ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A New Array From Such A String?
May 30, 2010
i am a new learner of as and wanna to parse the str:String="tom||boy||16**suan||girl||18**" for a new array to be put into a datagrid, like a table. it is supposed to split "**" firstly to array, then to split array's item by "||". but i am stuck here. do not know how to do code is below, but not does not work.
var str:String="tom||boy||16**suan||girl||18**"
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[Code] .....
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trace((array[0] as Object).name);
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Apr 30, 2004
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Something like:
myString = "1, 2, 4, 3";
myArray = myString;
And then myArray ends up like:
myArray = [1, 2, 4, 3];
Im trying to add the content of a loaded textfile into an array, that's why.
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Jun 2, 2004
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var myArray = new Array("home.swf","contact.swf","search.swf");
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Mar 4, 2003
When importing a variable from an external .txt file, I know that it will not properly import an array. I rember seeing a way to convert the string to an array, but I can't find it. Does anyone know the code?
I have used the search button to attempt to find the answer, however that proved fruitless. I know i have seen it somewhere around here, but I just can't find it again.
P.S. Does anyone know if you can import a .txt file from the net if it is imported into a .exe file running on a computer? The computer would have a connection to the internet at the time. would I just put an absolute path into the file parameter? Like: [URL]
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Apr 13, 2007
Is it possible to turn an array into a string? I'm stuck on project.
For example:
contents is an array containing: ("~a","~b","~c")
var my_str:String = var contents:Array;
contents = my_str.split("~");
I'm trying to delete the ~ that's been inserted, (in another part of my code earlier)
The result should be: (a,b,c)
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Jun 19, 2008
I want to check to see if a string is in an array, so basically:
If (string1 == [any item in array]) {
// do something.
But I am not sure how to write it..
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Jun 21, 2008
I am passing flash a variable in string format and it looks like this
var stringVar = "new Array(new Array(1,3,4),new Array())";
Now i need to make an array out of it. I tried this:
var stringArray = eval(stringVar);
but had no success.
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Jul 23, 2008
does anyone know a good way of how to insert a number of string defined in an array?[code]msg error: "there's no property in with the name item".
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Mar 3, 2009
I am having trouble parsing a string to an array.The string is as EXACTLY as follows:[code]
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Mar 18, 2009
I have an array with names. All I need is to add new names, but in the beggining of the array instead in the end. How do i do that?
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