Flash - Using Array Bitmapdata To Record Video From Webcam And Generate Flash Movieclip File?
Sep 8, 2009
is there any sample on using array bitmapdata to record video from webcam and generate flash movieclip file? i want to record sound as well without using red5/flash streaming server
We want to build an application that allows the user to record a video using their webcam on our site using flash and save the URL in a database using PHP. So that we can allow the user to send the video's to other users etc. Also we want to offer the user the possibility to upload their movies (per mail and with PHP) and convert them to flash movies, can this also be done using Flash media server? (maybe in combination with AMFPHP)
I am attempting to capture a 1920x1080 webcam capture and create a new bitmap with the capture. I feel like I have all the dimension settings correct but the final 1920x1080 bitmap only contains a small 320x240 version of the video capture. Help!
var bandwidth:int = 1000; // Maximum amount of bandwidth that the current outgoing video feed can use, in bytes per second. var quality:int = 100; // This value is 0-100 with 1 being the lowest quality.
This will create an flv video file on flash media server:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); ns.publish("yourCamera", "record"); ns.attachVideo(Camera.get());
How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds?
I want to create a simple app the will run on a PC as a desktop application - not on the web. What I would like to do is have it show a webcam image on screen (yup, i can do this bit), then when the user clicks a button, the video and audio from the camera is recorded and saved to their local machine (eg. the desktop). I'd prefer it to be an flv or f4v file, but any video format would do for now. I've seen examples of video being recorded only (basically grabbing a jpeg/png of each frame and using these, but this has no audio!) I've also seen mention off flash media server, but as this app will be going on over 100 pc's with no network/server connection - I cant see how the cost would work!! (100 x licences -
I hava an application that captures video from webcam and renders some additional elements on its display (augmented reality).Now I need to record this video and stream it to FMS.
there is a way to record the stream of webcam without use media server or similars servers? with flash or air can do that? record both audio and video?i found a air class that record video capturing bitmap data of each frame and saves to a byte array but no record audio
When i click record_btn, flash asks me permission to access my webcam. If i alow in the screen i am able to see live video. But I want to store the video and replay it.
I noticed that AS3 is able to take a snapshot out from a webcam & save it as a .jpg but is AS3 capable of recording a video with a webcam and save it to a local disk/network server? any video format is fine with me as long it can be played with window media player.
my task is to code a flash application that lets an user take a snap shot with webcam, attach it to an movieclip and modify the self portrait by adding hair, hats, glasses etc. that are available on menu.[URL]..
I managed to get the webcam working when i used it as a document class. When i changed my code so that the Free Transform Tool code is in document class and the webcam script is in Webcamactions.as file, i can't control the movieclips anymore...the movieclips (such as "imagecanvas" where i attach the video). My Mac's webcam light indicates that the function works, but the video doesn't appear in the movieclip.
What is the best (and simplest!) way to record video from a webcam to the local filesystem--all from a browser? Ideally the video would be recorded in HD and then we could use ffmpeg later to convert it into the formats and sizes needed.
Here are some things we've looked into:
Use Flash to stream to a local Red5 server. But we've had issues with video quality here. A Java applet using JMF (can we even write to the filesystem from an applet?). We've heard this might not be very efficient though. Can it handle HD? Write a custom Firefox plugin. Would this be very difficult?
Basically the hardest thing here is that the controls need to be embeddable into a browser. All we need is a box where the webcam frame is displayed to the user, and then some Javascript hooks so we can code start/stop buttons within the HTML page.
The computer is fully controlled (it's a kiosk) and we can do just about anything to it. We just need a solution that runs in the browser. Our current app is run in Firefox in kiosk mode and the webcam recording is just a part.
I'm working on Flash ActionScript.My Movie Load some data like photo, sounds and photo to the Movie Stage. Each of loaded MovieClip have own animation.Is it possible to generate (record) FLV or other Movie file from ActionScript with ActionScript?
I'm trying to record video from the users webcam and play it back at a later date. I call
However, when I look at the FMS Admin Console at the streams in app/_definst_, their types are either "NetStream" or "Live". If they were being saved wouldn't they say "Stored"? After I close the application doing the recording, the "NetStream" type stream disappears, and after a while all the "Live" typed streams are gone too. Nothing is saved.
I have no idea what is happening. I don't know if it's a problem with my AS3 code not closing the recording properly or if I'm doing something else wrong, or maybe somethgin isn't right in the FMS?
I'm new in AS and trying create util such Youtube's "My webcam". Here's a part of my code:
Can't attach video object or stream to spark.components.VideoPlayer to view video and don't know how to convert video to flv contents for sending in POST form.
I'm pretty much the rookiest rookie when it comes to Flash.
Here's the actionscript (3):
// Here's the dumb-dumb: /*****************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************/ function captureImage(e:MouseEvent):void {
So I'd still like to find a solution that maximizes the quality.
I'm putting together a portfolio for an interview mon, and I use a portable dvd player to show my 3d animations, but I also want to show a flash game I made and I was wondering whats the best method of showing it.I can't lug my comp in there, and just printing and mounting screenshots seems a waste when I have the dvd player sitting on the table already. I've been trying various desktop recording software, but so far everyone I've tried has horrendous framerate issues, well, not terrible, but not something I wanna show at a job interview.
Is it possible to record video through Flash's "Webcam" facility and receive encoded video on server side without any further processing (i.e. just saving the stream to a file)? Or is server side software always needed to encode the input? If server side software is necessary, are there free / Open Source solutions available?
I almost think it's impossible but I know little. I saw once on a website a streaming webcam video in fact it was live. I right-clicked it and it was in flash. Does anyone know how do streaming video with a webcam in flash?
I wanted to make a website that would let users record a small video message through their broswer and save it to my website.As I have never used flash, i wanted to know what softwares would be required and what programming languages would I need? I mean, what should I go about learning to implement such a site. I would prefer open-source solutions wherever possible.
Is it at all possible to save h.264 video from the Flash/Actionscript Camera (i.e. webcam) without needing a streaming server (like fms/wowza/red5)?Where I'm also going with this is, I'd like to take the sampleData from Microphone, and transcode it client-side so that a user can record h.264/aac (or mp3) and store it locally or remotely for easy viewing in a mp4 container....Any tips before I re-invent the wheel or run into a roadblock?
Im making a flash app that will capture video from the users web-cam, show whats being captured and when he clicks submit, send this to the server.Its already capturing video from the user web cam, but its not recording anywhere. Whats my next step to save it somewhere where it can be played to the user after recorded and after he clicks in a submit button send it to the server?