Flex :: Button Skins Return To Default?

Aug 20, 2011

I have a problem which involves skinned buttons returning to their default skins after certain actions occur in my application. Below I have included a partial screenshot where you can observe the problem.The left button is returned to its default skin after it was clicked (the click triggers a state transition). The right button is the default skinned button. Note that my mouse is neither over nor pressing the left button.The code for the Button Skin is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[ [code]......

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Actionscript 3 :: Where To Find The Default Flex 4.5 Skins

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex TextInput With Default Mobile Skins Automatically Regains Focus On Callout Close?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm working on a simple auto complete function for my Flex mobile app. For that I've got a CalloutButton that triggers a Callout.The Callout holds some lists from which the user can select items. On item select, the callout gets closed (calloutButton.closeDropDown())The very same behavior is done for a TextInput. The user inputs text, the callout opens and according to the entered text, the lists change. Works fine so far. Now, when the user selects an item from any of the lists, the callout closes. Also fine.Now the issue, after the callout is closed, the TextInput automatically regains focus.On a mobile device this is more than disturbing.

I narrowed this behavior down to the mobile TextInput skin spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin) since a TextInput without this skin class doesn't show this behavior.Now you might say just use the default skin instead but unfortunately I can't. The default skin has a bug with Android devices that doesn't pass though the enter event. That I could live with since I'n not necessarily dependent on the enter event, however, the spark mobile skin allows be to continue entering text in the TextInput even after the callout has been opened, which is desperately needed as the lists change according to the entered text.I can't provide any code as the problem has been narrowed down to the skinClass, thus should not be in my own code. Believe me, I tried every nice and not so nice method to prevent the TextInput from getting focus again, but nothing worked.

Edit:Below the steps of my application's behaviour. (to be fair, the workflow inside the callout is a little more complex, I'm working with several lists and a SplitViewNavigator here (thus can't use the Flextras autocomplete), but that doesn't affect the TextInput focus issue I'm facing).ter text in TextInputOn key change a Callout with two Lists is opened.The first List receives results according to the entered text from a webserviceUser selects item from listSecond list receives results according to selection from first list from webservice User selects item on second listCallout closes

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Flex :: Skinning - Use StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration To Set Button Skins?

Feb 9, 2010

I am trying to load an swf file which has button skins as images (In the library of the swf file i have given export properties which is 'TickMark') and set the skin of a flex button using StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration.I am getting errors like 'Argument count mismatch on TickMark(). Expected 2, got 0.'This is what i am trying to do:

private function init():void
loader = new Loader();[code].....

If I use the class GraphicClass in setStyleDeclaration, it works... but basically I want it dynamically.Or there are other easy methods to skin (image) a flex button dynamically?

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Flex - Build Efficient Button Skins With Larger Hitareas Than Visible Area?

Aug 3, 2011

What I'm trying to do: build a super simple button skin (say a small circle when in up state, slightly larger circle when in over / down states) that has a larger mouse hit area than visible area. In other words, I'd like the button to look like a 5x5 circle when in up state, but transition to over state when the mouse is in a 15x15 pixel area around such circle - in order to make clicking on the button easier.

What I've done in the past is to use a transparent ellipse behind the the visible ellipse. This works nicely but seems like a waste of memory (not much, although if you start having a lot of these buttons it adds up) and rendering cycles (transparency). I thought I could avoid this by wrapping the ellipse in a group with a given size and listen to its mouse events, but somehow no mouse events seem to fire on such a group - not sure why.

I guess I'd love to know if anyone knows an efficient way to do this. Also would love to know why such a group won't fire mouse events, but I guess that's secondary. Simple code snippet below:


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Flex :: Setting The Default Button In Preinitialization

Jul 29, 2011

I have a more than one container in a view. I am trying to set default button at the moment page is loaded so that when I press enter, function that handles keydown event called. If I simply set default button in preinit() function, it does not work.

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Flex :: Default Button Switcher By Using Event Listener?

Jul 29, 2011

make the nearest button to the clicked text input default. For this purpose, I wrote the below code.

why is my buttonSwitcher function following behind the MouseEvent.CLICK?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="addListeners()">


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Jun 20, 2010

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Actionscript :: Flex 4: Override The Default Button Functionality In A Skin Class?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a videoplayer with a custom skin class. I want to override the functionality of the fullscreen button. When I add an click event, the player still goes into fullscreen mode. How can I prevent the fullscreen event from firing?

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Flex :: How To Use Available Skins

Sep 24, 2011

How to use the skins shown on various sites e.g flex skin site into my flex project.

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Flash :: Using Skins Without Embedding In Css Doc And Swf In Flex?

Oct 23, 2009

The issue I am having is creating an application with nearly every component skinned using CSS. The majority of the components are skinned using:Embed(source="file.png");method. The problem I am running into, is flex trying to compile all of the embedded assets into the final swf. As it stands now, my compiled swf stands around 16mb!@@ OUCH. It is a very large application, but not that big. Any ideas on how to load the assets into the application at run time, or on request maybe?

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Flex :: Applying Skins Through Actionscript

Feb 25, 2010

I have a problem in applying the styles for scroll bar skins through actionscript.[code]How can we specify scaleGrid properties in the above statement?

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Flex :: Skins Not Loaded In Sub-applications ?

Jul 29, 2010

we try to develop a flash game engine with several abstraction layers. This flex project contains: an Application (1)-> loading a class (2)-> loading another class (3) which instanciates a Flex component (4).

The loadings uses SWFLoader. The last Flex component (4) is just a Group with AdvancedDataGrid. We do not define skins so I suppose it must take default skin.The problem is that during execution, an error is throwed because default skin for components cannot be found in the Flex component (4). In our case, for the AdvancedDataGrid:

Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.In mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx. The guilty command is: getStyle("headerSeparatorSkin"); which returns null

For the moment, we found two solutions :

the first solution is to add the attribute headerSeparatorSkin="spark.skins.SparkSkin" into the AdvancedDataGrid of the Flex component .

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Flex :: How To Make Progressbar Skins

Sep 29, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex How To Delete Skins

Feb 2, 2010

basically I want a list component but without the skin. So it looks like it's just floating over the stage area... Or is there a better way of doing this?

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Flex :: Skinning - HSlider - Set Different Skins For Different Thumbs?

Jul 1, 2009

I am going to use a HSlider to set a range of values. I would like the left thumb to look like ( and the right thumb to lok like ) so they appear to encompass the range like (range) instead of |range|. I only know how to set the skin for SliderThumb which will set the skin for both. Does anyone know of a way to set a different skin for each thumb?


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Flex :: Get An HSlider With Skins For Each Side Of Thumb?

Oct 12, 2009

I'd like to create an HSlider so that the skin of the track is different on either side of the thumb. So, for example, the track on the left side of the thumb is green, but red on the other.Is this possible or will it take a custom component?

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Flex :: Applying Dynamic Styles To Skins

Dec 24, 2009

I want to be able to style or set properties dynamically.[code]I want to be able to set these properties in the skin so the skin can be styled differently for each component that uses it.

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Flex :: Creating Programmatic Skins For Canvas

Mar 24, 2010

I am having 2 problems creating programmatic skin for Canvas.

First problem: I would like to have background with rounded corners and I am using GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex in order to have round corners for only the upper two corners. The problem is that drawRoundRectComplex takes for each corner one single parameter - the corner radius. However my scaleX and scaleY factors are different and in fact the corners are not properly rounded because I either can set the radius using scaleX or scaleY. Graphics.drawRoundRect is better because it takes two parameters for the corners - elipse width and height and then you could apply both scale factors but it doesn't allow me to specify different radius for different corners. How to use GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex when scaleX and scaleY are different.

Second problem: Even though I set my programmatic skin through style - <> the skin's updateDisplayList gets executed only once and after that somehow "backgroundImage" style gets "undefined" and my programmatic skin is not associated anymore to the Canvas instance. As a workaround I am setting on each resize event "backgroundImage" style again but this is ugly. What could cause such "silent" resetting of the "backgroundImage" style to undefined?

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Flex :: Possible To Use Different Skins In A Class Based On Some Conditions?

Apr 21, 2011

We are building an application which is using skin classes in mxml. We plan to build different variants of this application for different user segments, where most of the functionality remains same but only skins vary based on the user segment.We are adding skins to the application by the following syntax:

<s:BorderContainer id="Banner" height="15%" width="100%" skinClass="mySkins.backgroundSkin"/>

Is there a way we can have a skin based on some conditioni.e if usersegment = "A" then use myskins.backgroundSkin1, else use myskins.backgroundSkin2?

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Flex :: Customization - Use Different Skins For Different Components Or To Use Just One Big Css That Has All The Styles Together?

Aug 11, 2011

When you have a flex project, is it better to use different skins for different components or to use just one big css that has all the styles together?

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Flex :: Difference B/w Skins And CSS Themes In Flash Builder

May 14, 2010

1- why we need skins for every elements if we can style our application using CSS file. for example in theme Graphite in SDK's Sample consists of both CSS+.fla and skins---.mxml files.

2- How we can create a whole theme with out coding CSS.

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Flex :: Set The Gradient Background Color For Panel Via Skins?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to set the gradient background color for my panel via skins. I try to change my code but nothing seems to change. Not sure what to do.

My skin file

/<!-- layer 2: background fill --/>
<!--- Defines the appearance of the PanelSkin class's background. -->
<s:Rect id="background" left="1" top="1" right="1" bottom="1">


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Flex :: Use FXG Or Bitmap Images To Create Custom Skins?

Sep 6, 2010

I need to create a lot of custom Flex 4 skins, in most of the examples I found on the web people use FXG in order to create the skins but if a lot of the icons I use are not resizeable should I still use FXG or better use just plain old bitmap images (jpg. png)?

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Flash :: Design Tools For Creating Skins For Flex 4 Components

May 11, 2010

I'm looking for a tool to create just the skins for different kinds of Flex 4 components.I'd like to be able to create the components myself and have the designer/artist do the skin, but I don't think they'd like the idea of doing them by writing MXML files.

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Flex :: Spark Skins : Blue Drop Shadow On Focus?

May 26, 2010

I'm currently experimenting flex 4 skinning. I successfully skinned most of the components i need for my application, but i can't find a way to avoid this damn blue drop shadow which is displayed when u'r focused on a textfield or a combobox.

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Flex :: Control The Mouseover Color For A TabBarButton Using Spark Skins?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm trying to get a spark tab bar to have a selected tab that does not change color on mouseover. I'm trying to implement this by working with a skin based on the skin spark.skins.spark.TabBarButtonSkin, but despite turning off the shadows on the selected and overAndSelected states, it still shows a dark color on mouseover.

Here's the relevant skin:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Flex :: Spark - Skins ArrayCollection As Dataprovider To An ItemRenderer Of A List?

May 4, 2011

Objective:I would like to pass Skins to an itemRenderer (which is a Button) of a List, and be able to skin every button in that List.This is what I have:


<s:List itemRenderer="renderers.ItemRenderer" dataProvider="{collectionWorkspace}" />


<s:ArrayCollection id="collectionWorkspace">
<comp:Layout1 />[code]...

I get an error (fixed for clarification):Error: Skin for Application....Button1 cannot be found.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return To Default Cursor From A Custom Cursor?

Oct 24, 2011

I'm working on an AS3 flash animation where I am using a custom cursor. At the end of the animation I want to default back to the regular arrow/hand cursor

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Alert Control: Activating The "default" Button On Enter/space Key-press?

Dec 17, 2009

No matter what I try, I can't seem to fire the click event on the "default" button in an Alert control in a Flex 3.4 application.


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