I need to load a swf into QWebKit and i need that swf to connect to my Amf server but it seems that something blocks the swf from connection and/or calling any function on the server. If i load the swf into any external browser(Chrom, Firefix, IE, Safari) it runs without problems.
Anyone ever had this issue ? or can anyone give me any hint on what is going on ?
I have a qtwebkit browser with Mozilla NPAPI plugins from which I access a web page. This page contains flash forms and I need to be able to access and manipulate its elements. Does anyone knows if this is possible and how?
Im working on a project that has a main swf file associated with the document class. It loads XML that provides the text content for the project, then it loads a swf that contains a font in its library, then it loads the first of several content module swfs. When the font swf has inited, I'm registering its library font with Font.registerFont(), and using it in a TextFormat object. After everything is done, I can add code to the document class to create a text field on the stage of the main swf and format it successfully with the TextFormat object, but when I try to do the same thing inside the loaded content module swf, the text doesn't show up there at all.
I have a shell swf that is loading a swf. How do you have the loaded swf tell the parent loader to unload itself after the loaded swf finishes playing?
I'm working on a project that has a main swf file associated with the document class. It loads XML that provides the text content for the project, then it loads a swf that contains a font in its library, then it loads the first of several content module swfs. When the font swf has inited, I'm registering its library font with Font.registerFont(), and using it in a TextFormat object. After everything is done, I can add code to the document class to create a text field on the stage of the main swf and format it successfully with the TextFormat object, but when I try to do the same thing inside the loaded content module swf, the text doesn't show up there at all.
I am in the process of building a site for an Architect... Jamie Fobert Architects (projects) I am useing transitions between the projects and am loading details/text and images externally through flashvars, php and a mySQL database. Within my transitions I have a a preloader on the forst 2 frames the code is as follows (taken from a Voetsjoeba tutorial):
This works pretty well if the content is within the .swf, but when it is loaded externally it doesnt preload it at all. Does anyone know how I can adapt/improve this preloader? or somehow ensure that all the content being loaded externally is loaded before the transition plays?
I have three btns on stage, clicking on each one i want them to load an external mp3.The problem is the previous loaded sound doesn't stop when a new one is loaded so I have all sounds playing at the same time
Situation: Got a flash object with an icon bar (div with pngs) on top of it. Works on all browsers except Firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu 8. Example: http://ListAndPlay.com
Problem: Icons suddenly disappear after the flash is being loaded. See this screenshot: http:[url]...What I've tried: Setting z-index, recoding the JQuery behind it, nothing works.
I have an AS3 Flash 10 app that uses the mouse to dynamically update the perspective center of the the Flash stage using the Flash's native 3D. An issue exists when I dynamically load in an external SWF into a container that exists as a 3D movieclip (this is done by simply setting the z axis of the container to 1). When the dynamically loaded SWF is loaded the buttons in that SWF stop working. If I go back to the host program (the program loading in the swf) and 'remove transform' on the container where the dynamic SWF to reside. The dynamically loaded SWF works as expected. Have you ever heard of this issue? Do you know of any solution or workaround to this while keeping the SWF external?
FYI... there are actually a few pixels on the stage that DO in fact trigger the action of the button but the location of this trigger is completely unrelated to the visual location of the button itself. This reaction to the dynamically loaded native 3D element seems very unusual.
I've been told that there is a gaming site that you just need to upload your flash game and it automatically detects scoring and adds the scores to an online highscore table.is it possible?can i somehow using javascript or a 2nd flash file to load a flash and to debug all of it's variables without having the source?
The following code loads correctly the xml file but not the stylesheet. Do I have to change the ordrer of some chunks of this code? (ta = textarea movieclip; in the css I only have, for the test, spectacle>item>title {font-size:40;})
ActionScript Code: function whattoload( eye:Number){ var ld:Loader = new Loader()[code]............
This works perfect for loading the said .swf and displaying it on my flash program. However I have a next button which When clicked I want it to increment so that It picks a new swift from the array.
ActionScript Code: var swiftI:Number = 0; var maxI:Number = 3;[code]...........
This also works well for my desired effects. However I need to remove the previous loaded .swf before the next one is loaded. How do I do this?When I try to use removeChild(ld); It doesn't work.
I am loading an externally loaded swf that uses a mask to transition in. When the user clicks a different button I am doing a gotoAndPlay that goes to a mask that "unloads" the content (it doesnt actually unload the info is just outside of the mask area. As soon As I jump to that section the movie is no longer loaded and just shows the container clip that I had created for it. The Container Clip is never changed and is the same throughout the whole process. The only thing that changes is the mask animation.I have tried both loadClip and loadMovie but no luck on keeping the clip loaded.
EDIT - I have narrowed it down. When I change the mask movieclip the movie unloads for some reason. Is there a way I can keep it loaded?
I'm loading an external swf that is a button to close other loaded movies. I want it to stay above all the other movies at all times so that the user has a way to close them and go back to the main stage. There are buttons on the stage that load external movies and the close button movie loads automatically. All of the movies load in fine but once I load in a movie from a dynamically created movieclip button on the stage, it covers up the close button movie.The following code is where I dynamically load movies from the dynamic movieclip buttons and then after that is where I load in the external swf for the close button.
//Dynamically assign external movies to load from //the dynamic buttons for (j=1; j<holderArray.length; j++) {
I have a "photo" gallery that loads numerous SWFs through xml, one by one on click. All works fine. All my SWF work fine stand alone. But when I load them into the player, many swf dont work properly.in example, I have textinput textfields in many of the swfs, which work fine on their own but not when loaded into the player. Then I have a word search game that works fine when alone, not when in player. I can see there is something as my mouse cursor changes into the "button finger", but nothing visual.
All drag and drop assigments work fine etc. I have no idea whats up. I have receantly switched to as3 and in as2 there was _lockroot declaration that solved similar problems, but now in as3 (where it supposedly should be automatic) it doesnt work. As it seems that it cannot recognise it own stage value, or selection_focus when loadedinside another swf through xml.Using cs4, as3.
I have my main swf (swf1), that loads another swf(swf2). At some point, swf2 loads an external image. What's the best way for swf1 to align the loaded image from swf2??
I have approx 3000 fonts installed and enabled in my mac but not all the fonts were loaded in flash UI panel.'ve verified all the fonts that it's working using Font Book and Linotype Font Xplorer Pro
i am making a game involving a number of balls that move across the screen. Everything works fine and dandy when I play the SWF on its own, but when I load it into another SWF, animation become increasingly choppy with time.
I'm building a flash game wish contains sounds/images/videos and such. Now I want to build a preloader for this game. The problem is that currently it is around 2 mb of data in the first frame. How can I see wish objects that are being loaded in the first frame?
im trying to use loader class to load a swf from a remote server, and FileReference.save() to save it on my hd. But i'm confused how to reference the loader obj that contains the swf as bytearray, and then write that bytearray out.
I am doing some testing for a very large website, created many different developers. Is there a way to tell if the website is using flash and/or has loaded the flash plug-in? If the page is using flash is there a way to tell what part of the page/code trigger the flash plug-in to load in the browser/page?
Update: I will be a little bit clearer. When I go to the login page for my web page using Chrome for Mac and I open the Chrome Task Manager I don't see any plug-ins listed as running. When I login and land on the homepage I now see the Chrome has loaded the process "Plug-in: Shockwave Flash". Looking at the Network tab in the developer tool I do not see any flash (swf) files being downloaded. If I stay on the page long enough Chrome will remove the "Plug-in: Shockwave Flash" process. Why is Chrome loading this plug-in when the page is not using it?
I have read the XML into flash article, and I have almost learned how xml can be loaded into flash, but is it possible load the xml into a animated text animation ?
What I'm trying to do is get the total bytes of all the files I want to load and display the percentage loaded of total bytes and bytes loaded of all the files. Its a slideshow so i want all the files loaded and then it will play. I've looked at bulk-loader but it wasn't what I needed. The image are loaded from an xml file. I think I would need to create an Array and then find out the total bytes but I don't know how to reference the loader in the progress.
I am trying to use load movie to pull in an external Flash file. ALl the external file is, is an image with a dynamic text field. My XML is <feedbackImage xloc="100" yloc="200">feedbackHolder.swf</feedbackImage> In Flash right after the XML loads I have imgfeedback = myFeedback[0].firstChild.nodeValue; feedbackHolder_mc.loadMovie(imgfeedback); feedbackHolder_mc._visible=false
When Flash runs, the loaded swf shows up inside the holder and I am able to control the functionality of it....except I can't hide it. the _visible wont work. So I tried feedbackHolder_mc.unLoadMovie, which did hide it, but when I went to load again, the text I was trying to pass into the text box didn't show up. Basically I want this loaded and then hidden until a user gets feedback, at which time the loaded swf becomes visible. Hoping I can use the visible property.
I have buttons with sound attached in over state and that works just fine, but this means that you are going to hear sounds only when you move cursor over button, how can i make some background sound to play from the moment flash is loaded, even when buttons are inactive, my background image looks like some electrical equipment and and i want to make it sound realistic (sound clip must to be set to loop) and must to start at the moment flash is loaded?
I've built a site at [URL]. I'm getting a white panel where a flash swf should be loading. I'm using Dreamweaver to place the flash movie in a template for the pages.
Is there any "client side only" way to protect a SWF so it'd only be possible to load it from domain X? I'm aware of the server side options such as checking the referrer but unfortunately my server is a "static" CDN where this implementation isn't possible. I wonder why flash cross-domain security files do not seem to handle this scenario as well.