Flex :: MVC Architecture Development

Nov 22, 2011

I have a mobile application that I want to try and reorganize so that it's easier to read and update and follows better practice.I want to implement an MVC pattern, but I'm getting a little tripped up on getting there. I'm just hoping for some help with rebuilding the architecture. Here's the outline of my application:

Level1) MainView has a column of 5 buttons that when clicked lead to View1, View2, View3, View4 or View5.

Level2) Each of these views is the same: a list, but each is populated with different data. Selecting an item brings the user to another set of views SubView1 - 20. that each are again populated with a list.

Level3) However, any selection made on a List in a SubView leads to a view that is always the same for all selection paths - but is populated with different data. Basically a button, another list, a text input and a textarea.

From what I gather, I should be able to use a lot less files and achieve something of the same result:The model being a single class for data? The controller being a class or that controls the business logic, and a view that calls the controller?

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if (pause!=true) {


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1) Create an Application specifically for one of those modules

2) Create a Module inside that Application

3) Develop the Module by itself, make it work right

4) Link shared libraries to it somehow (like library projects I would use between all of the modules)

5) ... then I'm unclear what's next.I now have lets say 10 Module/Applications, and I want to start mashing them together into usable applications.What's the best way to do this?I would like to not have to copy-paste code and swfs, using something like git submodules if an equivalent is possible.

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What are the alternatives of Flex builder for flex development (Free ware, open source preferred). I know one that is FlashDevelop, but it is not matured/ full fledged flex IDE.

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