Professional :: Preventing Remote Url File Reads In Flash?
Oct 29, 2010
We have a Flash application provided by a vendor. It reads its parameters from an xml file on our web server's file system. However, it can also be spoofed to read its parameters from an xml file sitting on another domain's web server. At first we thought crossdomain.xml might be able to fix this, but we've researched it and understand the purpose of crossdomain.xml. It won't solve this issue.Are there any ways of enforcing that a Flash application reads its input file only from the same server where the Flash application was served? Or is the recommendation just to initialize variables within the Flash app, not relying on an external file.
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm an application developer, and my standard usage of Flash is as follows: I'm creating an executable application, which contains a ShockwaveFlash object instance, which in turn is displaying a Flash Movie Clip - also created by myself. The executable application and the contained Flash clip are communicating via the ActionScript ExternalInterface (using XML strings) and the FSCommand.
I'd like to be able to debug the ActionScript code of the Flash file while I'm running/debugging my executable application. For that, I need to be able to start a remote debugging session from the Flash object running inside my executable. Problem is, I did not find any way of doing this.
When I publish the Flash SWF file with "permit debugging" checked, I'm able to start a remote debugging session when I'm displaying the file in a player or a browser (the "debugging" option is shown at the right-click menu of the Flash object), but I'm not able to do the same with the object inside my executable (the "debugging" option doesn't exist on the menu).
Environment Details: The executable application is using the ShockwaveFlash COM file to create the ShockwaveFlash object. The executable application is created using VB.NET, Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5. The Flash SWF file is created using Adobe Flash Professional CS4. I'm developing under Windows XP (SP3).
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Jun 30, 2004
the situation | an instance of the DateChooser component reads an xml file which houses info for homework assignments and their due dates. if there is a due date, make sure that date is highlighted on the DateChooser component. from what i've been told, the xml file stores urls which will tell if there is s/thing due on a particular date. the xml file | very simple, has an <activity> element with a 'date' attribute, i.e.
my remaining questions | What needs to happen as soon as the xml file is loaded? i.e. do i call a function which parses the xml data and puts it into an array? then the DateChooser component iterates thru the array looking for boolean values noting if there is an activity or not and if so, on which day. if it finds one, it sets its highlight property to true for that particular day. i'm setting up the xml file correctly.
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Sep 27, 2010
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Similarly, newer versions of the Flash Media Player installed by most users have a high level of security enabled by default. This is done to prevent Flash movies from playing on web pages that are hosted on different domains than the movie itself (again, to combat "phishing" or "spoofing").
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PHP Code:[code]......
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I have inserted services.flv into [URL]. I am using Dreamweaver CS4, and all dependent files, including the flash video are present:
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Jun 3, 2011
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Sep 25, 2011
my flash reads the xml, but does not understand the tag php. I want to read my xml dynamically
function randomOrder(targetArray)
var _loc2 = targetArray.length;
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Aug 23, 2005
i'd like to know if this is possible: currently i have a file menu.xml which contains menu information 2 levels deep (main menu, sub menus). this i am reading into flash and generating the menu. i would like to change this process:
1. call a php script which creates the xml output and using headers sends that data back into flash. sending and loading vars is no problem.
2. use flash to generate the menu
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Sep 25, 2009
how Flash reads the PHP coding which was generated from the MySQL database.Though, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this task and/or clear stuff up. All I want to do is grab a single video file, when on the video.php page.the video.php will have the parameter, video.php?id=____ and than the PHP coding in the header will grab the database info for that video. Though, do I have to create a separate page for the flash to grab that information?Like, I notice that for Flash to grab that info, PHP needs to set it up like so:
and ect. Though, do I have to echo this part out, or do I have to send that PHP info and create a page from it, than have flash grab the information from that 2nd page?
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Sep 25, 2009
how Flash reads the PHP coding which was generated from the MySQL database.Though, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this task and/or clear stuff up. All I want to do is grab a single video file, when on the video.php page. So, the video.php will have the parameter, video.php?id=____ and than the PHP coding in the header will grab the database info for that video. Though, do I have to create a separate page for the flash to grab that information?Like, I notice that for Flash to grab that info, PHP needs to set it up like so:
Code: Select allvid=test.flv&title=title...
and ect. Though, do I have to echo this part out, or do I have to send that PHP info and create a page from it, than have flash grab the information from that 2nd page?
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Jan 28, 2007
I have a problem loading remote XML file into SWF file. Im doing a banner for a client with adds that is supose to load constantly updated XML file from my clients server and load some images into flash form it. Everything works fine when i test the movie (CTRL+ENTER), but when i publish it and test it from explorer, XML file is just not loading into flash.
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Mar 12, 2010
The screen reader (JAWS) is able to read the textfield in flash on Google's Chrome but not in Internet Explorer 8. I'm using the latest version of swfobject.
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Mar 30, 2011
In Flash user can give permission to localhost and even local html file to access remote webservice.I fail to see the same thing for Silverlight which is a nightmare for testing on local pc.
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May 3, 2006
I installed the update to Flash 8 that allows for remotedebugging, and I had it all set up and working over the past weekor two. But, all of a sudden it's not working for me anymore.I wasable to access it by right clicking my movie from within thebrowser and selecting "Debugger", but for some reason the optionisn't available anymore. I've rechecked my settings according tothe livedocs, and ensured the swd file is in the same dir as theswf, but no dice.
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Sep 8, 2009
edit: Resolved; my ActionScript function for parsing the mySQL results didn't correctly interpret a recently modified column, and the corrupted new output happened to be identical to the old output.
I have created an application that accesses a PHP/mySQL database, but it caches old information.
I used the workaround from Adobe's website, where I append '+ new Date().getTime()' to the URLRequest String, but the application continues to use the old data.
When I trace the URLRequest String and C&P it into a browser window, however, I receive the correct data.
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Jul 8, 2009
This seem like a silly question but as far as I've found: It's impossible to reload an xml file from a remote location while the SWF is running.
For example, I have a kiosk project that will run 24/7 (with a restart each night). I have an "calendar events" loading off an XML file that I want to keep on a webserver so I can update the kiosk by editing the XML file. However, the SWF caches the first XML file and keeps reusing it. I'm testing this by triggering a function that reloads the XML file with a button click.
I found trick that concats a unique ID to the file name which prevents using the old file but that means I'll have an ever growing list of XML files in the Temporary Internet Files folder.
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Oct 22, 2009
I would like to do a URLRequest to a PHP file which contains xml, and the PHP file will be living on a seperate server from my flash file. I understand there are security issues in this sort of thing. figure out how to make this work?
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Nov 6, 2009
I'm trying for making out application for vod.I want to know how a user can make his file readable by the AMS for vod when file is at different PC and AMS( includes swf and HTMl files) is at different PC.
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Nov 3, 2010
When I set the 'Publishing Setting' to 'Permit Debugging', Flash never generates the swd file when the target script language is AS3.If I change the script language to AS2 it generates it.I have tried on CS3 and to generate this swd file for AS3 projetcs?I have tried with large files and with empty files always with the same result.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a flash applet that I want to grab a remote XML file and read it in as a string, how can I do this?
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