Flash :: Specify Width And Height When Loading External Swf File?
Jul 14, 2010
I am trying to load an external swf file. The swf width and height is small and I want to enlarge it when loading it. (My scene has large width and height). My current code could load the file but I am not sure how to enlarge the swf width and height.
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
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My code is:
my_loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - my_loader.width)/2;
my_loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - my_loader.height)/2;
But this seems to just relate to the width/height of the mc that my_loader is nested in...
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Oct 3, 2007
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var x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
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Mar 25, 2011
I would like to use a movieclip to load a flv video. The problem I have is that I want to change the video dimensions. I've tried several software to change the video dimensions but as far as it seems all of them keep the same height-width ratio than in the original video. Is there any software that would allow me to change the height and width without keeping the same height/width ratio as in the original video file?
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<div align="center"><br />
<div style="display:block;width:100px;height:100px;" id="audio"
class="testsound" align="center"/>
<p class="clickable">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="400" height="100" id="myMovieName">
[Code] .....
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Apr 2, 2010
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However, when I get the width dimensions of the movieclip that is housing the external swf file it gives me a '0' for the width.
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Feb 17, 2011
Is there a way to know the original width and height of an swf file with java ?
int width, height;
// my stream contains an image or a swf file
InputStream stream = file.getInputStream();
// mediaType has been set with the help of file extension
switch (mediaType)
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Jul 1, 2009
I'm am trying to load an external swf file using a different swf that is on a different domain. I have noticed that it is possible to use addChild on the external swf, but when I try to get its contents width and height using contentLoaderInfo I get a security sandbox error.it is possible to fix it by usingSecurity.allowDomain("*") andSecurity.allowInsecureDomain("*") in the external file.And now it's get tricky, the external swf file is a file that users upload to my site so I don't have control on the code so I can't add the "allowDomain" part.The second swf (the host file that loads the external file) is a file that I let others to embed on their site.The intresting thing is that when I share the host swf on facebook there is no problem, and I don't even need to add the code for "allowDomain" on the external file.I it makes a different, I use HTTPS protocol to access to the external swf
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Aug 4, 2011
I'm am trying to load an external swf file using a different swf that is on a different domain. I have noticed that it is possible to use addChild on the external swf, but when I try to get its contents width and height using contentLoaderInfo I get a security sandbox error. It seems it is possible to fix it by using Security.allowDomain("*") and Security.allowInsecureDomain("*") in the external file. And now it's get tricky, the external swf file is a file that users upload to my site so I don't have control on the code so I can't add the "allowDomain" part.
The second swf (the host file that loads the external file) is a file that I let others to embed on their site. The interesting thing is that when I share the host swf on facebook there is no problem, and I don't even need to add the code for "allowDomain" on the external file. I it makes a different, I use HTTPS protocol to access to the external swf. I tried to load the crossdomain.xml file, but no luck. What can I do? the only data I need to get on the external swf is its width and height to scale it to the host file.
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Nov 29, 2009
I am trying to dynamically load a progressive jpeg using actionscript 3. To do so, I have created a class called Progressiveloader that creates a URLStream and uses it to streamload the progressive jpeg bytes into a byteArray. Everytime the byteArray grows, I use a Loader to loadBytes the byteArray. This works, to some extent, because if I addChild the Loader, I am able to see the jpeg as it is streamed, but I am unable to access the Loader's content and most importantly, I cannot change the width and height of the Loader.
The cause of the problem is that until the Loader has completely loaded the jpg, meaning until it actually sees the end byte of the jpg, it does not know the width and height and it does not create a content DisplayObject to be associated with the Loader's content. My question is, would there be a way to actually know the width and height of the jpeg before it is loaded? I would believe this would be possible, because of the nature of a progressive jpeg, it is loaded to it's full size, but with less detail, so size should be known. Even when loading a normal jpeg in this way, the size is seen on screen, except the pixels which are not loaded yet are showing as gray.
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Feb 29, 2008
1. I have a script loading thumbs dynamically and I would like them to load one by one with crowing alpha. Now they all load at the same time..
2. I also would like to know how I can get the width/height of the currently loading thumb so that i can center it better.
3. Last, but not least, I want to load a separate thumb-bg movieclip with each thumbnail. Not just filters, I would like a white bg with rounded corners.[code]
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Jul 25, 2010
I'm loading an external video player SWF into a MC, but once loaded the size of the SWF is always wrong and for some reason takes up the whole stage area.
So i want to set the width and height of the SWF thats loaded. If i set the MC width/height then once the SWF loads it's no longer that size. So i have to have some kinda code, that says once the SWF has been loaded, to resize it to 360x240 pixels. [code]...
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Mar 25, 2011
I would like to use a movieclip to load a flv video. The problem I have is that I want to change the video dimensions. I've tried several software to change the video dimensions but as far as it seems all of them keep the same height-width ratio than in the original video. Is there any software that would allow me to change the height and width without keeping the same height/width ratio as in the original video file?
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Aug 20, 2009
The template is built under Flash and has .swf, .fla and html files and was setup on an html background. To make things look nice I decided to use an XML web template as a background to his template. The problem starts from there.The XML web template allows us to add our own SWF files, so I decided to add the swf file of my friend's template.
The swf file was set to "noscale" and when I imported it into the web template it didn't fit properly. So I took the "noscale" off from the actionscript and imported it again. Even then the scaling of the swf file was not correct.As soon as you load the file, it scales towards the left and not center.My question is how can I write a code within the fla file so that when the swf file is loaded it automatically centers itself?2nd question is how can I setup the dimensions of the file as in terms of height and width of the file without getting it cropped. I tried to set it up from 840x610 to 650x430 however the swf content got chopped off (even with noscale off).
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Oct 12, 2009
I'm loading external swf and I want to check it's stage width and height, do you know how to do this? I dont want to check the width and height of the swf because it changes depending on which frame is currently playing in this swf...
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Oct 2, 2009
We sometimes get swfs at my job that doesn't match our standard banner width and height. We only have the swfs and not always able to get hold of the *fla.So we want to load the swf into our different standard banner size and show it.
How do I load the swf into a new *fla that has my standard stage width:995 and stage height: 150? Without distorting the swf to much. Swf could be loading into a MC or loading directly onto stage.I tried the loadMovie and loaded the swf into a empty MC. But I can't set the MCs width and height.
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Jul 8, 2010
I am trying to increase a swf file height and width so it can fit better in my screen. I don't want to rework on everything again in my fla file because it's big hassle. (changing background size makes every symbol off). Are there anyway to do it?
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a small issue in ActionScript 2.0. I want to know the stage width and height for external SWF file. I used the following code:
var loader:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('loader', 1);
var obj:Object = new Object();
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
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Nov 1, 2009
URL...I'm onto the next step on the AS code (see attached zip file on this thread if you need it - file Untitled-3.fla), trying to get the AS to fill an 800*600px window with the dots when the FLA is run.I have tried a range of things, like this (i.e. adding in the hard coded 800 and 600 into the code:[code]But it doesn't do any good!I can't see any other parts in the AS code where the width and height are defined.
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Dec 19, 2009
I am loading an external swf file using the following code:
//add close button
var reqButton:URLRequest = new URLRequest(btn_close);
var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
[Code] .....
Once the loader loads my image, and I click on it, nothing is happening. Am I supposed to be adding the EventListener to the loader or something else? How can I detect the height and width of the swf file in the loader?
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a small issue in ActionScript 2.0. I want to know the stage width and height for external SWF file. I used the following code:
var loader:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('loader', 1);var obj:Object = new Object();var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();mcl.loadClip("external.swf",loader);mcl.addListener(obj);
obj.onLoadInit = function(mc){ trace(mc._width); trace(mc._height);};
It's showing the whole animation's width and height but I want only stage width & height?
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Aug 9, 2010
I use a fileReference.browse() to select an image file from the harddrive.
How can I check the Width and Height of the selected image file?
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Nov 17, 2003
My Stage size is 126*62. (it's a small animation).- When I publish the .SWF, no problem.- When I publish a projector .EXE file for windows, then, the width is still correct, but the height is higher than 62 : I got two small white bands beside top and bottom of my stage,see ?I don't understand why there's such a difference between publishing a SWF or EXE. And I'm afraid this also happens whatever the Stage size is (small or big, I mean) : you always get these blank bands on the top and the bottom, don't you ?
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Jun 1, 2010
I am looking at the SimpleButton entirely wrong. Here's what I'm doing (inside of a MovieClip):
the close_btn.width and height remain 0. Am I supposed to just rely on the DisplayObject members of the SimpleButton completely and ignore width/height/x/y or what?
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Sep 25, 2009
I am attempting to load a gif that is over 3700 pixels and flash will not load this file. If i change it to a jpg, it does however. My application loads 100s of gifs with the exact same code with no problem and the only difference I can see is that this one's height. Anyone know if Flash has height limit for loading external gifs?
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Jul 26, 2011
I'm trying to edit an HTML that uses swfobject to load a flash file.
What I'm trying to do is to reduce the size of the SWF file.
I've tried editing the height and width parameter within the swfobject(), but that didn't work.
I tried reducing the width height in the HTML css, but that also didn't work..
How can I pass a 'width' or a 'height' parameter to the swfobject so it will actually load the swf in a smaller or 'zoomed out' way?
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