Flex :: Flex How To Compile Images Into Swf

May 31, 2011

I have a flex project that uses bunch of images.When I build my project, it creates main.swf and images folder separately.I would like to compile one swf file which should contain all images. I dont know how to accomplish this.

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Unable to create source GeneratedAsset31_dataClass. WebCe line 25 1259045578886 1546

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Flex :: Compile An Existing Project With The SDK

Jun 20, 2010

I'm trying to compile an existing Flex3 project with the Flex4 SDK. I'm getting this error:

Warning: This compilation unit did not have a factoryClass specified in Frame metadata to load the configured runtime shared libraries. To compile without runtime shared libraries either set the -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries option to true or remove the -runtime-shared-libraries option.The resulting file is roughly the same as my old Flex3 compiled .swf file. Playing the resulting .swf file in the Flash Player also gives the following errors:

An Actionscript error ocurred: VerifyError: Error #1014: Class spark.core::SpriteVisualElement could not be found If I set the compiler attribute static-link-runtime-shared-libraries to true, then the error disappears and all is well. However, the size of the resulting .SWF is a couple of 100K's bigger. And that's not what I want.

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Compile AS3 Into A SWF Online Using Flex SDK's Mxmlc

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Jun 21, 2011

Does anyone have a sample pom.xml or a tip of how to get flex-mojos to compile FXG files?We use some FXG images in our project by adding them in mxml like:The image ns refers to a package containing the FXG image files.In Eclispe this works fine.But when flex-mojos is compiling the project we get a "Type not found" error.We get the same error in eclipse when we delete the FXG but keep the tag in MXML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compile My Fla Without Flash And Flex Software?

Aug 10, 2009

I am using ubunto Linux Operating System. I do not have any flash/flex/adob air . I have fla and swf file with document class and related as files. Now I need to compile fla , So, that my changable as file's code could give effect. Is there any idea to comple flas without flash/flex/adobe air software ?

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Flash :: Compile A Swc With A Class Written In Flex

Jun 17, 2009

I want to use some assets ( buttons, etc. ) I'm creating in flash in a flex actionscript project. Since all my assets are bellow 10K, I'm not planning to load a swf ,wait until it's loaded and create the interface. I want to use a swc and just instance the clips I need. Also, I want my Button class to have some extra properties, and this is where the problem occurs.

If in the Linkage Properties in the Flash IDE I add a reference to a custom Button Class and trace a child of the Button MovieClip, I get the right trace. If then I create a Button, in the Main class in Flex, using the generated swc file and trace the same child of the Button MovieClip, I get null. Why is that ? Is there anyway to get around this ? I've considered using the Flex Component Kit, but since I'm working on a simple actionscript project and I'm not using the Flex framework, I see no point in using the Component Kit at this point.

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Flex :: Compile CSS File Into SWF Using The Command Line

Feb 20, 2010

I understand that in Flex builder we can right click on a CSS file and choose 'compile to swf' and our CSS SWFs will automatically be compiled along with the main app.Is possible to compile the CSS file only (not with the main app) from the command line?Give clients a Flex CSS file to hand edit.Allow them to upload the file via a CMS.Trigger a server process to run the compiler from the command line, outputting the compiled SWF to the appropriate server path.This would of course be a whole lot simpler if Flex properly supported text-based CSS files (without requiring manually applying styles using AS3).

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Flex :: Flash - Compile Error 1017?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm getting this error when compiling a newly created application with SDK 4.1:1017: The definition of base class Application was not found.I can click on the SDK library path in the Flash Builder Explorer and navigate to the spark->components->Application object.

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Flex :: Inject Data In A Swf At Compile Time?

Nov 29, 2010

Is it possible to inject data, for example a collection of assets (video, images...), in an swf at compile time?

We have a flex application that needs to be able to export an swf at runtime that contains all the necessary data, because it needs to run as a standalone application (on- and offline).

The idea so far was to create a server side script that calls the flex compiler and feed it the data it needs. This approach seems to work fine using the [Embed] tag for single files, but it gets kind of messy when trying to inject collections of data that vary in length for each exported swf.

We could generate an mxml file with one embedded variable for each asset and include it at compile time, but that approach seems for from ideal.

We've looked into some actionscript bytecode libraries, but those do not seem to be fit for this.

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Jan 20, 2011

I downloaded Flex SDK 4 and also an .as project with many classes. In order to learn I want to build them and execute. How do I do it ?

I tried with FlashDevelop, but it's not working and when works compile only one single class.

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Jan 22, 2011

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I've tried creating simple Flex Library project but it does not seem to use CSS file because resulting SWC does not work as theme.

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Flex :: Compile An ActionScript Class That Is In A Package To A Swf Using Builder 3?

Jul 11, 2009

How do I configure an ActionScript Project in Flex Builder 3 Pro so that I can compile an ActionScript class that is part of a package into a swf. For example, the class that I want to compile to swf is:

package utils {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Tool extends Sprite {[code]....

RootASProject is being produced by one developer, subASProject1 and subSubASProject1a by another developer, utils.Tool by yet another person.This directory structure enables each person to independently build modules and other resources, and quickly test the entire product.It is also important to note that these resources are loaded at runtime.So, class definitions must be fully qualified. For example, Tool.swf contains/defines "utils.Tool" not "Tool".

Developing with just the Flash IDE, this directory structure is not a problem. We create a Tool.fla and assign utils.Tool as it's Document Class then in the Flash IDE's Publish Setting, we set the class path to be NOT the current directory (.), but instead the RootASProject directory. If it were set to the current directory, the error would be: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'utils'. ToolTool.as. We're familiar with this error message and so I recognize that the Flex IDE is by default looking in the current directory for a subfolder, utils, to match the packaged class.

In the Flex IDE, I can add the utils parent, RootASProject, as an additional source path, but I do not know how to stop flex from looking in the current directory first.Using an ant build file, I can set the source path to RootASProject and the mxmlc is able to build utils/Tool.swf just fine. Apparently, it uses just the source paths passed to it, and does not automatically look for utils in the current directory.

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Flex :: Compile A SWC Using COMPC, Excluding 3rd Party Library?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a code library that I have built. It relies on 2 other (third party) libraries. At the moment, when I compile the library into a swc, both third party libraries are included. I am looking for a way to compile my code library against the third party libraries, but without including them in the compiled swc.

This would obviously mean that anyone using my library would need both libraries as well, but I would prefer it this way. I am not using Flex/Flashbuilder which I know allows you to choose the classes to include in a swc.

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Flex :: Can't Export Release Build / Compile For Adobe AIR 1.0?

May 19, 2010

I opened up an old project in Flex Builder 3 which runs on Adobe AIR 1.0. I believe it was originally written in Flex Builder 2. When I try to run the Adobe Air application, nothing happens. When I try to export a release build, I get this error: If I change the main-app.xml file to use the 1.5 version of the namespace, it builds fine. Unfortunately, the clients environment runs on 1.0. Ideas?

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CSS :: Flex - How To Compile Multiple Files Into Individual SWFs

Jun 18, 2010

Right now I am using an apply task inside of an antrun execution.

[Code] .....

How do I do this in pure maven? Without the antrun plugin?

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Organize Application For Compile Performance?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm preparing to reorganize & refactory a Flash Builder application. The goals of the reorg are 1.) keep compile times for the part of the project I'm working on as fast as possible, 2.) keep the unrelated parts separate for code reuse. Goal #1 trumps goal #2 if there's a trade-off.

Currently, the app has assets in one project, core functionality AS3 in another project, and the MXML in a third project that links to the other two.

Would moving resources/code into swc libraries help compile time? What about compiling assets into an swf and embedding that into the main application?

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Flex :: Compile Project That Uses Cairngorm With Command Line?

Oct 31, 2010

Has anyone tried to compile a flex project that uses Cairngorm with command line?

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Flex :: Compile A File Into Swf Using Mxmlc In Command Line?

May 13, 2011

I am trying to compile a file into swf using mxmlc in command line. When it is a very simple mxml, compile is successful. But when the file contaion the fx name space, I get a compile error like: could not resolve (or ) to a component implementation.

I have to be able to do this, without the help of Flash Builder because I am working on a project where I will need to generate swf files from mxml files of which we generate the code.The code I am trying to compile is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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