Flex :: Call Java Class From Adobe Air?

Aug 8, 2011

I need to call a java class from my adobe air application . Is it possible.

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I would like to learn Adobe Flex mobile development.I have created a new project called SampleProject, then I got SampleProject.mxml in default package and SampleProjectHomeView.mxml.[code]How can I call the add and sub methods from the class above in SampleProjectHomeView.mxml?

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Java :: How To Call Method On Remote Class Returned By Object

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package classes.remote {
public class Schedule {
public var id:int;
public var modifydate:Date;
public var startdate:Date;
public var enddate:Date;

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Java :: Adobe / AIR / Flex Or Google SDK?

Feb 2, 2012

I am a senior IT student working on a mobile application for Android. I have 2.5 months design to complete implementation.App basics:

-Seismographer app
-Record data from accelerator
-Visualize data in a live fashion on a graph
-Connect several phones together via bluetooth/wifi to sync up the data
-Geo-aware application - optional

I have limited java knowledge and mainly specialize in system admin and web development. Given my constraints, is it better for me to use Adobe AIR/Flex/ActionScript to develop this? Or Google SDK/Java would take just as long?I feel like on one hand Adobe is faster, but Java is more straightforward?

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Java :: Bluetooth SPP From Adobe Flex Framework?

Sep 10, 2009

I am successfully running Bluetooth-SPP applications relying on http://bluecove.org/ that is Java to Java.
I do now want to establish Bluetooth-connectivity in an Adobe Flex-application. Anyone has experience, ideas?

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Java :: Adobe Flex Mobile Background Process

Apr 6, 2011

What is the best solution for multi threading in flex, I notice if I play a mp3 in flex and do something else at the same time something ends up giving out, either the song stops playing or the UI hangs for about a split second. It doesn't have that fluid response that I am looking to achieve. If possible I would like to call a multi threaded java class to do some of the client-side end back end processing. I just don't know if that is possible.

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Java :: Best Server Side Technology With Adobe Flex As UI

Oct 1, 2011

I am new to web technologies. I along with my friends want to develop a web application. There is one guy in our team who knows Flex technology. I would like to use Java Springs framework at the back end. The web application caters to students a Music school. And for the same reason we chose Flex for UI since the application needs to be flashy and rich in graphics.

The application allows students to create profiles and interact with the teacher. Eventually we want to add Online Music classes feature with online payment gateway integrated. Kindly guide me which are the suitable technologies to use at the back end. Also let me know if SpringFlex with BlazeDS integration is a good combination with Adobe Flex.

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Java :: Using JavaFX And/or Adobe Flex For Building Desktop Applications?

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Most of the desktop application development I do is in Swing, and I'm curious to hear people's thoughts on using JavaFX and/or Adobe Flex for building desktop applications. Have you had success building desktop apps with these? Or would you stick with Swing for now and use tools to help make Swing development more productive?

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Flex :: Running A Java Program With A .dll From Adobe AIR's Native Process

Jun 18, 2010

I would like to be able to operate a scanner from my AIR application. Since there's no support for this natively, I'm trying to use the NativeProcess class to start a jar file that can run the scanner. The Java code is using the JTwain library to operate the scanner. The Java application runs fine by itself, and the AIR application can start and communicate with the Java application. The problem seems to be that any time I attempt to use a function from JTwain (which relies on the JTwain.dll), the application dies IF AIR STARTED IT.[code]

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Feb 28, 2011

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I was able to use florians suggestion and I've added the code below if anyone else is interested. I used the example here URLLoader.

public function URLLoaderDataFormatExample(event:Event):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("file:///c:/temp/prop.properties");
var variables:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Java :: Adobe Flex Plugin In Eclipse Helios / Indigo?

Sep 20, 2011

Windows 7 64 bitBoth JDK installed for 64 and 32 bit Eclipse Helios 32 bitFlex builder 4.5 32 bit I have installed Flex Builder and run exe from utility folder to add eclipse plugin .I have added memory setting sin eclipse.inibut eclipse crashes when i swicth to flex perspective .

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d8832ca, pid=5688, tid=5152


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Java :: Hibernate And Servlets With Adobe Flex + Model View Controller Pattern?

Aug 30, 2010

I am preparing a document for a project. The project's backend is developed in Java, frontend is adobe flex.
I am not sure about the correct way of describe the project in Model-View-Controller way.

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Java :: When Does Flex Throw NetConnection.Call.Badversion Error?

Nov 11, 2010

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faultString:'Send failed'
faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: :


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Flex :: Adobe Flash IOS Packager Throws Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError When Packaging Large Projects?

Jul 20, 2011

I've been porting a Flex 4 codebase to iOS using the adobe packager, but have run into a snag when trying to package our whole codebase. The packager runs for a while and then throws an OutOfMemoryError - even if I increase the java heap size to 4GB. No single piece of code seems to be causing the problem, as it compiles successfully if I cut out large chunks of code, and I can change which chunks I'm omitting. It might be related to the size of the code itself.I've logged a very detailed bug report with adobe here: ou can package to reproduce the issue, a ruby script that generates actionscript codeto generate that AIRI file, and a summary of all of the things I tried before logging the bug.

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Java :: Use A Wrapper Class Around An Object In Flex?

Jul 11, 2009

Select a school listed in the first datagrid, and display all the student records /details of that school in the next datagrid. But, since datagrid is editable and requirement mentions : "Use a Wrapper class around the object to get the data, set the same and save. Ensure wrapper is bindable to take into consideration the updates being made to datagrid text fields."

I have an object which is a type of a Data Access Objects i.e. DO.


The mySchoolDO is an actionScript class of following code :

public class mySchoolDO
public var schoolName:String;
public var schoolLocation:String;


The showSchoolStudents will display all the details of students on to the datagrid. But, my datagrid is editable. And, I want to use WRAPPER CLASS around this object such that

a> I can retrieve individual values as present in studentsDO i.e. studentID, studentCourses, studentGender, studentPhone.

b> I shouldbe able to set the values as they are updated in the visual datagrid.

c> Finally save all the data and submit on submit click.

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Flex :: Upload Csv File To Java Class

Nov 17, 2009

How can i upload csv file to java class in flex ?

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Java :: Flex - BlazeDS Not Handling Inner Class DTO?

Aug 19, 2011

I've noticed BlazeDS has certain things it does not support and it is often difficult to find this out. Ex: polymorphism is not.One must create methods with different names as methods with the same name with different parameters create a conflict.I'm trying to find out if BlazeDS does not support Java static and non-static inner classes.

public class UserDTO {
private String name;
private AddressDTO adddress;
private PhoneDTO phone;


The example code above will compile and the getUser method will work. A call to the updateUser or updatePhone methods on the other hand results in a BlazeDS error. Is there a special way to use inner classes in Flex or are inner classes not supported?

Here is an example of the error messages produced:

[BlazeDS]Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'.
flex.messaging.MessageException: Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'. Type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO' not found.

Example Flex code:

var thisPhone:PhoneDTO = new PhoneDTO();
thisPhone.phoneNumber = "8885551212";
updateTagsResult.token = userService.updatePhone(thisPhone);

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Java :: BlazeDS: Some Class Instances Already Created On The Server Are Unavailable From Flex?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a question about the Java Factory; I've read somewhere that: "... the JavaFactory will check if there is already an instance in the scope and return that. If the object is not available then it is instantiated ...", but I don't understand the expression "if the object is not available"?I am having trouble to find and/or assign classes already instantiated (by another class) in the server, to a declared destination.

I'm developing an application in Java: J2EE.I'm running it on a Tomcat 6 server I'm using BlazeDS to communicate with Flex. I'm using the RPC's Remoting Service (through RemoteObjects)There are two java classes that handle Client (Flex) interaction, say ApplicationClass and UserApplicationClass:

ApplicationClass has a reference
(attribute) to a UserApplicationClass


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Cannot Show Returned Java Class Data In AdvanedDataGridColumn Of Flex AdvanedDataGrid

Feb 28, 2011

I am developing with Flex + java + hibernate in one project. I am trying to add one more advanceddatagridcolumn in flex AdavanedDataGrid control. Actually it work very well but only except I added columns data. I have no idea what should I do to make it out I am telling work flow. At first call select method in DeliveryService.class through the RemoteObject and then call DeliveryMgr.class for call business work. After get return list type return value it pass to presentation class to setting all of the selected return value. I can print trace log what I added columns data in DeliveryPt.class but it cannot return to flex area.Strange thing is I can check out value of what I want to show data in DeliveryPt.class but it does not show up in AdvanedDataGridColumn of Flex.


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Java :: Flex - BlazeDS And Class In WAR File - Implement Server Side Process?

Oct 26, 2009

I have a java class which has been deployed as WAR web application in a BlazeDS/Spring server sitting on JBOSS. Apart from the Flex application which will access the WAR file, I also need to start some server side process's which will initiate BlazeDS "pushes" to the Flex client via AMF messaging.

What is the best way to implement this server side process? - Should it just be a class with a main() method in the WAR file which gets called from the command line? Can this be done - not sure you can run a class in a WAR file from command line? - Should it just be a class with a main() method in a JAR file which gets called from the command line? Not sure what the standard practise here is. The key is that the process needs to be started on the BlazeDS server to push data out (not on the Flex client).

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Flex :: Access A Remote Java Class (on Spring/BlazeDS) From The Cairngorm Application?

Nov 5, 2009

I seem to be getting the following error when I try to access a Remote Java class (on Spring/BlazeDS) from the Flex/Cairngorm application. I am going crazy at the moment trying to see what is wrong


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Flex - Set HTTP Body Using HTTPService Class In The Adobe Air?

Mar 2, 2012

I need to send a byte array of data as a HTTP body using HTTPService class in the Adobe Air API.

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Flash :: Flex - Adobe Builder (flex4): AddChild() Is Not Available In Class

Jan 7, 2010

I want to load an swf into a flex 4 application in order to use its classes.


I receive the error: Error: addChild() is not available in this class. Instead, use addElement() or modify the skin, if you have one. at


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Actionscript :: Call A MXML Class In Flex 3

Aug 14, 2009

I have a page made of custom components. In that page I have a button. If I click the button I have to call another page (page.mxml consisting of custom components). Then click event handler is written in Action-script, in a separate file. How to make a object of an MXML class, in ActionScript? How to display the object (i.e. the page)?


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Flex :: Retrieve The ByteArray From A FileReference Class Using Adobe Flash Player 9?

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to retrieve the ByteArray from a file selected using the FileReference class so that I can pass this to a Web Service call that I am making to Sharepoint.Is there any way I can do this using Flash Player 9 without having to upload to a remote server first and then downloading the file to extract the ByteArray?

This is assuming you can't use Adobe Flash Player 10 and the data property from the FileReference class.

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Flex :: Call An External Function From Inside A Class?

Aug 1, 2011

i want to call an external function inside a class. thats the code;

in checkConnectionStatus function,

this[_funcNameForSucceededCon].apply(); doesnt work because "this" is the class, not the Application. How can i reach Application at this time or what can i do?

package myLibrary
import air.net.URLMonitor;
import flash.events.Event;


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Java :: Flex - Max Upload File Size For Java Using Remote Object (BlazDS)?

Jul 16, 2010

I tried with flex and java in the backend. In this, I am able to upload files till 100 MB using remote object (blazeDs) where we will read the file as byte array and send it to the java method. If the file size exceeds after that, then I get the run time error in IE.

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Java :: Flex - Unable To Send MIDI File Name To Java To Playback Music?

Oct 27, 2010

I could play MIDI file where "filename" is a String type with "asd.mid" value. However, I tried to sent AIR's nativeprocess command to Java, it shown "could not read" error.


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