Application (Webservices) on a SAP WebAS
server (abap.x.com)

- Clarification: This is not about Flash islands / but a normal Flash application communicating with WebAS ABAP via WebServices

Problem: Due to the changed security policy in Flash 10 this scenario does no longer work.

- A crossdomain policy file on root level cannot be deployed on root level

- The WebServices http/s headers cannot be modified, since the WebServices are generated by the WebAS IDE.

Comment: Technically there is a way to patch a WebAS ABAP,but this is not a practical / acceptable way in a normal SAP WebAS infrastructure.

Conclusion:- The above scenario (Flash from EP content / WebAS ABAP as backend) is a quite normal scenario in the SAP world.

- SAP / Adobe always features the close relationship between their technologies.

Question:- What could we do?

- How does the Visual Composer works around that problem?

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Actionscript 3 :: Ensuring Crossdomain Policy Files Have Been Retrieved For All Facebook Image Servers?

Aug 10, 2010

I've recently started putting together a Facebook Connect AS3 app and retrieving objects and images through the Graph API.Running anywhere but locally, I receive security errors of the form: SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation: Loader.content: xxxx cannot access url...A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded.If I add a line of the form:[code]One thing I'd considered was retrieving the crossdomain policy file on a per image basis, capturing the domain from the image URL before making the image request. Unfortunately, at least via the Graph solution (and I haven't looked too closely at the others), their servers resolve the image url after the request is made, from something more generic like: url...Has anyone found a more dependable means of ensuring that images can be retrieved without security sandbox violations? Or do Facebook maintain a definitive list that developers need to keep an eye on?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File Error While Loading Images From Facebook?

Jan 22, 2010

I making a game leaderboard on facebook. I'm not using f-connect but working inside the canvas. When I try to load the images from facebook it gives me the following error:A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded.Here is my loader code

public var preLoader:Loader;
preLoader=new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File Error While Loading Images From Facebook

Jan 22, 2010

I am making a game leaderboard on facebook. I'm not using f-connect but working inside the canvas. When I try to load the images from facebook it gives me the following error[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File Error While Loading Images Form On Facebook?

Jan 22, 2010

I making a game leaderboard on facebook. I'm not using f-connect but working inside the canvas. When I try to load the images from facebook it gives me the following error:

SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation: Loader.content: [URL] A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded.

Here is my loader code

public var preLoader:Loader;
preLoader=new Loader();


something ( I have made sure the pictures are static and do not require a facebook login or anything , they are just user public profile pictures)

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Flash App Loading Crossdomain.xml From App Server Fails?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm writing a web application using three tier architecture. I have three Amazon EC2 ubuntu servers. The first server handles the presentation of the application and includes my main flash file. The second EC2 instance represents my application server. It contains the AMFPHP files and corresponding web services. Finally, the third instance handles persistance and is running a MySQL database. Both the presentation and application servers are running an apache web server. I created security groups specific to each tier such that the presentation layer will accept all incoming traffic on port 80 while the application layer will only accept incoming traffic from the presentation server. This should allow anyone to request my web application from the presentation server but prevent anyone from accessing the web services on my application server.My flash application cannot make web service calls to my application server. When a request is sent, I never receive a response from the server and eventually receive a security sandbox error.[code]It seemed odd that I wasn't receiving a response, so I decided to try a couple of things:

1. I connected to my presentation tier via ssh and attempted to use lynx to connect to my application server's gateway.php. I was able to connect without any problems.

2. I used Chrome's developer tools window to observe network traffic when loading my site. I found that it is attempting to load the crossdomain.xml file (which resides in the root of my web server [/var/www] on the application tier) using a GET request; but strangely, it times out and fails. This is where I am confused. How come I can use lynx on the same machine to connect to the web server on the application tier but yet the flash app can't access the same file?

While running some tests, I decided to open up the application server instance's firewall such that it can receive http requests from my IP. As soon as I did this, the application being hosted on the presentation tier immediately began working (Received a response from the web service)! However, this means I would have to force my application tier to accept http requests from the internet in order to work, which is not something I want to do. I don't understand why making this change would allow the application to grab the crossdomain.xml file. If the application server's security group is set to accept incoming http requests from the presentation security group, it should have no problem acquiring the crossdomain. xml file residing in the web server root of the application server right? I've spent more time than I would like looking into this issue. I really would like to setup a three-tier environment for my application in which the flash application will be able to send web service requests to my application layer. The most confusing part about this is the fact that when I add my computer's IP address to the application server's firewall, everything seems to magically work as intended. Please correct me if I am setting my application up in the wrong way. I am basing my architecture off of the following:URL..

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Flex :: Not Loading Flash Crossdomain.xml / Bad Request

Jan 9, 2012

I have a Windows Server 2003, with a domain: "mydomain.com" and everything goes right until the Flash application tries to load de crossdomain.xml, because it tries to load it from "servername" and obviously the request fails. Currently I have read all about crossdomain.xml , what it is, where it goes although I can not find what I have to do so my flash application requests the crossdomain.xml from my domain "mydomain.com" and not from my server "servername".

- The domain is up and can be accessed from the internet

- The crossdomain is on the root folder and also can be accessed from the internet

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Facebook Graph API - Loading Video Thumbnails CrossDomain (Flash)

Apr 11, 2012

I'm trying to display some Facebook video thumbnails in a Flash application, all of the video thumbnails I try to load seem to be hosted at [URL]. However [URL] cannot be loaded (Access Denied). Is there some way around this? (other than loading the images through a proxy). Maybe an alternative url which can be used?

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Flash Seems To Be Caching Crossdomain.xml File?

Oct 27, 2010

I have updated the crossdomain.xml security settings for my site - but it seems that the older version is being cached in both IE and Chrome.I've checked the headers sent by the server and it's not sending any cache control headers that would be forcing the browsers to be caching crossdomain.xml.

In an attempt to get around the issue I've also linked to my crossdomain.xml file in an iframe on the site. This hasn't worked though and flash still seems to be using the old security settings.

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Flash :: Facebook Policy File Error

Jan 25, 2010

I'm really sick and tired of facebook's crossdomain.xml , finally got it working for loading pictures from the server. Now I need to load variables from my app using flash. I'm getting this error.


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Getting Flash Socket Policy File To Work?

May 30, 2010

Basically I'm using Flash to connect to a Java server.Despite my Java application replying to the <policy-file-request/>, in the Flash debug log it lists (not sure about the order as there are lots):

Security Sandbox Violation *
Connection to halted
Warning: Timeout on


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Flash - Adobe Socket Policy File Server?

Jul 16, 2009

Has anyone been able to successfully implement a service to serve the required socket policy file to FlashPlayer?I am running the Python implementation of the service provided by Adobe at


and using the following policy file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File Does't Work In Flash Player 10?

Apr 26, 2010

Is there a change in the policy file required for Flash Player 10 ? I have it setup so that when my (home-brewed) server receives "<policy-file-request/>" I send back the xml data, which worked perfectly with Flash Player 9, but does not work with 10.Does the policy file itself need to be changed or can I no longer send it the way I am (and instead use that port 843 method) ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Master Policy File In Subdirectory?

Nov 9, 2010

Anyone know if it is possible to keep a MASTER crossdomain policy file in a subdirectory of the domain?url...I know you can do it with a meta policy file, but I want to do it with the MASTER because without a master the meta's are ignored.I've googled this for hours and read through the official spec several times and come up with nothing. With the server I want to do this on its possible to deploy in any subdirectory except the domain root - thats just the constraints I'm under.

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Flash :: Flex - Call A Webservice Without Crossdomain.xml File?

May 4, 2010

How can I consume a webservice that hasn't explicitely created a crossdomain.xml? I understand it's for security and to prevent cross-site scripting, but it does seem like a major limitation to the Flex framework. For example, if I want to consume a webservice, which is suppose to be language agnostic, then I can't with Flex. The webservice/server has to be specifically prepared for Flex/Flash. If it's not, then it cannot be consumed.

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Flash Uploader - Requests Host/crossdomain.xml File?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm using YUI file uploader based on flash, and the flash requests host/crossdomain.xml file. I'm requesting localhost and it requires this file. I was using this before and I have never had this problem and I've never had this file on my server.I've never used any adobe technologies, could please anybody tell me if it is possible to turn it off somehow ?The problem is that I can't have the file on my server, at least at root location...

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Flash :: Use An HTTP Redirect To Reference A Crossdomain.xml File For It?

Jul 24, 2011

We have a lot of crossdomain.xml files at my company. Every service that has Flash availability needs one. Keeping them in sync is annoying, so I'd like to be able to have just one crossdomain.xml file hosted somewhere, and then http redirect (302) all the requests to that central location. Is this possible? I can't find documentation anywhere on the web about the rules.

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Flex - Why Is Flash Demanding A Crossdomain.xml File When The .swf And Http Target Are Both On Localhost

Jun 3, 2011

I've got a small client/server test application where I have a Flex app that makes an HTTP request of a server app. The server app is a script running on my local machine, listening on port 8001. The client is a swf that I am running locally, and uses mx.rpc.http.HTTPService to make the page request.

The HTTPService is being set up as per below:

_HttpService = new HTTPService();
_HttpService.url = "http://localhost:8001";
_HttpService.contentType = "text/xml";

When I make a basic page request, my server app is first receiving a "GET /crossdomain.xml HTTP/1.1" request, which is failing since I don't have a crossdomain.xml file in place. The reason I don't have one in place is because this is all happening on my local machine (for now) and I shouldn't need one (I don't think).

I definitely had this code working before without a crossdomain.xml when I was using Flex 3.x. I thought I had it working with Flex 4 as well. Now I'm using Flex 4.5. Is there an issue here, possibly due to security policy changes?With all of this happening on localhost, why is the Flash player requesting a crossdomain.xml file?


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Actionscript 3 :: Ignore Large Amount Of Sites With TCP/IP Sockets Policy File For Flash

Apr 20, 2011

I'm using flash sockets to build an embedded chat application. everything works great. I want to allow all the sites who embedded this application to connect to my server, except for some sites.

My problem is that the number of sites that I don't want to connect to my server is a very large one( 4-5k). Currently from what I seen all you can do is tell in your policy file the domains that you allow/not allow.

What I'm looking for is a way for flash player to send me the domain where the flash is embedded and I could return an accept/decline response. I know I can send info about the site where the flash is embedded using actionscript, but this can be very easy simulated.

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Actionscript :: Flash Builder Network Monitor Not Recording File Uploads?

Jul 31, 2011

I'm uploading an image file with upload() of a FileReference object however the network monitor in Flash Builder doesn't report anything. Is that normal behavior? A google search didn't return anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Crossdomain.xml By Proxy?

Feb 6, 2009

I have to load my "crossdomain.xml" using a proxy.how can i do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Intermittent Failures Of .gotoAndPlay?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a function that fires when a movieclip is pressed. It determines what animation to play and then calls the appropriate function. When it calls FlipWinCard

"private function FlipWinCard( card:MovieClip ):Void
// save card so we can flip it back over.[code].......

Most of the time the animation plays correctly but sometimes the animation fails. This has lead me to place most of the followup code in a function that is called by the animation (so I don't change state without showing an animation to the user). I would like to get some clues as to why gotoAndPlay inconsistently fails.It's not always the first time in a run, so I can't blame loading. It just gives up sometimes.The frame is a constant so it's not like I'm guessing a number that should change, in my opinion.I made a watchdog timer to check for the animation so my question isn't a "how to workaround" kind of question.I think there might be better coding practices I'm overlooking and maybe you've seen this before.

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Data Integration :: Error On Loading Crossdomain.xml Over In IE?

Mar 15, 2007

The flash movie in my server (www.mydomain.com) is trying to access data from a different domain (www.otherdomain.com). I've placed the crossdomain.xml in the webroot of the otherdomain. I am getting flash error on accessing the data from otherdomain. When I tracked the HTTP request sent, it shows only one request with URL: https:[url]....

INET_E_SECURITY_PROBLEM.Its clear from this result that IE is not able to load crossdomain.xml file from otherdomain.The same application works in Mozilla Firefox and failing in IE6.

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Java :: Flex 4 IFrame Open Url Internal Network To An External Network?

Sep 6, 2011

I have the following scenario:

One application JEE / Flex 4 running on a tomcat, inside my Flex layer I have a iFrame passing a url to an ip of my internal network (http:url....) which is another application running within an industrial PLC.When access this app from within my internal network works fine, but when I try to access this iFrame to an external network in my home for example have a timeout error onhttp:[url].........

I believe this error occurs because the flex client is trying to run this url as I was in a internal network.Is there any way to run this url from an external network?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading URL Within Network Produces Nothing?

Oct 26, 2009

I have a SWF that I am running on a kiosk and the Actionscript is calling a PHP script residing on an internal IP address. As everyone always says, it runs great with the IDE, however when I publish this file and run it, I get nothing. I cannot even output errors and such into a textfield. I'm totally baffled as to how I can debug this.

//set up request and loader
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading FLV From Network Drive To SWF In HTTP

May 17, 2011

I have an swf wrapped with swfobject in html on a intranet: [URL]. That swf tries to access a flv file on a network drive:
I get an NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error when I try to load that flv file. The code works fine when accessing files on the same http domain and when locally on my hd.

I've tried both with single and double backslash I the path so that it isnt broken.. cause I noticed that flash removes single backslahses. It actually seem as if I cant access any file on the network drive. So therefore I cant load a policy file (crossdomain) from that netwrok as well. I've added the network path to the Global Security settings panel, but that doesnt work. But it actually works in plugin version 10.1.. but not in 10.2 or 10.0. How is that for weird. I think it has something to do with security sandbox when accessing file over networks.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File On Rtmp Video?

Apr 21, 2009

Can someone point me to the right direction please? I have a video asset that is streamed from rtmp. Say, url is: [URL]..I need to invoke BitmapData.draw() on this asset.
There is crossdomain.xml file on http://blah.domain.com/crossdomain.xml that allows all the domains.
When is instantiate stream I write: stream.checkPolicyFile  = true;


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