Flex :: Check Remote File Availability With AIR?

Aug 24, 2010

I was wondering if there's a remote file availability check using Flex-AIR. Not a local file.

Example: For displaying a image place holder instead of a broken image icon.

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I am trying to upload the files to the remote server using PHP with Flex interface. If it's not localhost, it shows the security error. I have already put the crossdomain.xml in the tomcat web app root directory to allow all the domains. However, the security error is still shown when I tried to upload the file.

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Flex :: Get The Size Of A Remote File Before Start Downloading It?

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var _filePath:String = "X:/save/abc.exe";
var file:File = new File(_filePath);
if (file.size > 1000)


But when I tried a remote file like

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It didn't work.And how can I get the size of a remote file before I use

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private function getRemoteCourr(PathFichier:String, FileName:String):void {
urlStream = new URLStream();
fileData = new ByteArray();
var urlRemoteCourr:String = new urlManager().urlCourriersPat();


Instead of a word document with image and text.

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Flex :: Assign A Button's UpSkin Property With A Remote File Dynamically?

Mar 18, 2010

I am building a Flex application with ActionScript 3. Unfortunately I've hit a wall with this one...I would like to be able to apply an upSkin to my dynamically generated button like this:

//this theSkin variable is dynamic in my app, but for this example it's a simple string
var theSkin:String = "http://www.mypicturedomain.com/images/myimage.gif";
var navBtn:Button = new Button();
navBtn.id = "thumb1";


When I attempt this, I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@3dac941 to Class.

How do I skin this button with my image dynamically? A couple of things to consider:The upSkin image must be remote. It can't be local.The button must be generated dynamically (it's in a for loop).

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Java :: Flex - Max Upload File Size For Java Using Remote Object (BlazDS)?

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Flex :: PDF - Check For Server Error On File Download?

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Test For Availability Of Google Maps Flash API?

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Mar 3, 2011

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Data Integration :: Loading Remote XML File Into SWF File?

Jan 28, 2007

I have a problem loading remote XML file into SWF file. Im doing a banner for a client with adds that is supose to load constantly updated XML file from my clients server and load some images into flash form it. Everything works fine when i test the movie (CTRL+ENTER), but when i publish it and test it from explorer, XML file is just not loading into flash.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check The User Selections On Dynamically Generated Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In Flex?

Jan 27, 2011

The following is my codes. This is still work in progress; so, you will see some functions with empty contents. Plus, this is my first Flex application; please bear with me. This is a quiz application that gets the questions and answers to each questions from a ColdFusion web service. There are three types of questions, True or False, Multiple Choice with single selection, and Multiple Choice with multiple selections. So, based upon the question type, the application would dynamically generate the appropriate amount of radio buttons or check boxes for the users to select. I got these working. The problem that I am having is, I am not sure how to check what the users have actually selected. In some other forums and posts on other web site, it said that I can use event.currentTarget.selectedValue to get the user selection. But when I actually do it, I got a run-time error saying, "Property selectedValue not found on mx.controls.FormItem and there is no default value." My question is, what do I need to do to capture the user selections?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reload An Updated, Remote Xml File?

Jul 8, 2009

This seem like a silly question but as far as I've found: It's impossible to reload an xml file from a remote location while the SWF is running.

For example, I have a kiosk project that will run 24/7 (with a restart each night). I have an "calendar events" loading off an XML file that I want to keep on a webserver so I can update the kiosk by editing the XML file. However, the SWF caches the first XML file and keeps reusing it. I'm testing this by triggering a function that reloads the XML file with a button click.

I found trick that concats a unique ID to the file name which prevents using the old file but that means I'll have an ever growing list of XML files in the Temporary Internet Files folder.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLRequest To PHP File On Remote Server

Oct 22, 2009

I would like to do a URLRequest to a PHP file which contains xml, and the PHP file will be living on a seperate server from my flash file. I understand there are security issues in this sort of thing. figure out how to make this work?

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Media Server :: VOD Using File At Remote Location

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying for making out application for vod.I want to know how a user can make his file readable by the AMS for vod when file is at different PC and AMS( includes swf and HTMl files) is at different PC.

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Nov 3, 2010

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Grab A Remote XML File And Read It In As A String?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a flash applet that I want to grab a remote XML file and read it in as a string, how can I do this?

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Actionscript :: Flash - Reading Remote Txt File?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm creating a banner for my website from Flash, and I'm using Action Script to read information from a file to put that info on the banner

Now this seems to work fine for local files. But the file will not be on the same server as the script and banner.. (personal Reasons).

How can I read this remote text file? this text files location would be something like: [URL] this file is freely readable for anyone..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Remote Text File?

Dec 16, 2009

I tried to search this forum but its goes to a blank white page??Anyhow I'm trying to open a remote text file, the code below works locally I need to make this open from a remote server with a specified URL.

Ext_text = new LoadVars();
Ext_text.onLoad = addText;


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AS3 :: Loading Text File From Remote Server/Domain?

Aug 19, 2009

am trying to use this code to load a text file from a remote server to my textfield in flash. Here is my code:

var myTextField_txt:TextField = new TextField();
var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Read Variables From A Php File On A Remote Server?

Apr 5, 2010

i want to do is read variables from a php file on a remote server. i have the php file on the server and im echoing back a result. all i need in plain english is the AS3 to intercept read and display this variable in a text box.

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Professional :: Read From And Write To Remote Data File?

Sep 27, 2010

I have two variables that I would like to store in a remote data file which can be accessed by my Flash file. It is for a voting system, so the first variable would be a counter that is incremented each time a user votes, and the second would be the total rating. The average rating would then be calculated from these.
How would one store, retrieve, and then update these variables from the data file?
I can create the system within a single Flash file for a single session, but obviously I'd like multiple users opening the file simultaneously to be able to access the data and update it.

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Professional :: Preventing Remote Url File Reads In Flash?

Oct 29, 2010

We have a Flash application provided by a vendor. It reads its parameters from an xml file on our web server's file system. However, it can also be spoofed to read its parameters from an xml file sitting on another domain's web server. At first we thought crossdomain.xml might be able to fix this, but we've researched it and understand the purpose of crossdomain.xml. It won't solve this issue.Are there any ways of enforcing that a Flash application reads its input file only from the same server where the Flash application was served? Or is the recommendation just to initialize variables within the Flash app, not relying on an external file.

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Flex :: Authenticate Desktop FLEX / AIR App With Remote Server?

Apr 21, 2011

I have an Adobe AIR/FLEX app packaged as a native installer application running on the desktop. From there, I need to do the following:

a) stay in the "app:" application sandbox so I can load "file://" JPGs into my mx:HTML control

b) authenticate with my server (CAKEPHP) to get a valid CAKEPHP Session Cookie, and

c) securely GET/POST XHR requests from javascript.

Can I authenticate using something like OAUTH or Facebook Connect without losing the application sandbox? It seems if I redirect from my mx:HTML, I lose my local privileges.Can I authenticate with my server using a different sandbox (remote?) and safely pass the Session Cookie to my application sandbox? Are either of these methods safe against scripting attacks?

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