I'm extending the Flex 3 panel component. I need to figure out the width of the title's text. Because, title is a private variable in panel, I can't access it via title.width.I know the font, fontsize (14), and length of the title (which will vary). Knowing this info is there a way to calculate how many pixels wide the title is?
I have a panel in my application, and the user can change its width. My problem is when the title is very long. I would like to crop the title by changing the width.I have tried changind the width of the titleTextField by:this.titleTextField.width = ...
Flex 4 Spark component Panel - Hide Title Bar I have used Spark panel to display the object inside a container. The panel and the inside elements are created dynamically. (using ActionScript). I need to remove the title bar of the panel in actionscript. When i tried to remove that, i am unable to hide the same. Tried below ways.
I'm trying to put my components in a window container that can be closed by "x" moved on the stage, resized and so on. And I wonder which is the best way to do it. I want to use a skin class and the component class. The "solution" that is not working looks like this
I'm looking to add a couple of buttons to the title bar of a Spark Panel or Spark TitleWindow. Is this possible to do without making the panel from scratch?
I'm creating a custom component (based on ComboBox) and overriding some base methods. Recently I've found it acts weird when I set it's width in percents, rather than a fixed width. It tends to continuously call the commitProperties method and fail in the end. When I set it's width to fixed value - all works like a charm. What am I missing to implement? Here's some code ..
override protected function commitProperties():void { super.commitProperties(); //some stuff ...
I'm trying to implement a collapsible TitleWindow popup by adding a handle to the top right corner of a Panel control. Unfortunately, the image that I add as the handle doesn't show up when the control is drawn. I can trigger a redraw by changing the source of the image, so apparently it's there, but it's somehow hidden. Is there a way to make this Image control visible to the user?Here's the code for the window:
I'm trying to create a MXML component based on the spark Panel and I would like to add an image on the right end of the title bar, so that the panel will have a text on the title bar and a small image at the right end. I'm using a skin to define the colors, background fill etc. But how do I add this image at the right end of the title bar?I would like to make that image cutomizable so that when the component is inserted, either the default image is used or a new image can be provided.
With this configuration, and once I have set the compiler properties in Eclipse for the compiler to use the Flash text engine for MX components, I can see the two labels of the Panel in the correct font and style ; but the Panel's title will not show up. Even if I add the "embedAsCff: false" line to my style .titleAssumed, the title refuses to show up.
I'm creating a log-in box for my Flex application. However, I'm required to apply a specific design to this box that I have to change the title bar height.
The component I'm using is spark.components.Panel. I just can't find the property of this 'Panel' component to change the feature.
I am treating a spark TextArea as text input(by setting heightInLines="1"). The TextArea is part of an mxml component and I want to resize the component when the text is changed.
I haven't been able to use textArea.measureaText(textArea.text) to get line metrics and use it. I get this error "Parameter antiAliasType must be non-null."
Is there any way to get the width of a TextArea which it is going to consume at runtime for a particular string or a particular TextFlow?
I have a panel in my application. My requirement is, I also require a link, that is "Help options" to appear in the panel's header. In the left, we will have the Panel's title and in the right corner, I need this link. Is that possible?
I'm trying to calculate how WIDE to make my button, based on the text that it will contain, and when I try to google for how to calcuate something as simplistic as the WIDTH OF SOME TEXT, I go cross-eyed just trying to wade through apparently nonsensical esoteric counter-intuitive voodoo. how I would write a function like this:
public function HowWideWouldThisTextBeIfItWereInThisButton(Text:String,Container:Button):int { ... }
I have a Hgroup that contains of four panels. Sometimes it happens then when users open it the panls have a unknown width even bigger than the window resolution.
I extended the DataGridColumn because I wanted to include a custom itemToLabel function (to be able to show nested data in the DataGrid. See this question.
Anyways, it also needs a custom sorting function. So I have written the sorting function like so:
private function mySortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int{ var currentData1:Object = obj1; var currentData2:Object = obj2;
Whenever I try to sort the column, I get the error "Error: Find criteria must contain at least one sort field value."
When I debug and step through each step, I see that the first few times, the function is being called correctly, but towards the end, this error occurs.
I am following this page to create a custom preloader extending Sprite to load an animation SWF, but it is not working (the animation SWF is not displaying): [URL]. I know the Animation.swf file is okay, because if I load it into the main app it displays and runs. The preloader works if an image is loaded by the preloader instead of the animation SWF. test.mxml (main app)
BTW, I typically have many more lines of ComboBox in the app to force the preloader to display, but limiting number of lines here.
I've been trying to create a custom mxml component that extends another custom mxml component (i.e.MyMXMLComponent -> BaseMXMLComponent -> Group). I've been reading that trying to add visual children to MyMXMLComponent caused error with Flex 3 but that's no longer the case with Flex 4.
What I want to know is whether this is a supported/fixed/documented feature of Flex 4? or just some undefined behavior in Flex 4 that may get changed with future updates?
if this is supported and documented feature, does anyone have link pointing to adobe document stating it as such?
I'd like to extend the standard DataGrid component in flex with mxml. But I want to add buttons to the bottom of the component. I've tried attempting the following but its not working...Am I adding the Button to the wrong element?
Whats wrong with this Flex MXML code? I'm getting error messages (error lines marked with "X"). Code is very simple but I cannot find the error.Message both times: multiple initalisation values for standard property "text" of type "string" (translated from german)[code]
This is NOT duplicate of my earlier post (its is slightly different)But this is similar issue with similar error but its not the same error The error I am getting now is below while dispatching the custom event from my custom component
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert events::MapEvent@a74ab51 to flash.events.MouseEvent. dispatchEvent(new MapEvent(MapEvent.CLICKED_ON_MAP));
Note: The error in my earlier post is giving below error message
Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@81ecb79 to com.events.ShopEvent
The difference here are two things, the earlier error is while converting flash event to custom event and now this one is while converting custom event to flash event and secondly, I have no clue why it is trying to convert to the mouseevent where I am just dispatching my custom event with proper listeners.
What I'm trying to do is to create a fancy custom-shaped login panel. It's functions and containing components should be pretty standard, just like in regular login panel - FormItem, TextInput, Validators, etc. I did some research and found that it is possible to create skins using Fireworks, however this does not solve my problem because it does not allow me to manipulate with panel shape. What would be the best way to do it?
I have a web-application whose UI is implemented in GXT (ext GWT).Now I want to switch to Flex but as the application is so large that I cannot afford to start migrating the whole application at once.So I have decided to migrate slowly. So what I want is to bring up a Flex panel on the click of a GXT's button.Basically the idea is how to make Flex components listen to the events generated by GXT's component.
I've been using Jumpeye Accordion Panel V3 at some projects and this time a client asked me to make one where he will add a list of projects and as time goes on he will add pictures for all or most of them. So, I need to know if there's a way (in the component itself or with a code snippet) to make the panel open only the titles that have a corresponding image entered in the external .xml file. Those that have no image shouldn't be clickable and shouldn't open a blank gap. Tried using a transparent 1x1 gif but it looks real bad as it opens a lot more than 1 pixel height
I wanted to change the background color of my Panel title area and I discovered that I needed to create custom skin or skin extender to accomplish this. So I created a skin called myPanelSkin based upon the Spark.PanelSkin. My background color works fine but it will no longer show the cornerRadius defined either on the component or in a styleI then tried another approach and simply created a new skin as an exact copy of the Spark.PanelSkin. It also looses the cornerRadius.
I am updating an older project, written in Flex 3 with some new functionality and I cant figure out how to do something that appears to be really simple.I am passing in data to a panel via XML and binding the properties of the panel to this XML, so for example:[code]My question is simple:How do I set the panel Title and Status colors using data that is passed in the XML?You can set titleStyleName to the name of a styledeclaration but the are no styles for titleColor or statusColor.