Flex :: CurrentStateChange And CurrentStateChanging Do Not Fire?

Dec 15, 2009

I wanted to use the currentStateChange event in my application but whatever code being called in this event was not executed so I thought may be there's something wrong with my code so I tried testing it on one of the examples in adobe live docs.So I took this example here

<mx:State name="One">
<mx:SetProperty target="{p1}" name="x" value="110"/>[code]....

And all what I did is placing an alert in both events currentStateChange and currentStateChanging of panel One and I didn't get the alerts when clicking on the panel.I also tried replacing the inline code with a call to a function that makes the alert also nothing happened.

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Flex :: Air - Event Will Only Fire Once

Oct 12, 2009

In an AIR application, I have a private variable and a setter:


The first time that I set "saveResult" the event fires. But it will never fire again unless I restart the application. If I change the setter to:


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Flex :: Get ChangeWatcher To Fire When XML Is Appended To?

Feb 25, 2010

So I had a requirement to add an undo function to my app and I discovered this nifty ChangeWatcher class, but it's not doing exactly what I want and I'm hoping someone knows how.ChangeWatcher seems to monitor assignments to the variable reference. So when I say:

myXML = <xml/>

it fires off it's function just fine and dandy, but when I say: myXML.appendChild(thisOtherXMLVar)

I get nothing, even though the variable changes the reference doesn't so ChangeWatcher doesn't fire off the function.how to get ChangeWatcher to pick up on all changes to a variable?

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Flex :: Roll_out Event Fire In Code?

May 24, 2010

I have made this short example to demonstrate some problems I'm having.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">


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Flex :: Event.Complete Does Not Fire When Loading A URL?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm an experienced AS developer, but this is something very basic about flex that I can't figure out. In the class below, I'm not sure why the function imageLoaded would not be executed when the image loads a url. Is there a race condition happening here? The application is completely loaded by the time this object is created and setPicture is called. How can I get the Event.COMPLETE event to fire properly in this case?The line and Log.info functions are conveniences for me, and they definitely work. Here's my MXML definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<photo:PhotoClass xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:photo="com.xxx.widgets.photo.*">


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Flex :: Does Fire An Event After A Chart Is Rendered In UI

Sep 7, 2011

I am looking for an event which is fired (if any) after a chart is rendered (visible in UI) in Flash, we are using Flex SDK 3.0. We have to capture the screenshot after the chart is rendered, current implementation adds a huge delay in update_complete event callback, this is slowing down the whole job of generating images. I tried to use EXIT_FRAME event, but this doesn't seem to serve the purpose.

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Flex :: HTML Control's Event Won't Fire?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm having trouble firing or capturing the results of an event firing.

Here's the current code...

<s:Panel id="instructionsPanel" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" title="Register">
<mx:HTML id="htmlViewer" left="10" right="10" top="0" bottom="10"


What's happening is that the user fills out a form in the HTML Viewer, then when they click the submit button I want to be notified of the page change.

If they land on URL A, then they'll be shown one message. If they land on URL B, they'll be shown another.

However, the event isn't firing.


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Flex :: Fire Event Off YesNo Alert Box

Oct 9, 2011

This is very basic and there are samples out there, but I am still struggling.

I need to fire an alert with a yes/no option.

I need to do this in actionscript.

Alert.show("Open new tab to search in Google Maps?","No places found", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, alertListener, null, Alert.NO);[code]...

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Flex :: Have A Button Not Fire On Space Key If It Has Focus?

Jun 11, 2009

The behavior I'm trying to prevent is after a user clicks on a button, the button retains focus, and then if the user hits the space key, the button fires again. So I thought it could be solved either by setting the focus elsewhere, or by having the button ignore the space key. I've tried adding the following keyDown event listener on the button, but it didn't work.

private function btn_keyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
// try to ignore spaces, i.e. don't click on SPACE when it has focus
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE) {

I tried changing focus by doing the following, at the end of the function that's called when the button is clicked:

stage.focus = parent;

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Flex :: Embedded Button.swf Does Not Fire CLICK Event?

Aug 9, 2010

i'm trying to embed a swf to my as3 flex project like this:

[Embed(source = "../assets/next_button.swf")]
protected var nextButtonClass:Class;
protected var next_btn:MovieClip = next_btn = new nextButtonClass() as MovieClip;
// ...
next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onAdChange);

next_button.swf is as2 and created with adobe flash cs4. there is a single button inside it.

if i change type of button symbol to movieclip at next_button.fla, there is no problem at passing CLICK event.

i tried to cast next_btn to mx.controls.Button and fl.controls.Button classes, next_btn is becoming null in that case.

by the way button is reacting mouseover and click events properly just doesn't pass it to upper swf.

is there any trick i can do to pass Button events to my container swf?

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ActionScript 3 :: Empty Space Of Canvas Does Not Fire Events In Flex

Dec 6, 2011

The empty space of a canvas does not fire events. My problem is I have a canvas in an application that shows a diagram consisting of different figures, but the canvas empty places do not trigger the events that I need, as the rollover. How I can make my canvas trigger events even in the empty spaces? I have set the background Color, mouseEnabled, color, border, alpha, opaqueBackground, etc, and nothing works. I'm using Flex 4, and I have to use only a mx:Canvas.

Here is the event listener registration:
canDiagram.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, function(event:MouseEvent):void{if(actualCursor != null){CursorManager.setCursor(actualCursor,2,-10,-10);}},true);
canDiagram.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, function(event:MouseEvent):void{CursorManager.removeAllCursors();},true);

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Flex :: Events - MouseEvent Doesn't Fire When Mouse Stays Over Element

Apr 23, 2010

i'm trying to make a scrollable box, when a mouse enters and STAYS on "wrapper"'s area, "pubsBox" moves 10 pixels to the left.

<mx:Canvas id="wrapper" height="80" width="750">
<mx:HBox id="pubsBox" horizontalGap="10" height="80" width="100%" />

My problem is that I'm not sure how to make the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER work, to recognize that the mouse is still ON the area and so pubsBox should continue to move 10 pixels to the left every second. I understand that i have to use a Timer, but what I'm concerned about is the fact that I can't get Flex to recognize that the mouse is still OVER "wrapper" and continue firing the event.

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Flex :: Flext Text Link Event Doesn't Fire Until Clicked It Twice?

Jun 22, 2010

I've got a canvas within which I have a list. The renderer for this list calls upon a "Text" field, with the "link" element of this field set to a function. The "htmlText" of the field is set dynamically to a mixture of words and links. Basically the function checks to see which tag within the htmlText has been clicked and performs an event accordingly.However, you have to click the link twice for anything to happen. Whilst debugging the code I noticed that the function referenced by the "link" element isn't actually even called until the 2nd click.

link="{lbl_link(event)}" />

I've changed the code a little bit to make it easier to follow, but the ActionScript is roughly as follows:

private function creationComplete():void {
textCanvas.htmlText = "Hello <a href='event:username'>" + username + "</a>";


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Flex :: Adobe Image Event.COMPLETE Does Not Fire In Release Mode?

Jan 31, 2011

set some filters on the bitmap after it has been loaded.During development (Debug mode), everything worked and the even has been fired just fine.But now I switched to Release mode and the complete event doesn't fire anymore.To load the image, I set the source property of the image to an URL that points to a PNG image. That does still work in release mode, so the image appears correctly.It's just that the "complete" event doesn't fire, no matter what I try.

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Flex :: Spark Button - Why Pressing Enter Key Not Fire Click Event

Sep 8, 2011

How do I detect the enter key being pressed on my button and fire the click event handler? (For example on a TextInput field there is an 'enter' event).

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Flex :: Do Google Maps Flash API Markers Fire Event When Added To Stage?

Apr 1, 2010

With the Google Maps Flash API, I want to add an event listener which fires when the Marker is added to the Map using
is not fired, though it seems logical. What are the alternatives?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 - Event Doesn't Fire When The User Scrolls With A Mouse Wheel Or Arrow Keys

Dec 8, 2010

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Flex :: Fire Tree ItemClick Event On Setting Tree.selectedItem In Air?

Oct 30, 2009

I am working on Air application,i had a problem on Tree control.Iam adding nodes for the tree dynamically, while adding nodes to the tree i am setting Tree.selectedItem as present added node. after that i need to fire Tree.itemClick event handler method also.how can i call event handler method as a common method. in Flex3

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How To Fire A Missile By Clicking

Mar 14, 2009

ok, now that i have the cursor and following the mouse done, i need to find out how to fire a missile by clicking.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VideoProgressEvent Does Not Fire?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a VideoProgressEvent on my FLVPlayback but when I test the video I get these in the log:
_streamLength = NaNcalling getStreamLengthcalling getStreamLengthResult(880.821)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Key Presses To Fire Only Once?

Sep 19, 2007

I set up some code to record key presses and specific chords. My problem is that I only want the keys to fire once when pressed. This is especially a problem when I require the user to hold CTRL + LEFT for an action.

The user experience is that I want users to hold down CTRL to enter a mode and then press the LEFT key as many times as needed. Currently, the CTRL trace and LEFT trace fire continuously. Is there a way to do a onKeyRelease?

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {


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IDE :: SoundChannel.SOUND_COMPLETE Won't Fire

Jan 12, 2009

i have a little flash-player with a playlist and so, it plays normally a vlc-mp3-stream but has an extended prelisten-function (wich plays the mp3's directly via http, secured with a password)i've got an array with 2 Sound()-objects (for preloading purposes), the code looks like this :

playStream = url=="";
if (playStream) {
SoundObjects[SN].load(new URLRequest("http://" + URL + ":8001/MIRstream.mp3?" + Math.random()), sloader);
} else {


this works for the vlc stream (which is not continuos), but not for the mp3s on the http-server in my opinion, this doesn't makes sense..except, maybe the recent CSRF-hardcore-paranoia [URL]

PS: i use AS3 with flex_sdk_3.2.0.3794 and flashdevelop (i activated flash10-support, but it still works in fp9)

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IDE :: Can't Get Any Script To Fire Off The Timeline

Jul 27, 2009

This may seem totally impossible - but I can't get any script to fire off the timeline. I have been given an fla, big animation about 15000 frames long, and no script will run from the timeline. I have tried everything - reset classpaths, delete ASO file, rebuilt a fresh project from the original project's layers... There are no compiler errors If anyone has experienced this then lend me a hand...I'm about to tear my last piece of hair out!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Timer To Fire Randomly?

Sep 20, 2008

how on earth do you get a timer to fire randomly? I've had little practice with timers but thought this would be a simply task to complete but cant figure out?

i've got a movieclip which"pulses" using the EnterFrame event, but would also like something else happen to this clip atrandom intervals using a timer. i've tried "timer = new Timer(Math.random() * 1000); but nothing - it just fires for the first time at a random time, then at set intervals after that....

how do you get it to randomly dispatch?

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Flash :: Make A Realistic Fire Using Pro?

Nov 11, 2011

when i saw this website. I learn some techniques but i really love that fire effect. how to do that?Or any other program. The site:[URL]..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fire A Function Once A Frame?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a series of symbols on my stage which represent lamps. Once a frame, I want to randomly select a lamp and switch it on if its off, or off if its on; I already have a working function which does this.

I have tried to use the onEnterFrame function to try and fire this function once a frame, but I don't seem to be having much luck, largely because I do not know how to use onEnterFrame correctly. So I have a movie where my function is fired only once when it is first run.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Cannon Fire?

May 8, 2011

Me and my friend are making a sidescrolling shooter to learn ActionScript 3. But we can't make our cannon shoot the cannonball. Here is the cannon.as

ActionScript Code:
package com.edwardothesheep
 import flash.display.*;[code]....

And this is the error it gives:

TypeError:::Stage@1fc34b51 to flash.display.MovieClip.
at com.edwardothesheep::cannon/shoot()[C:UsersIanDownloadscannontestcannontestcome dwardothesheepcannon.as:33]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not All Mouse Events Fire?

Sep 19, 2011

I am making a custom scrolling list (smart phone like) in actionscript 3 and have the parent contianer catch mouseEvents for MOUSE_UP and MOUSE_ DOWN.Sometimes the mouse up event is missed, maybe one in 20. Does this happen if the events fire to rapidly? I do not want to use the MOUSE_ CLICK event beacuse if the mouse pointer moved at all I want the list to scroll and not catch a Click event.[code]Can I somehow ensure that all events are fired?Or if not can I somehow get mouse button states directly from flash? Not via the mouse event object, but in onEnterFrame().

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Actionscript 3.0 :: SWF Fire A Javascript Function?

Feb 18, 2009

I've managed to design myself a pretty awesome little conundrum and I know there are some kickass Flash peoples here I'm working on site for a friend of mine in class. I built a Flash website for them, but I didn't want to make Flash based MessageBoards and Blogs, so I built those in PHP. You can see the website at: [URL] I can simply link away from the Flash website to the Messageboards [URL] But instead, i want the boards to slide down OVER the Flash website using Ajax and Mootools and Absolute positioning the div containing the Messageboard. That part's not important, what's important is...

How do I get my "the.BOARD:" btn, in the Flash site, to fire the Javascript function that'll make the ajax call and slide the div out over the flash site? Lets say the function is called "moveBoard();" Does anyone know of a way to fire this js function from the CLICK of a moveiclip in Flash? Let me know if anyone needs alittle more information.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: SOUND_COMPLETE Event Will Not Fire

Sep 28, 2010

Working on an mp3 player that i have cobbled together myself, bit rusty on the as3 so im sure it could be improved in many ways but the it works apart from that i cannot get the SOUND_COMPLETE event to fire at the end of a track, thus playing the next track. I have looked on this forum and others but cannot seem to get this to work


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