Flash :: Set Vertical Space (leading) Between Two HTML Paragraphs In A TextField?

Jul 6, 2010

Is there a way to control the vertical space between two HTML paragraphs, in an AS3 TextField?

I understand and have successfully applied CSS styles via AS3 and have also utilized the TextFormat class.

I am still unable to control the vertical space between a closing and an opening <p> tag: txt.htmlText = "<p>First paragraph here.</p><p>Second paragraph here.</p>"; The example above renders with the correct font and letter-spacing, but the space between paragraphs is either two-times too tall if txt.condenseWhite = false or it is too condensed if txt.condenseWhite = true.

Since only margin-left and margin-right are available CSS attributes in AS3, and not margin-top or margin-bottom, I am at a loss.

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<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>


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Actionscript 3 :: Eliminate Extra Space Between Paragraphs When Importing XML?

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i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

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myTextField.htmlText = "<p>paragraph one</p><p>paragraph two</p>";

How can I control the spacing between paragraphs when there is no support for margin-top or margin-bottom? I don't want to add empty <p> or <br /> elements to my text since they don't allow exact control and insert too much space.

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how can I do this inside flash?

(I don't want to use HTML, the message will be sent using plain text)

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// be sure this is pointing to a ttf font in your hardrive
[Embed(source="C:WINDOWSFontsverdana.ttf", fontFamily="foo")]
var bar:String;


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What I'm trying to do is to position the text in the top part of a combo box vertically. I need to make the height of the textfield section a minimum amount because of touchscreen considerations. It's taller than appropriate for the font size I've chosen.

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Is there such way to do so without using actionscript such as myText in html format...?

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Html :: Object Tag Unwanted Space Above And Bellow?

Jul 8, 2010

Here is my HTML:

Ut molestie venenatis enim mattis cursus. Duis lacinia mauris nec nulla rutrum condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin et felis mi. Ut posuere, eros in vulputate auctor, ante dui egestas metus, in pulvinar dolor mauris eget enim. Fusce in nunc sit amet elit facilisis congue. Nunc malesuada,


Basically, I am inserting a flash animation into text with object, param, embed tags.However there is an unwated gap above and bellow the flash animation (about 40px I guess).I have resetted both margin and padding for object, param and embed tags. The gap is still there. How can I solve this?

NOTE: I know I could use width and height attributes with object tag but the users who will be inserting flash animations into HTML won't know their dimensions so they won't be able to insert these parameters.

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Html :: Horizontal SWF's Giving White Space?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm unable to remove the white space between SWF's on a HTML page.

I know about using 'block' in the CSS, but as it's horizontal that doesn't seem to work. I've also added "0" for border to no avail.

My HTML code:

<div id="banner">
<div class="wrap">
<div style=height:66px; align="center">


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Actionscript 3.0 :: White Space When Loading Html Text From XML?

Feb 4, 2009

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flash code:
Code: Select allvar XMLRequest:URLRequest;
var XMLLoader:URLLoader;
var xml:XML;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX]HTML Text Field Extra Space?

Feb 16, 2004

I'm using loadVars to import text from a text file and then put it into a dynamic text field - rendered in HTML. There is an extra space in the first line of text for some reason. I've checked the dynamic text field and theres no spaces or returns in it - its empty before putting the text into it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] HTML Text Field Extra Space?

Feb 16, 2004

I'm using loadVars to import text from a text file and then put it into a dynamic text field - rendered in HTML. There is an extra space in the first line of text for some reason. I've checked the dynamic text field and theres no spaces or returns in it - its empty before putting the text into it.How can I get rid of that extra line?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Links Inside A Non-HTML Textfield?

Jul 29, 2011

Is there any way to create links inside large textfields without setting the textfield as an HTML textfield? I don't want to set the link to all the text in the textfield, only to some words in the text.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Is Ignoring My Most Of My Tags In A HTML TextField?

Feb 29, 2012

I usually manage to make my textFields work properly.I have this TextField that I inject HTML formatted text (contained in a XML file). For some reason, almost all my tags are ignored (<b>,<i>,<u>,<ul> and <li>). I can only get it to render <br /> tags properly. I could use a StyleSheet, but I don't think it would make my lists work...Here's how things are set up:

Text I inject:

<![CDATA[<b>Some bold text </b>and some normal text <br/><u>This text is underlined</u> normal text to compare<br/><i/>This text is italic</i>]]>[code].........

Edit: So I decided to test having no CDATA in my XML, and adding the <b> tag in my AS3 code. Didn't work either. I don't get how I can have my fonts correctly embed, but Flash refusing to use them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text HTML Space Characters Dissappearing?

Apr 7, 2008

Has anyone else ever had or heard of this situation? Its only happening around the edges of link tags,Code:Hello <a href="">world</a> my name is george.renders asHelloworldmy name is george.The link still works fine, Ive tried putting the spaces outside the link tags but it still happens.Im having to put double spaces in to get only one of them appearing its so wierd.I dont remember this happening when I was working in AS2 but cant isolate the problem at all.

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