Flex :: Associate Value To String Under Combo Box?

Aug 2, 2010

How can I give value to combo box entries. For example, in combo box, I have Array Collection and inside it, I am adding strings like mx:String. I want to give it different value than the text.

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ActionScript3 :: Flex : Programmatically Associate A RadioButton With A RadioButtonGroup?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a UI component that, for various reasons, I have to construct programatically. The component is a table of radio buttons grouped by column.Right now, I'm constructing the column groups like so:

private function createGroupsForItemList(items: XMLList): void {
for each (var item: XML in items) {
var rbGroup: RadioButtonGroup = new RadioButtonGroup();
groups[item.@level.toString()] = rbGroup;

I'm trying to associate the RadioButton instances with the column groups like so:

private function createValueControl(item: XML): UIComponent {
var control: RadioButton = new RadioButton();
control.label = "";


I can see in the debugger that the control has an association to the group:

control.group == groups[item.@level.toString()]

However, I can see equally that the group does not know anything about the control:

group.radioButtons.length == 0

I imagine that this is because the setter for group in RadioButton is a dumb setter; all it does is copy to the variable, which doesn't do the magic that groupName does. However, I can't seem to find the value I should use to set the RadioButton.groupName property correctly.So, in short, I'm stumped on how to get these bits to talk to each other. How do I do this?

-- EDIT -- It turns out that I can have the groups created and associated simply by setting the groupName property, but I can't get at the group to set up a selection listener; the group is NULL immediately after the setting process, which means that the second line below throws the Flex equivalent of an NPE:

control.groupName = groupNameForLevel(item);
control.group.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, updateSelection);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combo Box Making A Hint For Each Item - Placing An Event Listener Into The Function That Populates The Combo Box?

Mar 10, 2011

It might be something simple I'm doing wrong.I have an array populated by XML in a function by doing the following inside the function:

first_special.addItem({label: xmlMenuFile.item.headers[i],data:
xmlMenuFile.item.descriptions[i],data2: xmlMenuFile.item.hints[i]});

The problem I'm having is trying to figure out a way so that the "data2" will fill the text field "hint_txt" on ROLL_OVER of that items name in the list.I've tried to placing an event listener into the function that populates the combo box .this populates the combo box label and data with the Loaded XML File. This works

function changeHandler(ev:Event):void
menuText_mc.heading1_txt.text = ev.currentTarget.selectedItem.label;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populate Combo Box Values Using Another Combo Box Instance

Dec 21, 2005

I have two combo boxes. The first combo box's data is added through an XMLConnector object, the second combo box, I would like to populate through an on (change) event in the first combo box. The items in the second combo box would relate to the selection made in the first combo box.

I have attempted the following within the Actions for the first combo box:

on(change) {
switch(this.value) {
case "value1":
} // end switch
} // end event

which is not working.

should an event be dispatched by comboBox1 and a listener be attached to comboBox2? I can't find any examples of this on the internet.. but i might be using the wrong search terms.

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Flex :: Add A Combo Box To A DataGrid?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to add a ComboBox to a DataGrid. So far, the only way I've found to do it is like this:

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Header" dataField="src" >

The problem is the initial value of the ComboBox isn't set correctly. If I hard code the choices, then the initial value is set correctly. I can't hard code the choices.

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Flex :: Data Tip In Combo Box?

Nov 24, 2010

i use combo box to display a list of items. The box'x length is smaller whereas the items length is large. So if i mouse over it i need to display the whole item as a data tip

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Flex :: Setting The Xml Dataprovider For Combo Box?

Nov 2, 2009

I am trying to get the drop down list of combobox by using a php file. That php file returns an xml string which has been used as data provider for combobox.I followed this thread too but in vain.DetailsI have set the creationComplete attribute of mx:Application to init(). In the init() function i have sent the following HTTPService

<mx:HTTPService id="interfaces" url="interfaces.php" resultFormat="e4x" method="POST">
Combo Box:


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Actionscript 3 :: Combo Box Slows Down Flex?

Jan 4, 2010

I did the following code. I know it's horribly written, but it's only a box with two combo boxes and a textinput bellow being added to a VBox, whose id is "garage". The problem, is that, however I do it, when I open the combo box the program slows down so much it's unbearable to use it any longer. I'd like to know if you have any idea on what's behind the ComboBox and the possible causes for this "slowing down" when I open the ComboBox..


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Flex :: Make A Value-aware Combo Box?

Mar 31, 2011

Combo boxes in Flex are really awkward to use if you have objects in them addressed by properties, in my experience. In Flex 3.5 we had a working extension to the combo box that would populate a selectedValue property (and allow changing the selectedIndex by same).

Here's a quick example of what using one of these looks like:

<c:ValueComboBox valueField="country_code">
public function get selectedCountry(): String {


However, this has stopped working in Flex 4. What's happening is that our existing component drove its changes by overriding the set selectedIndex() function, which is no longer called when the combo box's selected index changes (wtf?).Is there a working value-aware combobox implementation for Flex 4? [URL]

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Flex :: Populate Combo Box With Xml Data?

Apr 3, 2012

here is the xml data :

<value label="Aluminium" data="0" />


The problem is that the whole xml gets populated. I just want the labels. :(

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Associate A Value With An Object?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a movie clip in my library not on stage , which contains , further 3 movie clips inside it .named , thePicHolder , theDownloadBtn, theViewBtn

i am creating , multiple objects of the main movie clip dynamically [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Associate A Value With Object !

Jun 6, 2010

i have a movie clip in my library not on stage , which contains , further 3 movie clips inside it .named , thePicHolder , theDownloadBtn, theViewBtn.i am creating , multiple objects of the main movie clip dynamically[code] The name property of a Timeline-placed object cannot be modified.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Multiple Selection In Flex Combo Box?

Sep 7, 2009

can you please tell me how to have multiple selection in flex combo box component

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Flex :: Use Conditional Operator In Combo Box Dataprovider Using It?

Dec 7, 2009

In my Combo box i have to shows team names condition based . So i will try like

dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.(id=10).name}" but shows some errors . but if i tried

dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.name}" display all name . It's working .

How can i condition based to display the list . In combobox . Plz refer me . is it possiable to check array of id on the dataProvider ?

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Flex :: Resize The Dropdown Of A Combobox Along With The Combo Box?

May 17, 2010

Background: I am doing some UI work where I allow the user to programatically add and resize controls on a canvas. Problem: When resizing a combo box through AS the dropdown stays at the same width as the first time it drops down. So user places combo box on the page, clicks the down arrow, sees the options, selects an option or clicks down arrow again to close, resizes the width of the drop down, clicks the down arrow. Now drop down is the same width as original. Have tried simple things like setting the width of the dropdown specifically and invalidating display list but it still doesn't work.

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Flex :: Custom Combo Box Itemrenderer In Datagrid

Oct 26, 2010

A combo box as an item renderer for a data cell in a Flex Datagrid has been demostrated at various blogs. What if that combo box has to have an external dataprovider that has to be set at the time of converting the renderer class to a ClassFactory.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Coloured Backgrounds Within A Combo Box

Jul 2, 2010

I've successfully created a class which extends List to create a List with different coloured backgrounds depending on a colour property of the ArrayCollection used as a dataProvider. Technique is described here:


I'm now trying to do the same thing in a ComboBox. I know it's possible with either a classFactory or extending the ComboBox but I really can't work out how - there is so little information on things like the classFactory around.

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Professional :: Associate Data With MovieClips?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to make an animated map showing points on a map as they appear over time.I've got a few hundred locations in a spreadsheet with lat/longs.  I have a plugin from Avenza for Illustrator that lets me plot the points, and then of course I can import them into Flash.  The problem is that when I move them to Flash, all of the attributes, including the year (which I need to animate them) is stripped away.
I can easily enough get pixel coordinates in Flash at this point, but the problem is I don't know anything about these points now.  I'm having to look at them, one at a time, in Flash and Illustrator, then manually hard code each individual point to tell it where it appear on the timeline in Flash.  This isn't going to work.

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Flex :: Disable The Drop Down Function Of Combo Box On Certain Conditions?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a combo box in my application. I also have a variable called "Status". I want the combo box to be enabled only when the value of the Status variable is 5 or 6. Otherwise, I should not be able to change the value in the combo box. It should have the previous value only.. I had written a click event to disable the combo box. But even though the combo box is disabled, I get the drop down list of the combo box, and If I select some othe value in the drop down,it changes..Only after that it gets disabled.


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Flex :: Labels Aren't Shown Properly In Combo Box?

Mar 5, 2010

The below code show the labels from previously selected list?

Steps to reproduce:

Click on List AB Open the list but don't select / click any item Now click on List CD Open the list again and you see A, B as labels instead of C,D but if you click on any item then everything comes properly

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


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Php :: Best Service/connection Combo For Flex/Server Implementation?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm starting a Flex app on a pretty big reporting engine and want to know how best to connect to a Postgres Database. I'd like to create a REST API architecture so I can use the service for more than just the Flex app(mobile possibly).These are my options I've found:

Datatype: either XML, JSON or AMF

Flex Service: HTTPService or WebService

Server(using PHP): ZendAMF, custom json_encode implementation, Zend_Rest_Server

I've got my views all mapped out, and the api functions designed. Basically what I need is advice on which Flex / back-end service combo to provide.

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IDE :: Simple Button - Associate Events With Handlers

Nov 27, 2009

I have recently read and practiced the instructions given in "Buttons in Flash" tutorial on this site, and although everything works beautifully it does not give me the code for linkage i.e. either external website or mail.

The existing code is:
function setupEvents() {
// associate events with event handlers
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButtonHandler);
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverButtonHandler);
} setupEvents();
[Code] .....

How do I include the relevant behaviours to these buttons?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Associate Input Text With Array?

Mar 12, 2009

I have an array of images and an input text box. I want to type something in the text box which will be different for each picture. For example the first picture may be an apple and the correct answer will be apple and so on. How do I check to see if the input is correct against the picture that is shown?

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Programmatically Associate A Flash .fla File With A Document Class?

May 31, 2010

I heard about jsfl (Flash IDE API) so I guess it is possible but I can't find any concrete example ?

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Flash :: Associate Same Codebehind To Multiple Classes In Silverlight Like In It?

Apr 27, 2011

In flash one can point to a file on disk to associate the form with a class which name can be different from the form name so that you can multiple forms to the same class.

In Silverlight is it possible somehow including by hacking vs studio project xml file by hand ?

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String :: Flex - Download A String Variable As A File To The Local Machine?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a String variable in my flex (flash builder 4) application containing CSV data. I need to allow the user to download this data to a local file. For example, giving them a "csv" button to click and it might present them with a save file dialog (and I would be sending the contents of my string variable).Is this possible / how ?I am using the ResuableFX component for the datagrid to csv. This the code I ended up with that works to save the string to a text file for the user (in a web browser):

var dg2CSV:DataGrid2CSV = new DataGrid2CSV();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Volume Knob Doesn't Follow It's Associate Track

Jun 2, 2009

I built an FLV player that scales to full-screen and on fullScreen, the control bar resizes in a non-uniform manner. The whole control bar is scaled down to 33% of original so the controller isn't barbarically huge. Then the progressBar scales in X to fill up the width now empty due to the uniform scale-down, and the elements to the right of the progressBar all move over in X to appropriate positions to distribute nicely across the width of the remaining video screen. Problem is that the volume knob that is attached by the FLVPlayback component to the volumeTrack that I've moved in X does not move with the volumeTrack. It just sits in it's original position and stays there until you mouseDown on it, then it pops over to the volume track's new position and behaves nicely.

I've tried to set volume on the fullScreen event, thinking it would pop the knob back into place over the track, but that doesn't work.... And I can't find any method of the FLVPlayback class that you can call to reevaluate the position of all of the UI elements to current, etc....

I also can't find any onClick handler for the assigned volume knob so that I could call it directly, etc. Does such a handler exist in the FLVPlayback class and I just can't see it??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Associate Custom Class With MovieClip - Variable Scope

Oct 25, 2008

I'm not an experienced Actionscript user so I'm not sure what the normal way to associate a custom class with a movieclip that has been designed in the Flash IDE is. I made a class called Window to control a movieclip called TestWindow. There are some buttons in the movieclip whose
functionality I would like to assign the instance of class Window. How is this supposed to be done? Here's a representation of what I mean. I hope it is sort of clear. My actual problem is that the local variables are outside the scope of the onPress function but I also think there must be some other way of associating classes with movieclips that have been designed in the IDE.

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String :: Flex - Embedded String Resource Encoding?

Apr 13, 2004

I embed a text file into my Flex project and read its contents using code like this:

[Embed(source = "../../data/abc.txt", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
private var r_Abc:Class;
var xx:ByteArray = new r_Abc();


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Flex :: Co-ordinate Loading Initial Values In Syncronized Combo-Boxes & List Box?

Jan 28, 2010

Environment: Flex/As3/Cairgorm/composite component.I have two comboboxes and two datagrids such that the selection of combobox 1, inserts data into combobox two and the fist datagrid.The selection of combobox 2 inserts data into datagrid 2.I have setup the change event so that the user selection on each of the combo boxes do the right thing. The problem is that on the initial load of the comboboxes, the change event does not fire and subsequent synchronization data loading does not happen.Is there an event for getting the itemselected (1st item) after the combobox is initialized?

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