Flex :: Compare Values Of 2 Dates Using Actionscript?
Jun 22, 2010
how to compare values of 2 dates using actionscript i executed this code in my program..
var time1:Date = new Date(Number(fromDate.substr(0,4)),Number(fromDate.substring(5,7))-1, Number(fromDate.substring(8,10)));
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PHP Code:
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var RandomNumS: String = "0";
var RandomNum : Number = Number(RandomNumS);
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Oct 8, 2009
Let's say I have created a class named Store. This class has several elements such as Name, PhoneNumber, Owner. I've created 2 instances of this class and want to know which values are different. So lets say that Store1 and Store2 are instances of this class.
Store1.Name = "John's Corner";
Store1.PhoneNumber = 111222333;
Store1.Owner = "John";
Store2.Name = "John's Corner";
Store2.PhoneNumber = 444555666;
Store2.Owner = "John";
Is there a way to automatically loop through all elements of a class instance and compare them to the same element in another class instance and return something when they differ?
This might be obvious but I can't figure it out.
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//b-a = (3) && c-a = (6)
if((naArray[i+1]-naArray[i])<=3 && (naArray[i+2]-naArray[i])==6) {
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Nov 22, 2010
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private function onComplete():void
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("Drawing1.dxf"));
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Feb 16, 2012
The question seems to be simple, however it create problems for me. I have a dataGrid with two dataFields: peerID, name. The information in a grid updated dynamically when new user joined the group (I'm creating a chat). I need that information about user deleted from a grid after it's disconnect. So, on "NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect": event i want to compare "event.info.peerID" value with all peerID values in a grid and delete info about disconnected user.
I'm trying to use next construction:
for (var i:uint, len:uint = txtDataArray.length; i < len; i++)
if (txtDataArray.source[i] == event.info.peerID)
But it doesn't work at all!
I'v noticed that construction txtDataArray.source[i] (or txtDataArray.getItemAt(i) ) returned [object GridColumn] insead of value. So, I have two questions:
1) How to get the value of exact cell?
2) How to organized info delete after user disconnect?
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Dec 4, 2009
which tool should i use QTP, RIATest , Selenium for Flex Application Functional Automation Testing. please help me compare them with different advantages and disadvantages.
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Jun 10, 2011
I have some components declared in MXML tags, with some properties and event handlers.For some of them there is the need to re-instantiated, so I came up with the following architecture.Array of components that will be re-instanciated at some poin:
<login:LoginForm loginClick="outerDocument.form_loginClick()" />
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Aug 27, 2010
The dictionary use strict equals(===) for key comparison, how to change the comparison, so I can use my standard for comparison, for example, I have a class named Student:
class Student{
var id:int;
var name:String;[code]....
I want Dictionary use id to compare if the two keys are equal, not use strict equal(===) to compare if the key is the same.
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May 18, 2010
I need to save email-id in my login form through the cookies. if I use shared object I am able to save but my requirement is need to save in cookies. How can I save? I got sample code from net. Attaching that code `package com {
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
* The Cookie class provides a simple way to create or access
* cookies in the embedding HTML document of the application.
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