Flex :: Grouping Collection Separating Numeric 5 From String "5"?
Apr 8, 2010
I have an advanced data grid. The data provider for this ADG is an ArrayCollection. There is a grouping collection on an ID field of this AC. Example of a couple items within this AC the AC var name is "arcTemplates":
filterFunction = (null)
length = 69
list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1
Problem: In my AC example there are a few items, items 0, 32 and 56 properly sort and group to their templateTypeID, but item 55 does something weird. It seems to sort/group on the numeric 5 instead of the string "5". Gets stranger. If I change the name property to contain text (so 1234x) it then correctly sorts/groups to the string "5"
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function storePad(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var aNum:Number = Number(evt.target.name.substr(4))
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36, > 2 years, Compliance
6, 0-90 Days, Compliance
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May 27, 2011
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protected function id_btnAdd_mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
edlColor = new EDLColor();
edlColor.ColorToString = "rgb(0,0,0)";
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Apr 30, 2011
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user submits the values to be calculated. In the method
private function calculate():void {
var num:Number = parseFloat(s21.text);
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Feb 8, 2011
I need a small help in Flex Numeric Stepper validation.I have setted a min value to 1 and max value to 10, Now my requirement is when ever user can enter a value other than the range between 1 - 10, i want to display an alert saying "please enter the val's between 1 and 10". I want this scenario to be success in all possible event listeners like Keyboardevents/mouseevents/default numeric stepper events. Actually i am failing to produce an alert if i typed the value as "0". Other than this everything is fine.
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Jul 7, 2009
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The 2 numeric steppers would work as time (Hour and Min) components. I cannot use readily availabel time components, and hence have to write something of the above for my own time component.
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Nov 4, 2009
Does anyone know an Actionscript equivalent of the javascript getElementsByClassName.
What I would like to do is add a custom 'stylename' to various components which I can then use to get a collection of these objects and therefore process their visibility property.
The idea is I want to hide various components based on what roles a logged in user has - I just want to make this flexible by adding an array of rolenames to a custom property or use the stylename property on a Canvas or Panel etc.
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Sep 10, 2009
I have a collection in Flex and I have sorted it by a date field, so the latest elements appear first in my view.
In order to do this I have applied a sort field like so:
var articleSort:Sort = new Sort();
articleSort.fields = [ new SortField('published', false, true), new SortField('id', true, true)];
articles.sort = articleSort;
Now I want to be able to use a cursor to findFirst() in that collection based on the id. However in order to do that I have to also pass through the published date in the findFirst() method. This is a real pain as I don't have the published date at that time, (or it's expensive to get).
articleCoursor.findFirst({ published: modelLocator.articles.getArticleById(event.newArticleId).published, id: event.newArticleId });
As you can see I am having to get it from the modelLocator in my application, and basically look up the item...
Ideally I would like to pass a wildcard though for the date in the FindFirst() function, as the id is the only thing I care about when searching. However it seems it Flex I can't do that.
The other option that occurred to me is to resort the collection before searching, but that would cause my view to re-render (as it's bound to the collection) on the collections refresh event. Plus it seems rather silly to have to resort in order to search.
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