Flex :: Shadow In Custom Skinned Button?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm having a hard time removing some type of shadow in a button control. Here's the button:

The button that's giving me trouble is the "zoomer" one. As you can see, the borders are not straight. I assume that there's some kind of gradient/shadow or sth that's inherited from the default skin.


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CS4 :: Create A Simple Skinned Button With Dynamic Text

Oct 24, 2009

I want to create Flash button that I can use for a dynamic menu.

To do this I have create a new symbol in my Flash project as a button. My button has 2 layers: * one layer with the graphics for the diffrent states (up, down, over, clic) * one layer with a dynamic text control
A have assign a variable name to the dynamic text (menuCaption).
When I put the button on my main scenario, I can change the caption of my menu item with: menuCaption = "some text";
Now I want to add many items to my menu barre, but all items a modified when I assign menuCaption to a value

What do I do wrong? What must I do to be able to assign each item separatly like <item_name>.menuCaption ="some text" ?

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Flex :: Spark Label Be Skinned?

Aug 22, 2010

I would like to add some fancy drawing beyond the CSS formatting. How can I put a skin on a spark Label ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Custom Mouse Cursor Causing Shadow?

Dec 31, 2010

I have created a file where I have a custom mouse cursor using the following code:

Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.startDrag(true); I have the mouse cursor in its own layer on the main timeline. In a layer below this one I have a movieclip symbol that when clicked I want to move to frame two of its own timeline and play.

The code I use for this is inside the movieclip symbol itself and it is:

squaremc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2);

function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2(event:MouseEvent) :void

The problem is the darn thing only works when the cursor symbol is in a layer below the movieclip on the main timeline and not in a layer above the movieclip on the main timeline. It wont even work when the custom cursor is in the same layer as the movieclip symbol.

Is there a work around to this or something else I could try. In actioscript 2.0 this never was a problem.

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Flex :: TitleWindow (or NativeWindow) Skinned As A Fancybox?

Apr 11, 2011

The customer I am working for wants to display popup in an AIR application (designed in Flex 4).I will therefore use TitleWindow and PopupManager for this (or NativeWindow could be an option too).
Pretty basic, I can handle this.

Trouble is, this customer would like this popup to be looking as a Fancybox, that is, with the close button, slightly out of the popup.

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Javascript :: Flex: Children Components Disapear When SkinnableContainer Is Skinned

Apr 10, 2012

I have a few Skinnable Containers that have children components, such as an image component or a button bar etc. It seems that when I add the skin, the Skinnable container looks great, but all my children components of that container seem to disappear.

<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


In the above example, the Skin works just fine, but the image contained within the SkinnableContainer will disappear.

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Flash :: How Do Skinned Flex UIComponents Capture Mouse Events

Jul 29, 2009

If my understanding of Flex is correct, skins in Flex are just DisplayObjects that are added as children to UIComponents to create the visual representation of the object. But if my understanding of the Flash event model is correct, if there is a non-transparent DisplayObject on top of another, mouse events will go to the topmost DisplayObject. The overlapped DisplayObject won't receive any mouse input.

So how is it that skinned Flex UIComponents work at all?

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Flex :: Remove Shadow With CSS?

Oct 25, 2011

How do I remove my columns' shadow with CSS?

I know I could do this:

<mx:Array />

But I'd really like my CSS to control all the visuals.

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Flex :: Remove Drop Shadow From ApplicationControlBar?

Jul 2, 2009

Does anyone know how to remove the default drop shadow from ApplicationControlBar?[code]...

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Flex4.5 - Flex TexItem Internal Shadow?

Sep 23, 2011

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Sep 8, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Disptaching Custom Event From Custom Component (why Flex Converting Custom Event To Mouseevent)?

Mar 2, 2012

This is NOT duplicate of my earlier post (its is slightly different)But this is similar issue with similar error but its not the same error The error I am getting now is below while dispatching the custom event from my custom component

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert events::MapEvent@a74ab51 to flash.events.MouseEvent.
dispatchEvent(new MapEvent(MapEvent.CLICKED_ON_MAP));

Note: The error in my earlier post is giving below error message

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@81ecb79 to com.events.ShopEvent

The difference here are two things, the earlier error is while converting flash event to custom event and now this one is while converting custom event to flash event and secondly, I have no clue why it is trying to convert to the mouseevent where I am just dispatching my custom event with proper listeners.

This is my custome event

package events
import flash.events.Event;
import ui.map.MapElement;


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Flex :: Spark Skins : Blue Drop Shadow On Focus?

May 26, 2010

I'm currently experimenting flex 4 skinning. I successfully skinned most of the components i need for my application, but i can't find a way to avoid this damn blue drop shadow which is displayed when u'r focused on a textfield or a combobox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Scale A Movieclip That Contains A Movieclip With A Drop Shadow Filter Without The Drop Shadow Acting

Feb 20, 2009

i have been searching the internet for a bit, and maybe i don't know what to look for but i know filters have stage scaling enable, not sure that is what i am dealing with but for some reason i can not scale a movieclip that contains a movieclip with a drop shadow filter without the drop shadow acting like the light source has changed, have tried copying the bitmapdata....anyone know how to "freeze" the drop shadow.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Custom Button Component?

Aug 17, 2009

I want my custom button to look like the button sample below. More specifically, I want the width of the button to be determined by the width of the largest word in the label (i.e. width of "Elongated" in my example). The label must wrap, not truncate. And I want only one pixel between the top edge of the icon and my button's top edge. I have tried lots of things but to no avail so far. I have reduced the horizontalGap and verticalGap to zero and padding to zero. But still nothing.


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Sep 29, 2009

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Flex :: Create A Custom Button With 3 Labels?

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to create a custom Button component with three labels: left-, center-, and right-justified. I can't just use the label justification property, because I want to use all 3 labels at the same time.

I'm familiar with creating custom components, but I've never tried to build one quite like this before...

Here's what I have so far:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


The labels won't change after the button is created, so I'm not worried about the missing [Bindable] metadata.

I'm stuck right now, getting the following compiler error:

Multiple initializer values for default property, 'label', of type 'String'.

...for each of the 3 <s:Label> lines.

Based on this answer to a similar question, I tried adding label="" to my <s:Button> declaration, but that just adds another error.

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Aug 6, 2009

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Flex :: Create A Custom Component That Consists Of A Button

Jul 18, 2009

I am trying to create a custom component in flex that consists of a Button, and a TileList directly below that button. On button click event the TileList should open/close. The component works fine, but when I add it to my main flex app, inside a VBox, it simply opens and closes within the VBox. Because the height of the VBox is much smaller than the custom component's TileList, it causes scrollbars. My issue with it is that it should behave like a ComboBox/Pull-down menu and go over the VBox, instead of going inside it. how to overlay the custom component, so it behaves like a ComboBox/Pull-down?

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Flex :: Edit Button Text In Custom Components?

Apr 16, 2011

i have created custom components in flex where i have used a button,i want to change button text when i will use that component in other mmxl file how i can do that?

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Flash :: Load An Animated SWF Into A Custom Flex (spark) Button?

Jan 9, 2012

How can I display an animated SWF in my custom Flex button (I am using the Spark library).

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Flex3 - Skinned Panel Content Offset?

Sep 5, 2009

Here is the problem. I've created custom RectangularBorder and set it as border skin for TitleWindow. After this manipulation inner content of window is starting at 0,0 point of it. How could I set offset of it?

Just setting top padding does not work because scroll bar still begins from the top of the window after this manipulation.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Refreshing Custom Mxml Component On Button Click

Mar 3, 2010

I have defined small MXML component which calls web service which returns random number on request, then my component displays the number.

How do I refresh the MXML from main application control, so it will recall server again?

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Flex - Custom DateField Component With ComboBox And Clear Button Inside The Dropdown Calendar?

Jul 31, 2010

i inserted a dateField component.on clicking it displays calender, i would like to add 2 comboboxes, i shows hours(0 to 23) other for minutes (0 to 59) to calender so tht the user can select the time along with the date and that wil be displayed in the text input as date and Time. one more thing i would like to add is clear button to clear the selected date to the calender.

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Flex :: Define Custom 'contentGroups' In A Custom Flex 4 Component?

May 12, 2010

The spark panel component for example can be written like this

<Panel title="Skinny">
<child components ... />
<child control bar components ... />


The motivation here is that I can now create a couple different skin files to change the look and layout of those subgroups. Reading source of the spark panel, there are some calls within the mx_internal namespace such as getMXMLContent() which is a method of the spark group component, but which I have no access to.

Does the description above make sense? How can I create custom 'contentGroups' in my custom Flex4 component that can use nested mxml child components? Should I approach this a different way?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4.5 Not Listening To Custom Event Dispatched In Custom Class?

Nov 4, 2011

I have the following situation:I have an event handler, that displays small messages in my application's statusbar.These messages get passes through by dispatching events from custom components.A simple message could be like "HTTP Error" or so.Now, the main event listener, in the main application file, listens to the event dispatched by any custom component,but seems to refuse listening to events dispatched by custom AS classes.Here is my code for the custom event:

package main.events
import flash.events.Event;[code]..

So to sum it all up:

- The event listener listens to the custom event dispatched by any custom component.

- The event listener does not listen to the custom event duspatched by an AS class.

Those who wonder, the event really gets dispatched, that's why I added a trace call.

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Flex :: Put Custom Code In A Custom Component In Flash Builder?

Dec 11, 2010

In the main file, I would write[code]...

But if I want the component to have that behaviour innately, where do I write it in the mybutton mxml file to have it reference itself?[code]...

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Flex :: Access A Custom Property In A Custom Class?

Jan 25, 2010

I couldn't work it out yet...

package components {
public class templateSelection extends VBox {
static public var tempSelectionBag:Dictionary;


I want to have a custom class tempSelection with a Dictionary as a public accessable property of that class. If I use this code, the compiler tells me:

1046: Typ wurde nicht gefunden oder war keine Kompilierungszeit- onstante:Dictionary

Which translates to:

Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Dictionary

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Flex :: Dispatching Custom Event From A Custom Component?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a custom Flex 4.5 component (to be used in a List) -

Game.mxml (represents a clickable playing table in a card game):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer [code].......

But I never see the "game clicked: " trace. Does anybody please know why? I'm probably missing something minor, because I can see the "Clicked: 8946" trace.

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