Flex :: 3 - Pass 'self' Or 'this' When Calling A Function Inline For Current Component?

Dec 5, 2011

I hope I have worded the question ok. I know that you can pass the 'id' of the component but I'm just wondering if there is a more generic way. I have tried using 'this' (shown in example below) but the 'this' keyword refers to the application.


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Flex :: Call Inline Function And Pass In Current Item As The Argument?

Jun 8, 2010

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// build element[cocde]..........

I would like to pass in current HBox to the 'HoverTab' function. Is there a way to do that?

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Actionscript :: Calling Function In A Mxml Component From A Main Flex Application

Dec 20, 2010

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Flex :: Flex3 - How To Reach Elements Of An Inline Component

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I have a problem with inline components. I want to reach an inline component from another one.. From the first component, i want to change "enable" value of the linkbutton named "Add" which is in second component. Altough i gave "id" and "className" to second one, i could reach neither it nor its elements.. is there a way to do this?

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Here is my code:

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="{Problem}" wordWrap="true" textAlign="left" sortable="false">


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Flex :: Getting A Variable From Your Regular Component To Inline Item Renderer

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to something like this:

myInterval = setInterval(doFlip(1),2000);

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Flex :: StopEventPropagation Beyond Current Component

Mar 29, 2011

I have a TextInput inside a spark Item Renderer. I need to undo some behavior in a library I'm using by stopPropagation of the mouseDown and mouseUp event for the TextInput. However, I would like the TextInput itself to handle such events normally - otherwise the caret to cursor transitions don't seem to be properly handled.

Edit: ok, here's some code to explain what's going on (although it's completely unrelated from what I'm doing, so it's not an exact depiction of my specific situation). As I mentioned above I need to be able to stop the propagation of mouseDown and mouseUp from the TextInput to a component up the food chain - event.stopPropagation() in mouseDown and mouseUp for the TextInput does the trick. However, it messes up the caret / cursor handling for the TextInput itself. Try the code below with or without the event.stopPropagation() and you should see what I mean.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- http://blog.flexexamples.com/2009/03/19/using-a-custom-item-renderer-function-with-the-fxlist-control-in-flex-gumbo/ -->


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Flex3 - Inline Component Is Not Defined?

Jan 6, 2010

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I find it strange I am getting this error everytime now, when I never got it before and I didn't make any changes before I started getting it. Anyways it is coming from line 78 which is <mx:Component> the start of an inline item renderer.

So any ideas how or why this error is being thrown? I have never seen an error like this before and the message isn't very clear to me as to what the issue is.

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Dec 31, 2008

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How to set inline style sheet to htmltext of textfield component as mentioned in the xml CDATA. At present , i am using textfield.htmlText propert , but i am not able to get the
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Aug 16, 2009

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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
public function loadDetails(id:String) : void { // Some code here


When I tried to run this code Flex throws an error. It says that loadDetails is not defined. I suppose that error is because of scope.

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Flex :: Pass Object To Component By Event

Mar 3, 2011

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ActionScript 3 :: Flex Pass Parameter To Custom Component

Feb 11, 2011

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I have a static variable in my library project which holds the reference of the current object of the project. I need this static variable in order to use properties present in the mxml file. I am unable to use the property sent from the web project in the constructor of the custom component, but able to use the same in some other function present in the custom component.

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Flex :: Datagrid - Pass An Array Of Values From One Mxml Component To Another?

Oct 13, 2009

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="800" height="600">


I was trying to update the value of the selected projects in the text area of Id "projDocs", But I do not get it..

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String.prototype.print=function(){trace(??????)}I can't for the life of me figure out a way to get at the string! Yes I know there are other ways to approach this etc. but...

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I am trying to do something like:


I can't for the life of me figure out a way to get at the string!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get An Array Value Out Of An Inline Function?

Jun 14, 2004

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Selection In Flex Datagrid Does Not Pass The ValueObject To SelectionChangeHandler Function

Aug 11, 2011

I have a TabNavigator, and each tab is a Module. One of the modules is labelled Units and the full code of the module is posted in this post. There are several problems:

1) Forms are not populated with data from the datagrid selection.
2) Selecting a row and clicking delete gives the very-common error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

A trace on the valueObject unit within the selectionChangeHandler function gives NULL. Why? Note: In other modules (other tabs of the TabNavigator), I have DropDownLists populated with units. This means that the valueObject Unit is defined in the other modules. However, valueObjects should be private to modules, and not shared.


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Flex :: Calling A Function From A Class?

Jul 27, 2009

package asas
public class main extends EventDispatcher[code].....

I have this class and a MXML file... how will i call the function doCheck in button. When i call like this, it throws me an error.

id="loginButton" [code]...

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Flex :: Calling A Function In File1.as From File2.as?

Dec 19, 2009

How can I call a function in file1.as from file2.as?

here is the code.

package com.modestmaps
import com.modestmaps.overlays.MarkerClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;


in this package i am attempting to add the shadow, which works, and then add the infobubble, which works, and then add a main swf which works, and then add a close_button.swf which it does load the swf; however, when I try to add the listener, I am unable to make the infobubble close back up.

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Flex - Calling A Function Once Then Repeated At A Set Interval?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a function which makes a call to the server to load some financial data. This data is then displayed in a grid. In order to keep displaying the latest data I keep making this server call (every 30 secs). I'm using a Timer object to do this. The problem I have is that I have to wait 30 secs when the application starts for financial data to be displayed, what I'd like to happen is that the load data call is made, then start the update timer. Is there a way to set this up or shall I use to data load calls, one to get the initial data, then one to get the updates, which is made every 30 secs?

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Calling JavaScript Function From Flex 4 Web Application?

Oct 19, 2010

I need to call javascript function from Flash 4 based web application. When I run it in Debug mode it runs perfectly but when I make release build or run same application on other machine it does not call JavaScript function.


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Flex :: Pass A Set Function As An Argument?

Nov 11, 2009

How can I pass a 'set' function as the Function Object argument of another function?eg:

public class IdModel
private var _id:String;


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Define An ActionScript Event Handler Function Inline In AddEvent Listener?

Jun 23, 2010

I have an action listener :myText.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK,linkClickHandler); As according to this, i need to write an event handler function seperate to handle the text link event.Now my requirement is i need to write that function in the same line isntead of giving its name.ie, something like mytext.addEventListenet(TextEvent.LINK, function(event: TextEvent) {....code comes here....});

can i do like this in AS3.What will the syntax for this if possible.Also i want to know, wether i can pass one more extra param to the event handler other than event which is the default parameter.

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Actionscript :: Flex Calling The Embeded Swf Function Still Failed?

Dec 23, 2009

I am embedding a swf file into the parent swf file and my code in parent swf file want to call the function inside the embedded swf file. It always failed, below is the code. The error is in line:

var player:testflv1 = (loader.content as SystemManager).application as testflv1;

It can't be compiled because the testflv1 is not recognized as the known type.


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Actionscript 3 :: Error When Calling A Function From Main In Flex?

Oct 12, 2011

i am trying to call a function which is defined in main.mxml

public function btnAcceptCall_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent)


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AS3 :: Flex / Pass Parameter In Anonymous Function?

Aug 4, 2010

In as3, I am adding event listener and then attaching the anonymous function to it:[code]Now this whole piece of code is looped n times. Now, I have n myBoxes and whenever I roll my mouse over the box, it should alert the name. But, what I see is that the last value of count is used by each box. How can I pass parameter or value to the anonymous function? ( as roll over , I believe, expects only one variable)

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Flex :: Events - Pass Data To Handling Function?

Jul 28, 2010

In flex, I am handling event like this,

myImage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, redoOperation);

Now, I want to pass some value to redoOperation. (function redoOperation myId:String)) How can I pass String to it?

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Flex :: Pass An Array To A Function Using The ... Rest Construction?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm making multiple similar calls with similar results to one remote object. Because these calls are so similar and very changeable, I've been keeping the name of the remote method in a config file, and when I need to make the call I use getOperation() on the remote object, and call send() on the operation object. However, the requirements have changed so that not all of the calls will have the same number of parameters. Because send uses ..., will I be able to continue using the same formation and pass an array, or will send() treat that as passing one argument of type array?

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Actionscript 3 :: Pass A Variable From Custom Component A Different Component?

Dec 8, 2011

In my custom component (Login), I create and set a variable userName, it is bindable: [Bindable] private var userName:String; userName = txtUsername.text; I need to pass that variable to a different custom component (Overview), here is the code of the viewstack:


I've searched for a way, but I haven't found one that does the trick.

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