ActionScript3 :: Flex : Programmatically Associate A RadioButton With A RadioButtonGroup?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a UI component that, for various reasons, I have to construct programatically. The component is a table of radio buttons grouped by column.Right now, I'm constructing the column groups like so:

private function createGroupsForItemList(items: XMLList): void {
for each (var item: XML in items) {
var rbGroup: RadioButtonGroup = new RadioButtonGroup();
groups[item.@level.toString()] = rbGroup;

I'm trying to associate the RadioButton instances with the column groups like so:

private function createValueControl(item: XML): UIComponent {
var control: RadioButton = new RadioButton();
control.label = "";


I can see in the debugger that the control has an association to the group: == groups[item.@level.toString()]

However, I can see equally that the group does not know anything about the control:

group.radioButtons.length == 0

I imagine that this is because the setter for group in RadioButton is a dumb setter; all it does is copy to the variable, which doesn't do the magic that groupName does. However, I can't seem to find the value I should use to set the RadioButton.groupName property correctly.So, in short, I'm stumped on how to get these bits to talk to each other. How do I do this?

-- EDIT -- It turns out that I can have the groups created and associated simply by setting the groupName property, but I can't get at the group to set up a selection listener; the group is NULL immediately after the setting process, which means that the second line below throws the Flex equivalent of an NPE:

control.groupName = groupNameForLevel(item);, updateSelection);

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<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx = "">


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Box xmlns:mx="[URL]" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
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<mx:RadioButton groupName="myButtonGroup" label="{answerB}" value="{answerB}"/>

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public var answerB:String;

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//change this RadioButton's fontWeight to bold


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Jan 5, 2011

lets say i have a

var rdGroup:RadioButtonGroup = new RadioButtonGroup();

how can i assign the id = "id_RdGroup";

and how can i add this group inside a VBox say

var vbBox:VBox = new VBox();

this thing gives error. that property id not found.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Jul 7, 2009

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Update: Bizarrely the solution to this seems to be setting the opacity of any object in the svg file whose gradient isn't displayed properly to a value below 1. Don't ask me why this works but it does. It does however have the unwanted side effect of the objects edges not being rendered as smoothly.

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