Flash :: Not Displaying On Url Page?

Jun 9, 2009

I embedded a flash (.flv) file in html page via dreamweaver cs4. the page displays the flash locally, and also remotely if i remote desktop and view. However when I launch the website via live url all i get is a blank white box where the flash content should be. I've checked permissions via flash security settings, and can't seem to make it work. I believe the code is valid or it wouldnt play on the local and remote desktops.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying HTML Page Over Flash

Jul 28, 2009

I have a big flash application and I want to display a HTML page inside. (it needs to work in IE 6/7/8, FF 3.x). I've tried setting wmode to opaque or transparent. This does not work, flash has a bug with textfields. And there are lots of other bugs, for example: [URL]. Is it possible with some tricky IFrames?

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Page Background Not Displaying

Sep 11, 2010

I have the following site which I need to have a background displayed in (this blends with the background of the flash movie): [url]....

However, when I add the CSS background image property to the HTML file, nothing happens. The site still displays with a white background. There is no error in the code so I am very confused as to what's going on with this. Here is my HTML code. [code]...

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SWF File Not Displaying Correctly On Home Page

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I have a 843 pixel x 181 px SWF file that is in a Dreamweaver CS4 HTML table. It plays but the Flash files actual location on the web page is off.It is shifted about 1 or 2 pixels down and 1 or 2 pixels to the right on IE 8, Firefox 3.6.12 and Safari 5.0.1 on the PC.[url]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying The New Page Before Php Write The New Css File?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a desktop AIR app that sends vars to a php page, which then rewrites a new css style file.  After the vars are uploaded, I set off a refresh function in AIR that refreshes an html display pane, so you can see the css style changes on the html page.I was working great, but since I have changed hosts, I find I have to send the vars twice to see changes. 
I thought maybe the problem was that AIR was displaying the new page before php had a chance to write the new css file, but even after putting a 2 second delay timer on the refresh, the problem still exists.I have also made the refresh function  URL request append date and time as in:
varSend2 = new URLRequest("http://www.blah.com/"?time=" + new Date().getTime());

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add A Preloader To The Page To Load The Content Of The .txt File Before Displaying It?

Jun 16, 2009

I'm constructing a website in flash, and on each page of the website I have a dymanic text field pulling data from a .txt file for that page, (the news page has a dymanic text field called "newsText" which pulls data from "news.txt" for example) The website im working on is here: [URL] If you have a slower internet connection, whenever you click on the link to a new page, a small white square will appear in the corner before the content has fully loaded, this white square is a result of the scrollbar being disabled due to the content not being loaded yet (and thus having nothing to define wether or not it should need to scroll)

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Flash :: IE And Mozilla For Asp.net Page With Master Page And Content Page?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a master page and a child page and have placed the javascript code inside the child page for flash movie.

The problem is the movie seems working when there is a alert on, without at least one alert msg, the code does not work, I am sure you people can solve, I can see that the following code works well in both Mozilla and IE, but only if the alert is ON, if I put it off, then the code does not work. Can anybody tell me what is the workaround :


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gallery Page With A Bunch Of Page Numbers - Click On A Page Number, The Over Script Should Stop Until Go To Another Page?

Jan 26, 2009

i'm trying to build a flash site and ran into a problem... i have a gallery page with a bunch of page numbers at the top. when you click on one, a movieclip loads of some images coming in.so the problem i'm having is that i made a little animation for when you roll the mouse over the page number (they scale up when the mouse is over, scale back when the cursor moves away)... what it's doing is when you roll over, it goes to a certain frame in the timeline and plays that animation.that's all working cool, but i need it to not do that once it's clicked on. so basically when you actually click on a page number, the over script should stop until you go to another page... here's the code i've written,

function over(event:MouseEvent):void {
function out(event:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Page Stops Dynamically Stretching After .swf Page Loaded?

Oct 8, 2007

I have a flash site that has four pages which all stretch to fit window size.As soon as I go to a gallery page that is called in via SWF, and come back, I loose my dynamic stretching of all my pages...I would like the SWF page to stretch to fit also, and its isn't.

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Flash :: Program An Html Page To Move To A New Web Page On User's Clicking An Item Of An Embedded Movie?

Nov 21, 2011

Let me ask how to program an html page to move to a new web page on user's clicking an item of an embedded flash movie? But , in detail, I actually want to do a little different thing. I want that the parent html page remains there ,instead I want a child html frame has a new page after user's clicking the list item of the embedded flash movie.

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Make A Flash Intro Page Continue As The Home Page?

Oct 13, 2009

So I am doing a flash intro page, but the intro becomes the home page, as in all the pieces come together to create the Flash home page, so that there is just one file for the home page that includes the intro from Flash..how do I make it so that all the parts on the page stay there indefinitely, because right now after a certain amount of time, they disappear due to using the timeline in Flash.

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Professional :: Preloading An HTML / Flash Page On PREVIOUS Page

Jul 1, 2010

I have a site where all the pages have a common SWF embedded at the top (Nav and banner), but the rest of the page is HTML.Everything is working fine, but I'm finding the 'independence' between the HTML and Flash is making for some sloppy transitions from page to page.I was expecting the SWF to be delayed, at least for the first page visit(and I have a preload routine inside the swf to make it's delay and appearance a bit more visually pleasant), but was surprised to sometimes find the SWF appearing and playing while the HTML content was delayed (resulting in a SWF floating in black).What I'm wondering is if there's a way I can do some sort of preload on my index page.BUT, not the standard one that I'm sure everyone would suggest (like the javascript image 'preload', or the newer 'css visibility' preload trick). The problem with the standard one is that it doesn't check to see if everything is loaded.What I'm after is a routine on my index page that invisibly loads some of the elements from my inner pages (common swf, maybe some of the images) and WAITS until it's done before moving to the inner pages (displaying the company logo and/or a load status in the meantime).Many people would suggest a preloader inside the common SWF on my inner pages (which I have), but the problem with that on its own is that it doesn't stop the HTML from displaying.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do a preloader (like those in a SWF, which loops until everything is loaded) that controls both the SWF AND the HTML.Recently, I found that you can use one swf to preload another, which would be a potential solution, as I could make an SWF on the index page whose sole purpose is to load (invisibly) the common SWF, displaying the load status and then loading an inner html page once it's done.Problem is, I have bee having trouble finding the coding for that, as most searches for preloaders end up being about standard preloaders, where it's monitoring the same SWF that the code is on, as opposed to controlling a second, external SWF.Can someone point me to or provide me with the proper coding/procedure for a preloader that controlls a second external swf or give me a better solution?

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Javascript :: Getting A Flash Video On New Page Load At Position It Was At On Last Page

Oct 11, 2011

I have a an unobtrusive flash video looping in the background of a website, it is not essential to navigation - it is purely cosmetic.The flash video loops every 30 seconds.As this video is on all pages, it jumps back to the start when a new page is loaded.Is there an actionscript / javascript way to get it to remember the position it got to on the old page so it can start there on the new page?I do know that this can be accomplished by loading the flash movie in a frame as well as by having the subsequent pages load the contents in AJAX but I was hoping not to go down this route.I have seen other people ask the question and allude to the solution but they only posted that they got it to work without saying how.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Different Page For The Flash Player To Scroll Up All The Way To The Top Of The Page Itself?

Apr 25, 2007

Im working on a website for school, and im doing it through flash. The server ive been given is being taken up by thousands of pages, so its slow. Instead of loading each page through HTML, ive decided i could do a seperate frame for each page. However, to reach the menu at the bottom, you have to scroll down. Is there any way to make it so that when you click a button to load a different page for the flash player to scroll up all the way to the top of the page itself?

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how can create, Page Flipping and Flash page flip [URL]

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Java :: Youtube Keep Flash Video Playing / When Go To Users Profile Page From Video Page?

Aug 31, 2011

In the cosmicpanda update for youtube, you can go from a video page to the video creators profile page while your video is still playing in flash. Does anyone how Youtube accomplishes this? I would like to know if it's possible to keep the flash state of a site constant while moving from page to page on a site.It doesn't seem as if the flash is reloading, so I don't think that they are just saving cookies for the current video time and starting the video at that point when they refresh.I would assume that they're using ajax, but the application of this feature is really clean. The URL gets correctly changed to the users' profile page's URL. The back button still works as it should. (I can press back and forward between video page and user profile page and the video continues going clean and never drops.)

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Swf - IE9 Displaying Flash At 0,0 Or Not At All

May 20, 2011

So out of all the browsers I have access to IE9 is displaying old-style object embedded Flash code at left:0; top:0; All other browsers, including IE 8 have no issues at all.


But if I upgrade to using swfobject IE 8 and 9 simply display an empty space:


But Chrome, Safari, and FireFox are all happily displaying the Flash.


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Jul 25, 2011

I have to decide whether I should choose a Flash or a HTML5 presentation tier third party application for displaying virtual tours. The thing is: The Flash app is better, but doesn't work one iPad. Which do you think I should go for? Flash, high quality or HTML5, a little worst quality?

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Flash Components Not Displaying In CS4

Sep 12, 2009

I have bought some flash components that used to work in Flash 8 and CS3, but suddenly they do not appear in my components list within Flash CS4 ! I have reinstelled them with components exchange and apparently they are successfully installed , but once I enter Flash CS4 there are not.

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Flash Not Displaying After Upload To FTP

Apr 20, 2011

I am using Dreamweaver CS3 to design my website. I have inserted two flash animations in the form of swf files in the webpage. When I preview locally it looks I expected. However, once I try to upload the files I lose the flash. In fact, there isn't even a placeholder where the flash should be. Its just completely gone. [URL]

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Php :: Displaying JSON In Flash?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to pull data into flash using JSON but i keep getting this error

JSONParseError: Unexpected < encountered
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/parseError()
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/getNextToken()


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Html :: IE 8 Flash Not Displaying?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm using flash in a few of my websites for displaying a slideshow. This is the code I use in splendor-bg.com :

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="740" height="450" id="tech" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />


I can see it on my computer in internet explorer just fine (I must have installed something that is needed, or set up IE in some way, I guess).. but its not working on quite a few other computers I've tested it on - this is what they see:

Either a message of something that needs to be installed should be shown to the user, or something in the code itself..

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Flash :: Submenu Not Displaying?

Dec 21, 2010

i'm reverse engineering an actionscript based site for one of my clients. so, i've got this problem... i asked a question earlier and got a response that has led me to this one...i have an array:

subnavData = new Array(
{"title":"OVERVIEW", "func":this.changeSlide, "param":this.showServices, "hasChild":true},
{"title":"CREATIVE DIRECTION", "func":this.changeSlide, "param":this.showBranding,


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Flash :: Displaying Duration Of FLV With AS3

May 25, 2011

I am trying to show the duration of an FLV movie with AS3. I keep getting a Metadata error. Code below.


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Displaying Flash On HTML5

Nov 15, 2011

We have an ASP.NET 4 website that displays flash files. It has come to our attention that these are not fully supported on HTML5, and that they will not play on HTML5 platforms such as the iPad.So, in order to support such platforms, my thinking is that we need to try and display the video using the HTML5 <video> tag if the browser supports HTML5, or fall back to flash if it does not.However, it would seem that this requires our site to provide two video formats (flash format and video such as MP4). That presents problems because A), we need to store multiple video formats on the site, and B) our existing flash data will no longer work.Can anyone recommend information about the best way to support as many platforms as possible. And is there any way to do so without having to support multiple video formats?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying A URL Within Flash

Jan 5, 2009

I am trying to get Flash to display the contents of a URL within Flash. I am aware that this is likely not possible as Flash cannot interpret anything other than HTML in regards to display? I have two images attached from a site called WidgetBucks that seems to have a solution. The first, is the dialog box where you input your site. It must then somehow take a snapshot of that site and then display it in Flash? How can Flash take a snapshot of a URL and then stick it in a clip on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying XML Value In Flash?

Nov 16, 2004

I'm having trouble setting the value of a dynamic text field (elevation) equal to a value from an external XML source.

Here is a snippet of the XML source:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><WeatherReport xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/...">


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IDE :: Displaying Data In Flash?

Jun 28, 2010

Is there a way to show data in flash rather than using the components? Something like name and date of birth in a table format somewhat. I'm trying to get something like the datagrid, but somehow I can't style it the way I want to. So, I'm kinda looking at other methods.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying XML Through Flash

Oct 8, 2010

I'm really struggling with this. I'm trying to display my XML data through two dynamic text boxes that I have on my stage but keeps showing up with "undefined". The FLA and XML files are located in the same folder. I followed the tutorial on here and customised it to match my node names and text box instance names but and left the code the same but nothing


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AS3 :: IDE : CS5 Flash / CS5.5 Not Displaying In Firefox?

Oct 19, 2011

I recently created a flash holiday card which displays perfectly in both Chrome and Safari but will not display in Firefox. I can hear the music playing but can't see any of the images. I've updated to the latest version of Firefox and updated the Adobe Flash Player. I don't have any plugins or extensions installed and have tested this on 3 different computers.

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