Flex - Set HTTP Body Using HTTPService Class In The Adobe Air?

Mar 2, 2012

I need to send a byte array of data as a HTTP body using HTTPService class in the Adobe Air API.

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Flex :: Retrieve Body Of A HTTP 403 With Flash?

Dec 15, 2009

I've got a simple YouTube API client put together, written in Flex, that uses a plain ol' URLRequest object to handle Google's "ClientLogin" authentication scheme. Everything works perfectly, except for one case: when Google responds with a 403 and a response body indicating that I should prompt the user for additional information (specifically, a CAPTCHA request).

The problem I'm having is that in this case, I need to be able to retrieve the body of the 403 response, as the body contains information Google expects me to use to assemble the CAPTCHA (e.g., an image URL, etc.). It looks like Flash fails to populate the URLLoader's data property when it encounters a 403 (which is where the response body would normally show up), so I can't tell the difference between a "403: Login Failed" and a "403: Login Succeeded, but We Want a CAPTCHA".

As a backup, I figured I'd have a look at as3crypto's TLSSocket code, but I haven't been able to make any of that stuff work with Google (or even one of my own SSL certs, for that matter).

Is it possible to access the body ofa 403 response with Flash (and if so, how)? And if not,Does anyone have personal experience with a suitable workaround?

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Oct 19, 2010

I've used the Flex HTTPService to connect to a backend blazeDS service without any problems at all. The question I have is, can I also use HTTPService to send a HTTP POST message to a server (with basic authentication)?

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How would this be done via the HTTPService (if at all) ?

Can anyone see how the mxml/as class would look like and what would be in the services-config file and what adapters need to be used etc etc ??

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Adobe Flash Builder Http Data Service Call Fails Only After Export?

Dec 8, 2011

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Security error accessing url
Destination: DefaultHTTP

Of course I googled this error and realized it may have something to do with a 'crossdomain.xml' in my web root directory. I tried this and it continued to fail.
Below was my crossite domain file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="www.my_domain_for_http_service.com" />

I'm using the free trial version of Adobe flash builder, but I do not see anything indicating that this has to do with the error.

Data from http service call is in xml format.

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Actionscript 3 :: Pass Contents In The Byte Array To The HTTP.Send Method In Adobe Air

Mar 5, 2012

I upload a file using adobe air HTTPService.Send method by passing byte array of file content read using FileReference. When I write the set of bytes from the server side (php) it writes the details of the byte array (buff) to the file instead of contents of the file like "endian=bigEndian&position=0&bytesAvailable=61127&length=61127&objectEncoding=3" . Below I have included the code that how I read the file and send it to server. Is there anyway that i can directly pass the data in the byte array to send method?

File Read

var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var localFilePath:String = "/Videos/sample.txt";
var uploadedFile:File = new File(localFilePath);


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Feb 6, 2012

I have an mxml form with several DropDownLists. Those DropDownLists are loaded with an array collection in this class:

package fr.intersystemes.DataProvider {
import fr.internity.config.urlManager;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
[Code] .....

But now I'd like to query the database to load the ArrayCollection. I know how to do that if I place HTTPService and DropDownList in the same MXML file but I don't know how to do if HTTPService is in separate file.

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But when I'm trying dynamically create horizontal and vertical axis then I'm getting extra axes. I believe this is Adobe bug. How I can fix this behavior?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Actionscript :: Implement Adobe HTTP Streaming Spec Without Using Their Streaming Server

Dec 14, 2010

As of Flash 10.1, they have added the ability to add bytes into the NetStream object via the appendBytes method URL...The main reason for this addition is that Adobe is finally supporting HTTP streaming of video. This is great, but it seems that you need to use the Adobe Media Streaming Server (URL...) to create the correct video chunks from your existing video to allow for smooth streaming.I have tried to do a hacked version of HTTP streaming in the past where I swap out the NetStream objects (URL...), but there is always a momentary pause between the chunks. With the new appendBytes, I tried to do a quick mock up with the two sections of video from the preceding site, but even then, the skip still remains.Does anyone know how the two consecutive .FLV files needs to be formated in order for the appendBytes method on the NetStream object to create a nice smooth video without a noticeable skip between the segments?

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Jun 22, 2010

Is there a standard class that simply returns the response received from a URL given a URL?

Looking through the documentation, I found mx.servicetags.HTTPService, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for.

Update: The request is happening inside of a function and therefore that same function has to return the result. In other words, callbacks aren't going to work.

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Flex :: Gzip - Flex - HTTPService And Gzipped Responses?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a Flex client making RESTful calls to a webservice using HTTPService. The server is returning JSON responses, which we would like to compress. Can Flex using HTTPService handle gzip-encoded responses? If so, what steps are required to make it work (e.g., which headers to set, how to decompress, etc.)? If not, can you suggest a simple alternative?

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Flex :: Re-using HTTPService Object

Oct 22, 2009

I'm trying to reuse the HTTPService object in a flex app but I'm running into a problem. In the handler for ResultEvent.RESULT I'm removing the listener, but it isn't removed. I've have to catch the asyncToken from send() and attach a new property so I know what it's supposed to do in the handler.URL...You can right-click and view source.Has anyone else run into an issue where listeners aren't removed? Should HTTPService not be reused?

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Flex :: HTTPService Progressbar?

Nov 10, 2009

How can I set a progress bar that may start when an HTTPService is sent and stop when the HTTPService ends?I followed code given here but encountered following error Type was not found or was not acompile-time constant: ProgressWin.Don't know whether ProgressWin.mxml is a component or module or what. I just created a new ProgressWin.mxml file and pasted the code you posted but following error popped out before

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Flex :: XML HTTPService Result And For Each

Mar 3, 2010

XML is cool in flex, but I have an annoying problem to solve, caused by what I can imagine is a feature. You see, when you have just one tag of something, it creates an object which is not an array. But when finds more than one, it puts it on an array structure.[code]I could check the format of resObj.specifictag (to check if it is has an array) and then duplicate the code (for each case). But -even if it's calling a function- I don't think it is an elegant solution.Well, I hope someone has a good idea on this matter. (I know from experience that SO has much more C++ experts than flex, but well...)The perfect thing would be that HTTPrequest handled every tag in a consistent way (using always arrays... though I'm guessing that that would also have its drawbacks).

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Flex :: Air - HTTPService Times Out Anyway?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm getting an error after 30 seconds of execution of this service

<s:HTTPService id="svcList" url="http://localhost/index.php" method="GET" result="svcList_resultHandler(event)" fault="svcList_faultHandler(event)" requestTimeout="300">
<s:request xmlns="">


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Flex :: Two Different HTTPService Classes?

Jun 2, 2009

Why are there two different HTTPService classes in Flex?thisandthisAnd the second one inherits the first one.Why couldn't there be a single class combining the two?

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