ActionScript 3.0 :: Use String Or Array To Compile Total Numeric Value?
Nov 13, 2010
I am building a remote control, and when i enter txt, right now i can "change the channel" only for a single value 1-9. the way it functions is you hit the number, then an enter button, and the channel changes. The problem is I want to able to enter 2 digits, and the way i have it coded now, it adds the the numbers together instead of reading 1 as 2 , 2 as 4 and so on, here is the code, I'm thinking i should use an array, or a string to get the proper value, but when i use the "+" sign it still adds the number together, how would i express, so it sees 11 as eleven etc?
ActionScript Code:
function storePad(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var aNum:Number = Number(
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nTest = 1 //numeric
sTest = " test" //string
sFinal = nTest & sTest //string
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var myNumber:Number = 300;
var myString:String = "Leds" (myNumber)
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Feb 10, 2010
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1.9 + 0.1 = 2 ( Not I need );
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for example Ist possible like below class..
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public class Inches extends String{
public function Inches(Str:String = "0'0"):void{[code]...........
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var testMenu:RegExp = /d/;
var whichTarget:String =[code]..........
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ActionScript Code:
var selectcharacternames:URLVariables = new URLVariables(;
does array.length not work with url variables is it possible to turn url variables into a array(im assuming it is not a array as a reason why this doesnt work)
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PHP Code:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert undefined to Function. at Array$/_sort() at
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Feb 23, 2009
I've been searching for ever for a solution to sort a numeric array that I create from an xml file. All I can sort is the first digit of each number. So I get this for example: 4,4,4,3,23,2,2,10,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,023 should be first! How to I fix that?Here is my code:
ActionScript Code:
playlist == undefined ? playlist="" : playlist=playlist;
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May 29, 2011
How would you go about initializing a Vector. with say the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Logic would say you could do newVector = new Vector. ( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] );
You could also try something like this...
var tmp = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
newVector = new Vector.();
newVector = newVector.concat(tmp);
But then you get a type error converting Array to Vector.
I'm stumped, am I missing something stupid or does the vector class really not play well with numeric types? You can try making them decimal numbers just to be sure they get cast as number and not int.
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filterFunction = (null)
length = 69
list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1
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var TestString:Array = new Array ("chicken", "cat", "dog");
function LookStringArray(){
if (TestArrayTextfield_txt.text == (anyString.TestString)){
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function addNumButtonsToStage():void{
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public function Test(par1:int, arr:/*int*/Array = [1, 2]){ <----- compiler shows error here
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May 30, 2010
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var str:String="tom||boy||16**suan||girl||18**"
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Feb 13, 2004
I'm using the loadVars object to import variables from a text file that I'd like to import to flash as an array.For example if the variable I import from the text file looks like this:&myVar=charlie,dog,cat,test&I'd like to get it into an array in Flash like thismyArray = new Array["charlie","dog","cat","test"];
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm trying to use a string from a split command as the var name of a new array the string being split is spec0[1][400] where spec0 becomes the new array name after the split.How should i write this.....P.S. the ultimate goal is to take the string split it up and make a new array out of its split this realistic?
PHP Code:
var str:String =;
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Aug 12, 2010
In AS2, you used to be able to access an array using a string variable by putting it in [].[code]...
Is there a way to do this in AS3 without having to create pointers and references?
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