Flex :: Have Button Object In Column In AdvancedDataGrid Object In It?

Oct 11, 2009

Is it possible to have a Button object in a column in an AdvancedDataGrid object in flex 4? And how would I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Have Button Object In Column In AdvancedDataGrid Object In Flex 4?

Oct 11, 2009

Is it possible to have a Button object in a column in an AdvancedDataGrid object in flex 4?

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Flex :: Get Column Index Of Header Column In AdvancedDataGrid?

Mar 9, 2010

I want to know column index of header in AdvancedDataGrid when a user clicks on header - either left click or right click.

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid Can't Displays Object Properties

Feb 19, 2010

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AdvancedDataGrid does not displays properties of nested User object, but the simple DataGrid does.

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Flex :: Flash Builder - AdvancedDataGrid DataField - Use A Subarray Or Object?

Aug 5, 2011

I have an advanced data grid in flex (flash builder 4). It's dataProvider is pointing to an ArrayCollection (this._encounters). Inside that array collection is a property that is an object (a client object).

I tried setting the dataField to "clientObj.firstName" to refer to the first name property within the clientObj property of the this._encounters array collection. It did not show anything. So, I added a labelFunction to that column (code below) to set the text in the cell. This works fine and now I have values showing in the grid.

The problem is now when I click the title of column to sort it. It throws an error that property clientObj.firstName is not found in my array collection!So, is there a better way to set the dataField / source for a column and point at a property in a sub-object -- or a way to fix the sort?

Below the first column

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="0" y="25" id="adgEncounters" designViewDataType="flat" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{this._encounters}">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName"


In the mxml above, this is the changed line - notice the stringSortByField added:

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName" sortCompareFunction="{stringSortByField('clientObj','firstName')}" labelFunction="encounterGridLabelFunct"/>

If it were a numeric field use the numericSortByField. If it were a date string from a database, use the dateSortByField function instead.

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid Multi-column Programmatic Sorting?

Jul 30, 2009

I need to to a programmatic multi column sorting on the AdvancedDataGrid.The issue is, currently I am implementing paging on my grid. So, if I sort the data,only the perticular page is being sorted. So,I need to sort the entire list by the column criteria.I tried HeaderRelease event,but I guess it is of no use as I need to make a round trip call to the server to get the sorted data.Is there any way I can implement that.I also need to show the sort markers in the Column headers' right position, indicating the sort numbers and direction.

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Change Background Color Of Column Header For AdvancedDataGrid Control In Flex?

Aug 21, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Object Property Changes Not Updating AdvancedDataGrid

Feb 8, 2012

I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid to display hierarchical data. The DataProvider is an object and the children field is an ArrayCollection of objects. When I update one of the objects in the ArrayCollection I'd like the grid to refresh.

After researching, I do understand that this won't happen automatically. Not even if I use itemUpdated() and then refresh the AC. Not even if I call executeBindings(recursive).

I know that to be smart I should've used ObjectProxy all along as this would solve all my problems. My issue now is how do I go about fixing this without totally revamping my Hierarchical Data objects?

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Flex :: Move Shape Object Across Screen- Initial Object Remains

Jun 25, 2011

I am trying to move a 'Shape' object across the screen. As the object moves, a copy is being left at the initial position. Almost as if only an instance of original object ahs been moved

This is not an issue for moving an image or MXML graphic. Is something wrong in setting to the move object?

The code is as follows

private var arrow:UIComponent;
private function resetAssets():void{
arrow = new UIComponent();


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Actionscript 3 :: Object Creation In Flex By Declaring Type Object

Aug 6, 2011

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var objSampleObject:Object = new Object();

and we create properties directly with dot operator without creating any class


My question is in above process is there any class is created internally by flex?

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Aug 23, 2010

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", and a panel having a lot of children(TextInputs, Trees, Buttons etc.) if user is editing text in one of panel's child and then clik on "id_txtBox". can we get to know


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Flex :: Null Object Reference After Creating The Object?

Aug 22, 2011

I have one MXML File as

<objecthandles:ObjectHandles xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" backgroundAlpha="1" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3: Determine If A Generic Object Is Actually A Button?

Aug 7, 2009

I have this bit of code, and it's not working as I expected. btnContainer is a VBox that contains a ton of buttons (toggle=true); and I want to reset them to un-toggled at a certain point.

for (var btn:Object in btnContainer.getChildren()){
if (btn.isPrototypeOf(mx.controls.Button)){
btn.selected = false;

With the above code, "btn" shows up as just the index during each iteration of the loop (0,1,2,3,...), and the conditional never evaluates to true.I also tried this:

for (var btn:Button in btnContainer.getChildren()){
btn.selected = false;

This works fine, except that there is also a label inside btnContainer; so it throws an error when trying to cast the label as a button.

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Flex :: Difference Between An Object And String Object?

Apr 27, 2010

I think i am lost with basics itself. What is the difference between these two. String object is an instance of String Class.


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Group To Object When One Object Is Drag Across The Screen The Other Object Sticks With It

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Mar 25, 2010

So I have this Photo class than handles loading a pic, and dispatches an event when the loading is done with:[code]which is simple and works, but now I'd like to make something more advanced. I'd like to dispatch the load ratio.So far I have extended the Event class, with my own EventRatio class, and I can put properties on that class. Which is cool, but I need something more dynamic than just sending a fixed value.So, what is the best way to connect the Loader object of the Photo object, with the EventRatio object?

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Flex :: Flash - DataGrid Column Width: One Column To Rule Them All?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a Flex 4, mx:DataGrid with the following (pertinent) properties set:


I have the minWidth set on all of the DataGridColumns and the width set on one of them. If I simply maximize/minimize the display (in browser or stand-alone flash player) of the application, the columns scale up and down nicely. But if you grab the edge of the application and drag it to make it bigger, only one column grows really big. When you drag the size down again, the one column remains big, but all of the other columns get squished way down.

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Flex :: Drag And Drop Column Data To Another Column?

Jan 29, 2011

In Flex, using AdvancedDataGrid, I'm trying to achieve a drag and drop of one row's column data to another row's column or the same row but different column. Is this even possible? I've been googling for hours and all I can find are drag and drop whole columns just to rearrange their view order.

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Flex :: Deleting Row Of Datagrid By Clicking A Button Part Of That Row In Delete Column?

Nov 23, 2010

I want to delete a row of my datagrid when someone click a button part of that row located below Delete Column. I tried many different way one of those were to

<mx:DataGrid id="userGrid" dataProvider="{userGridData}" width="800" height="500" itemClick="userGrid_itemClickHandler(event)" creationComplete="userGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)">


The item render ev.renderers.UserGridEditRender has a delete button listing for click event it basically do userGridData.removeItemAt(userGrid.selectedIndex);
(UserGridData = Data provider of grid with id "userGrid") But whenever I click the button an exception is throw

RangeError: Index '-1' specified is out of bounds.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop The Movement Of One Object When One Other Object Is Over One Third Object?

Jan 8, 2011

how i can stop the movement of one object when one other object is over one third object

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Flex :: 3 Get The Root Display Object Of A MovieClip To Be A MovieClip Object?

Jun 26, 2011

I am trying to build an MXML application with Flash Builder 4.5, and I am integrating an API that requires the root of a display object to be a MovieClip. Personally I think this is bad design but I have to go with it. The root object always seems to end up as the stage, because of course I have to add the object to the stage for it to be added to the display list. Is there some way that I can either change the stage type in an MXML application to a MovieClip or is there some way to force a MovieClip wrapper to become the root of a display object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [object Class] Instead Of [object MovieClip] - Delete The Targets ENTER_FRAME Event?

Mar 15, 2009

When I use MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT the target is [object MovieClip], but when I use MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT I get [object Bildspel] - and Bildspel is my class. The thing is that when I use ROLL_OUT I'm not able to delete the targets ENTER_FRAME event.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Clicking Through An Object So It Doesn't Effect Anything Under-neath The Object When Pressed?

Feb 5, 2012

how I can disable clicking through an object so it doesn't effect anything under-neath the object when pressed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Cached A Bitmatp Improve Speed Of Vector Object Or Bitmap Object

Aug 5, 2009

does cached a bitmatp improve speed of vector object or bitmap object?

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Arrays :: Declaring A Null Property Within An Object, Or Running A Function Within An Object Declaration

Feb 22, 2011

I have an object which is assigned a number of properties:

var project_array:Array = [];
var slideObject:Object = {
project_title : myXML.projects.project[i].title.toUpperCase(),


but I'm not quite sure where to place this. If I place it outside of the object constructor, I get "term is undefined", I guess because it doesn't know what project_clips_array is - but if I declare project_clips_array in the constructor, it appears to need to be defined, i.e. I can't create a blank property. But I can't place it in the constructor either, because it doesn't seem to allow me to run a function within an object constructor. What is the proper syntax or arrangement of code for executing this function to get the array within the object?

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