Flex - Set A Date Based On Other Dates?

Apr 10, 2011

I need to set a chart to start at midnight of the current day and end just before midnight of the next day
I'm trying to do something like this:minChartDate = currentDate.fullYear,currentDate.month,currentDate.date,0,0,0,0;

where currentDate:Date; is the day currently selected. I'm getting an implicit coercion error between the Number to Date type, as if currentDate.fullYear is a Date, but according to the documentation it should be a number. Or is my syntax defining this incorrect? Also wondering if there's a simpler way to get the min and max dates than this (the reason I am setting this is so that it starts at midnight rather than at the first data point in the series).

I'm also getting a weird error 'maximum' values of type Date cannot be represented in text.. it said I need a Date type object for the minimum and maximum so I'm really not sure what it's talking about...

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May 12, 2011

I need to change the starting and ending dates, so that the earliest date that can be chosen is January 1, 2011 and the latest date that can be chosen is April 30, 2011. Also, the user should only be able to select 30 days at a time.

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Mar 13, 2012

In a datechooser component i want to get the all date values of a particular column in a month eg: All date values that occur in saturday in an array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Compare A Date To Range Of Date Using Date Class In It?

Dec 2, 2009

Do you know any way to compare a date to a range of date using the Date class in as2.

For example i want to know a given day (11-12-2009) is among the start and end date of a given range (11-01-2009 to 11-20-2009).

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Actionscript 3 :: Calculate Start Date(datefield) Is Less Than Always From End Date(datefield) In Flex?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a form in which i add two dates

Start date
End Date

I want to know how i validate that the selected start date is always less than end date(actually an expiry date).

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AS3 :: Xml - Get Closest Date To Today - Show Only The Up Coming Event - Relative To Current Date

May 28, 2010

I have a XML file with a few concert dates. In my flash/AS3 file, I would like to show only the up coming event, relative to current date. Like this:

Event 01: 30-05-2010
Event 02: 02-06-2010
Event 03: 05-06-2010

Today is 28-05-2010, so I need to list Event 01. On 01-06-2010 I need to list Event 02. I have the basic AS3 code for listing the XML working, but I'm having trouble filtering the result.

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