Flash :: Use A Parabola Formula In Firing An Arrow That Will Always Intercept A Given Point

May 11, 2011

First note: mathematically, I'm not that skilled at all. I played a game on iPhone a while back where you press a point, and an arrow fires from your castle which will always intersect the point you pressed. I wanted to make a similar game, thinking it would be an easy quick make; then I ran into the realization that the mathematics for this is actually beyond my skill level.

I'm assuming they're using a parabola formula or something which would determine the velocity and angle needed when the arrow is launched for the arrow to always intersect the clicked point. I only vaguely remember how parabolas work from school and have no chance of working out any formulas.


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Because of the nature of this curve, the amount of skew is determined by the range of the parabola used, as x tends to zero, the gradient tends to zero, so using 0 - 0.001 would be only slightly skewed. As x tends to infinity, the gradient tends to inifinity, so using values 0 - 100 the probabilities would be heavily skewed.to recap then, my function would be passed a skew factor, essentially the upper limit of the parabolic graph to use. All I need do is divide the whole range into equal sections according to the number of values and determine the definite integral for each range of the parabola assigned to each of the possible values. Make sense? Good.

integrating y = x^2 gave me y = x^3 / 3

from this I developed the following code:

PHP Code:

vals = ["dog", "cat", "monkey", "horse", "marmotte", "hampster", "yetti", "ant", "mouse", "duck"];
skewfactor = 9;
trace(getProbabilities(vals, skewfactor));


and it kinda worked. It produced a set of probabilities which looked like they fell in line with a simple parabola.My problem is that no matter what skew value (i.e. max range) I pass in, it produces exactly the same results and I'm not sure if my maths is wrong, my theory on the nature of the curve is wrong or if my code is wrong.

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Flex :: Intercept Value Passed To Item Editor?

Dec 28, 2011

I'm trying to intercept the value that is taken from a DataGrid's GridColumn's itemRenderer and applied to the itemEditor, and vice-versa. I need to be able to format this value. However, my project is complex, so I may be focusing on the wrong idea in what I'm trying to accomplish.

I have a Spark DataGrid component (with ID dg) that I am dynamically populating from XML. I create an ArrayCollection from some nodes, and a regular Array from sub-nodes that is added as a property of the ArrayCollection. That ArrayCollection is then used as the dataProvider for the DataGrid.

Here is an example segment of a typical XML node and it's sub-nodes:

<item name="physOrderTable" text="" type="notes">
<col id="0" text="Day/Time" />


This is the only method I've been able to use to achieve the desired result. This all works fine, if all I want to do is merely display information. But I need to be able to edit the values in each cell, and apply this back to the dataProvider, as I need to rebuild XML with the updated values later.

I have tried everything I can possibly think of to be able to do this. I built my own itemRenderer, then my own itemEditor, then scrapped them because it felt like I was re-inventing the wheel. But was I? I tried reading through the code for the DataGrid, GridColumn, and related classes, but I couldn't find any reference to the itemEditor beyond it being an IFactory. I have no idea where or how it tells that IFactory to be a text input or whatever it is.

Here is my issue:

When I turn on the DataGrid's editing, and double-click a cell, it takes the entire array of the col dataField for that column's cell, converts that array to a string, and displays the entire string in the edit text box. If I cancel the editing, or save the editing, it sets the string to the .col property. Then the labelFunction tries reading that string as an array, and it crashes. I was able to get the typeof the col dataField and converting it to an array if it's a string, but I shouldn't have to.

I need to have it display just the value of the cell for that particular row and column when the instance of the itemEditor is created. When that value is changed, I need it to apply back to that column's index in the .col array of the dataProvider. So, similarly to how it displays information in the labelFunction, I need to edit the information and send it back.

I've seen lots of custom itemEditors and itemRenderers for GridColumns, but these are hard-coded in the MXML. My grid is almost entirely dynamically created, so that's unfortunately not an option for me, as I won't even know how many columns or rows there will be when the DataGrid is created. I tried using rendererIsEditor, but that only seems to be on the MXML instantiation of the GridColumn, as there's only rendererIsEditable in the ActionScript, and it doesn't seem to work (or I don't know how to use it as intended).

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Oct 29, 2011

I wanna know if exist a class in AS3 that allow to intercept the window size of the program in wich sfw is executed. For example the browser window size

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Oct 14, 2011

I've a button on the stage called "closedbt" that i have to move near an image. This image is nested into a MC named "gallery", then it's coordinates are different from the rest of the stage.

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Flex :: Treeview - Intercept Last Opened/expanded Node Of A Tree

Jun 24, 2009

I have a partially populated Tree component and I have to invoke a remote service when User expand (not when he select) a node to retrieve it's leafs. How I know witch node have bee selected.

I'm using Flex 3.3.

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Flash :: Why Are Event Listeners Firing More Than Once

Jun 14, 2010

In my Flash project I have a movieclip that has 2 keyframes. Both frames contain 1 movieclip each.

frame 1 - Landing
frame 2 - Game

The flow of the application is simple:

User arrives on landing page (frame 1) User clicks "start game" button User is brought to the game page (frame 2) When the game is over, the user can press a "play again" button which brings them back to step 1

Both Landing and Game movieclips are linked to separate classes that define event listeners. The problem is that when I end up back at step 1 after playing the game, the Game event listeners fire twice for their respective event. And if I go through the process a third time, the event listeners fire three times for every event. This keeps happening, so if I loop through the application flow 7 times, the event listeners fire seven times. I don't understand why this is happening because on frame 1, the Game movieclip (and I would assume its related class instance) does not exist - but I'm clearly missing something here.

I've run into this problem in other projects too, and tried fixing it by first checking if the event listeners existed and only defining them if they didn't, but I ended up with unexpected results that didn't really solve the problem.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - KeyboardEvent Not Firing?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm new to ActionScript development and am using the FlashDevelop IDE. I've been playing around with some really simplistic things and have come across a problem I can't seem to solve.My application compiles and runs, and a function that watches click events fires perfectly and I can see the event in the console when I pass it to trace(), yet the same code watching for KeyboardEvent fails to fire at all.Here's my code:

package GameTesting
import flash.display.Bitmap;[code]............

The MouseEvent trace() fires every time as expected, but KeyboardEvent never fires, no matter what key I press.

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Flex :: Intercept Service Method Calls Using Metaprogramming In Groovy/grails?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a several Grails services that are invoked from Flex code using Spring BlazeDS integration. I wanted to add some general debug logging using the groovy metaClass. I have the following in a bootstrap class:

class MyBootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->


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